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I'm procrastinating another story I'm trying to write, so here I am! I'm happy with all the positive feedback my first chapter got. Hopefully you like this one, too!

Disclaimer: No.

Thomas took a deep breath in... and out. He did his best to straighten out his back as he sat on the couch, but it was more difficult that he anticipated. This was possibly the most nerve-wracking thing he had done in the past year, only vaguely overshadowed by that big audition he tanked...

Shaking his head, he took another steadying breath. No, he wasn't going to back out now. It had taken him this long to come to terms with it, and now he wanted some answers. The only thing left to do was... call up his Dad character.

Feeling kinda dumb, Thomas announced to his empty living room, "Hey... uh, Dad guy? You there? I-I think I'm ready to talk now."

Immediately the other him popped out by the window blinds. Thomas, who had been watching the entire room like a hawk finally witnessed his doppleganger rise up from the carpet. He swallowed nervously even as the smiling man bounded over with a cheerful, "What's going on, Kiddo? Finally ready to talk to your old man?"

"I-I..." Thomas wanted to mention that he wasn't actually the other's son, at least he hoped he wasn't, but decided to leave it alone at the moment lest he anger the other, "I... yeah, I am. Um... I was kinda hoping that you could-"

"Are you gonna finish those?"

"-expl...ah, what?"

The other was staring at the tabletop in hope, his left leg bouncing with energy. Confused, Thomas followed the other's line of sight and spotted the plate of chocolate-chip cookies he had set out. He'd been thinking on this exact moment for quite some time now, and as it turned out... he stress-baked.

"Well, if you want some then-" before he could even finish his thought the Dad character was up and snatching the cookies, already munching on one with a pleased hum. Thomas was at a bit of a loss. This guy seemed a little... scatterbrained.

Thomas cleared his throat, "Um... excuse me?" The other shoved another cookie into his mouth, "Hey, I really want to talk to you... um... Dad-guy?"

"Oh, you can call me Morality, Kiddo."

"I-ah-wai-what? Morality?"

"Yeah! That's my proper name, anyways."

"Wh...why are you called Morality?"

The other -ah, Morality- spread his hands as to gesture to all of him, nearly spilling the cookies in the process, "Because that's what I represent in you, Thomas. I am your sense of right and wrong, or your moral compass! I mean, I contribute a couple other things, too, but my primary function is to be-"

"-my... Morality."

"There ya' go! I know it's kinda confusing, but that's how Teach always explains it."

Thomas suddenly raised his hands in a 'time-out' gesture, "Pump the brakes. 'Teach'?"

"Yeah, Logic!"

"Lo- There are more of you?" For some reason, Thomas felt a little... excited at the idea of more people like Morality. Sure, it had freaked him out at first but... suddenly it didn't seem so scary. Morality wasn't scary. He was pretty... cool. And he liked Thomas' baking, so that was a plus.

Morality quickly polished off the rest of the cookies before answering, "Sure! There's quite a few of us. It started out with me and Logic, and then came Creativity and Anxiety and a whole bunch more and we... well we're basically..." he narrowed his eyes, pouting as he thought it over. Thomas felt like his head was spinning. "Ya'know... you should probably talk to Logic about this. He's better at answering these questions."

The Different Parts of Me (A prequel to Common Sense)Where stories live. Discover now