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Ehehe... I've had a couple requests to write a prequel thing for my Common Sense story, and I finally figured out how I wanted to do it. So... here ya go!

Disclaimer: I'm not Thomas. Nor am I Joan, or Talyn, or anyone else who might have the slightest chance of claiming the Sanders Sides as their own, so it's safe to bet that I do not own them.

Thomas hummed to himself as he quickly slipped on a pair of sandals. After reassuring himself that his keys were in his pocket, just in case he somehow got locked out of his house in the next thirty seconds or so, he pulled open the front door and stepped outside.

It was a hot day outside, as it usually was, and Thomas's humming cut itself short as he cursed himself for not grabbing his sunglasses. He contemplated running back inside to find them, but decided against it. He was just going to get the mail, after all.

Walking across the grass, he squinted through the bright sunlight in the general direction of his mailbox. His humming started up again, 'Out there' from The Hunchback of Notre Dame vibrating in his throat. Of course, thinking of Disney got him thinking of new vine ideas. Maybe he could come up with another Disney prank from The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Or maybe he should just make another with his Prince character? That sounded like fun.

Opening his mailbox, Thomas reached a hand in and pulled out quite a bit of mail. Pausing in his humming briefly, he began to sift through it. There were a few bills, as per usual, but also a yellow package! Grinning, he quickly shut the lid and ran back inside. Dumping the bills onto the dining table, he ripped open the top of the package and peeked inside.


It was his new phone case, the "gift" that the birthday money from his father had paid for. Pulling the colorful plastic out, Thomas was about to put it onto his phone when he noticed something else. Instantly, his day became three times better. Smiling somehow wider, he ripped open the package until it was, essentially inside out. His eyes sparkled with glee, because.the entire inside of the yellow envelope was covered in-

"Bubble wrap!"

The envelope was swiped out of Thomas's hands before he could even blink, the sound of popping bubble wrap and delighted giggles following soon after. Thomas couldn't move he was so in shock.

There was someone in his house!

Spinning around to face the intruder, grabbing a nearby chair in case he needed to throw something, the brunet nearly fell over at the sight before him. His jaw dropped. It was... him. Literally, him. The guy had his face... and he was dressed in his... Dad character outfit?

The other 'Thomas' didn't seem notice the gaping boy at first. He was too busy having fun with the bubble wrap, popping the bubbles in a random pattern and occasionally reaching up to push his glasses further up the bridge of nose. It was silent in the living room, save for the soft 'snap' of each burst bubble of plastic.

The intruder wearing Thomas's 'Dad' outfit got through maybe half of the bubble wrap before he paused, smile dying a bit. He looking up. Thomas was still staring at him. Immediately, his big smile was back in place.

Straightening his back, he waved cheerfully, "Oh, hey there, Kiddo! I should probably-"


"AHHHH!" They scrambled away from each other, the Dad character nearly falling over the back of the couch in his haste. He stopped screaming first, and continued to stare at Thomas... who was still screaming.

It didn't take much longer before Thomas ran out of air. He gasped a few times, face red from exertion. His Dad character looked upset, but more in a concerned sort of way. And no wonder... Thomas had black dots swimming in his vision from lack of air. How long had he been screaming.

"Um..." the other flinched slightly, but when Thomas didn't start screaming again, he perked up slightly and smiled, "Oopsie. Probably should've given ya a bit of a warning, huh, Kiddo? Don't worry. I'll just pop," he held up the bubble wrap and popped it with his thumb, "on out of here until you're ready to chat! Sound good, Champ?"

Before Thomas could even possibly think of a response to that, the other guy sunk down into the floor, vanishing entirely.

Another minute passed by before the brunet could move. His knees protested, having been held in a slightly bent and uncomfortable position for a bit too long for their liking, but he ignored the ache. Inching towards his couch, he whipped his head around the living room. There... wasn't anyone in the room. And there was nowhere the other guy could've gone... except...

Lightheaded, Thomas collapsed sideways onto the couch, letting out a great huff of air as he did so. Groaning at the sudden headache he had, he rolled onto his back to stare at the ceiling. Nothing about the past five minutes made any sense.

Maybe it was a dream? I'm on the couch... did I take a nap?

Sitting up, Thomas glanced over to the table. His bills were still there... as was his new phone case...

But the bubble wrap it had come in was gone.

Thomas fell backwards again. This was going to be a loooong day.

So... what do you all think? I know it's kinda short, but I'd already written about the scene in my Common Sense story, so I didn't have a lot of wiggle room.

I do have three more chapters planned out for this story, and I'm currently working on a fourth and fifth chapter for 'Common Sense'. Hopefully they'll be finished soon for those of you waiting.

If you liked this, please vote and maybe give me a comment! I love hearing from you all!

See you next chapter!

The Different Parts of Me (A prequel to Common Sense)Where stories live. Discover now