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Hi everyone! I know this has taken a long time, and I'm sorry. I hope you like it all the same!

I never really noticed it before... but it's hard to not go dialogue-heavy with SanderSides fanfiction... cause all of the videos are dialogue-heavy. Huh.

Disclaimer: No, I don't.

"UuuuAUGH!" Thomas tossed his pen down, running his fingers through his hair. He hated tax season! Smart though he may be, taxes were made to simply be frustrating, no matter what. If Thomas had more money he'd probably just save himself the hassle and hire an accountant. Just so that someone could do it other than himself!

Rubbing his hands across his face, the man muttered in a joking manner, "Hey, Logic? Mind helping me out here?"

"You forgot to include rent expense."

"Woah!" Thomas nearly fell out of his seat, shocked by his Logic's sudden appearance. The other simply watched as he took a number of deep breaths. If Thomas didn't know better, he'd almost say the Logical aspect was amused. "Um... a little warning would be appreciated next time."

"I don't understand. You called me, and I came. Is that not what you wanted?"

"Wait, you mean you guys have to come out when I call your name?"

"In essence, yes. Though a more appropriate term is 'summoning'. We exist to assist you in your life, and it seems as though you have a stronger pull on us in a way that can bring us to the physical world."

"Huh..." Thomas made a mental note to never talk about them when he had company over, "So, if I were to have asked Morality to help me with my taxes-"

"Kiddo, you really should learn to do them yourself."

"Aaah!" Thomas jerked to the other side of his chair, once again almost falling to the floor, "Morality?"

"That's me. And I'm being serious, you can't just call us out here whenever you need to do something like an adult."

"Morality, there is no shame in asking for help. Besides, I am still a part of him-"

"But he has to learn to do things by himself! What if he starts asking me start cooking for him?"

Thomas blinked as the two continued to bicker back and forth, the chair he was sitting in now feeling more like a battlefield. One that seemed oddly familiar. How many times have these two argued over something like this?

There was a faint tickle at the back of his head, like someone was pressing their index finger against his scalp. Thomas scratched at it, but the feeling didn't disappear. It just grew... and grew... and-

"Greetings, Thomas!"


This time Thomas' whole chair tipped backwards, spilling the man onto the carpet. Heaving a breath, he sat up, staring at the three people in the room also wearing his face. Three! There was a new one! And he was wearing Thomas' Prince outfit!

At the sudden appearance Morality seemed to forget completely about his little squabble with Logic, beaming at the new guy and clapping his hands, "Oh, goody! Princey, you're here, too!"

Logic sighed, but didn't comment further.

Thomas couldn't do much more than stare as the Prince let his arms fall from their... rather dramatic pose as he began strutting around the table, "Apologies, my liege. Let me assist you." With much more strength than Thomas knew he possessed himself, the Prince grabbed his hand and pulled Thomas up to his feet. The man stumbled a little before standing up straight.

The Different Parts of Me (A prequel to Common Sense)Where stories live. Discover now