World meets a brave Maya

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Lucas and Maya woke up from the bang of a door. They both blushed and jumped away when they noticed the compromising positions they both found themselves in. None of them got to speak a word before Lucas' mom, Susan, walked into the living-room.

"Maya, dear, you came back!" Susan exclaimed, surprised but very happy at the same time.

Susan adored the blonde girl and could not wait to have for her oblivious son to finally realize he was madly in love with her. And from the looks Lucas was sending to the back of Maya she didn't have to wait any longer.

"Miss. Friar, it's nice to see you again. How have you been?" Maya greeted her with a warm smile, she liked Susan very much- she was like a second Topanga.

Lucas was still shocked every time she saw Maya interact with his parents, she still was the same witty and funny Maya but she showed that she could also be very polite when she wants to.

"Maya, how many times have I told you to call me Susan" Miss. Friar scolded the girl gently "Tell me, are you staying for dinner?"

"Oh, I can't impose on you like that" Maya rapidly shot down the offer.

"Don't talk like that, you would never impose on us sweetheart. If anything we would be very grateful, as neither my husband or older son will be joining us tonight. Both of them very busy with university and work" Susan replied "Please stay, I am making tacos"

How could Maya turn down her favorite food? She stayed and surprisingly enough had a pleasant night with the Friars. She continued being the polite angel Susan thought of her but also continued teasing Lucas on the side. Who didn't stay quiet and take the teasing but returned it. Susan smiled secretively at the two of them, giggling on the inside about how they looked like an old married couple.

"Thank you again for a delicious dinner, Miss... I mean, Susan" Maya thanked her, as she left the Friar home "What are you doing ranger boy?" she asked Lucas as she noticed him following her.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk you home" he replied.

"No need, it isn't like I haven't done it before" Maya said not giving it that much of a though, oblivious of the anger that her words caused Lucas.

"Miss and Professor Matthews allowed you to walk home on your own so late before?!" he practically screamed in disbelief "How could they?! Do they not know how much trouble you could have had?!"

"Wow! Hold your horses cowboy!" Maya told Lucas, surprised by the strong reaction she caused on her friend "I am fine, nothing happened to me"

"But it could have happened!" he snapped back, silencing Maya "I know you care about them very much but you cannot negate how dangerous is for a girl your age walk into your neighborhood so late" Maya could not object to his point "I am walking you home, this is final"

None of them spoke another word, it was only until they finished their journey in the subway that Maya broke the silence.

"About before... I did not mean to fall asleep on you" the blonde girl said, that was the closest of an apology the boy would get from her.

"I didn't mind it... if anything I quite liked it and wouldn't mind a repeat" Lucas replied shamelessly. Maya whipped her head towards him, eyes wide in surprise. The boy simply smiled and gently took her hand on his "I noticed something today. Something so clear that makes me want to slap myself for being such an oblivious fool" he chuckled to himself, eyes never leaving those clear blue orbes he loves so much "I like you Maya"

"N-no, y-you don't like me! You like Riley!" she protested, not believing him... not wanting to believe him. She tried to escape, to run and hide but he did not allow it, holding her hand tighter "Let me go!"

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