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"Raven." He chased her throughout the hallway. Of course Raven hadn't forgiven him. He lied to her the whole time she came back, who actually expected her to? Still, though, he continued to follow her and try to retain her approval. Why? Because this time, she was back, yeah. She was right there. And yet, he couldn't have her. Even if he tried.

"Raven!" He shouted a little louder. She could hear him. She was aware of his desperate state. But she didn't listen to his words. She was all too focused on how he lied, replaced, and betrayed her to even consider a single word of what he was saying. And so, Raven simply continued on her walk to the lunchroom.


The hallway went silent. Damian was the richest, most envied person at school, so, naturally, everyone had the gossip on him. It was common knowledge around the school that the single person Damian called beloved was Mar'i. Mar'i only. So them hearing him yell it out when Mar'i wasn't even there was something nobody expected to hear.

Raven stopped in her tracks, turning around slowly. She was just as stunned as everyone in the room, "What did you say?"

"I said beloved."

"I am not your 'beloved' anymore, Damian." She crossed her arms, turned on her heel, and continued walking to her class.

* * *

Soon after, all the latest gossip around the school was about the events surrounding it. Everyone had their own version of the story; Raven forgiving him, him kissing her, her punching him, along with other rumors.

But what had really happened was just that. Raven didn't forgive him. Damian knew what the consequence for kissing her with her clear resentment to him and his actions would be. She didn't just yet feel the need to punch him -keyword being "yet".

"Dude!" Garfield slammed his tray down next to hers during lunch, startling her out of her half tired state and causing her to look up at the source of the noise. "Literally everything I hear is about you and The Brat! Did you actually agree to sucking him in the parking lot after class?"

Raven's eyes widened at the new rumor he had heard, then, of course let her hand smack him upside the head. "What the hell, Gar! Who do you take me for!" She rolled her eyes then continued to eat the taco salad on her tray. "All that happened was him trying to get me back and I rejected. Nobody agreed to oral sex -or any sex, for that matter. Where the hell did you get that idea?"

"Saw it on Twitter." The boy shrugged and seated himself next to her, "How does it feel?"

She pushed her tray off to the side, laying her head down against the base of her arms, "Turning down and hurting the guy I loved, slash, might just still love?" Some mixture of a groan and a sigh escaped her lips before muttering... "Just great."

"No! Not that. That sounds too.. depressing."

"Then what?"

"Being school famous! Welcome to the top, momma!" He wrapped an arm around Raven and pulled her closer.

"Amazing. I love being rumored to agree to suck someone off in the parking lot. It's simply the best!" She repeatedly smacked her forehead against the wood of the lunch table. "Please. Kill me."

"Hmm.. No can do, Rae. How am I going to get back at Damian if you're dead?"

"You're not. He's been through enough, Garfield, you aren't going to make him even worse."

"Oh, I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Garfield giggled before his other friends called them to their table. "I'll text you during science. Try not to kill anyone, including yourself." He took his tray and ran off to the other table.

Once again, Raven sat alone. It wasn't much of a change, honestly. She constantly sat alone during lunch, as her only friends had moved on from her.

And, after the whole ordeal with Damian, she got used to being alone.

* * *

Mar'i had been curious as to why her boyfriend had been so distant the whole day. He was usually the type of overprotective boyfriend that wouldn't allow her to leave his side. But today she wasn't immune to the "back off" type of aura that he gave off as she usually was.

He didn't seem focused on anything either. Normally, Damian listened contently to her stories about the dream she had the night before, something that happened with her family she found amusing, among other things. Today, though, Damian was distraught. Neither was Mar'i for gossip, so she hadn't yet heard about the events prior.

Once again, the keyword being "yet".

She hadn't thought much of his body language. She was the type to stay on the bright side no matter what, so instead of addressing the problem to him, she smiled and ignored it

Which was a clear mistake in itself.

* * *

He shouldn't have done it. He simply should've went home. But no, it was already done and he couldn't take it back. What was "it", exactly? Well, for starters, it was one of the biggest mistakes Damian had made during the whole situation.

"What do I have to do to get you to forgive me, Raven?"

"Die." Raven slung her bag over her shoulder, shrugged, then began to walk away. Damian, of course, then followed her. But that didn't exactly come as a surprise.

"Break up with Mar'i? Done, Rae. That can be arranged."

The timing right then was impeccable. Because just when he said that, Mar'i walked into the scene curiously, as she had wondered what the cause for the collection of people that had formed in the middle of the hallway. Then, just as she pushed her way to the center, was when Damian made the mistake which would complicate all three of their lives even more than they already were. He grabbed Raven by the waist, pressed her body against his, and did something he hadn't done for over two years.

He kissed Raven.

And that moment was when things began to really heat up.

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