World meets the first time.

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Smakle had just finished her explanation of page 73 of the class's health book, leaving a traumatized Farkle, Riley and Cory, a confused Zay and a very amused golden couple- who already knew all of that as their parents sat them down to explain it throughly, they did not want to be grandparents so soon after all.

Sometimes life gets bitter

I get strung out, caught in the middle

And I can't breathe

I just need a little taste of paradise

I know a place I can escape to

Where I go, troubles never break through

The grass is greener, my head is clearer

I got peace of mind when I fall into your eyes

"I can't erase that... I am scared for life..." mumbled a traumatized Riley as she and her gang were leaving health class "Why did this have to happen?"

"Well, you did not like Mr. Fanucci and wanted someone new. You got someone new" said Lucas amused by the hole situation, laughing a bit.

"This is not funny Lucas!" Riley exclaimed "That's my dad! I don't want to hear that from my dad!"

"Riles, sweetie, you do know that most boys and girls learn about the body and sex from their parents, don't you?" Maya asked her softly, as amused as she was about the whole situation her Thunder always comes first.

"W-what?! W-why?!" the brunette shouted, gaining many curious looks.

The gang soon moved somewhere else before Maya answer: "Well, because our parents do not want us to be involved in a teenage pregnancy"

"D-did you parent have the... talk with you?" Riley asked, curiously and horrified by the whole idea.

"Yes" Lucas was the one who answered "You are lucky that Charles' family and yours isn't as close as Maya's and mine.They sat us together and gave it at the same time. It was humiliating if I am being honest" the boy shuddered with his girlfriend as they recall the horrible memory that the talk was.

Your love's like breathing in the salty air

Of summer on a private island just for me

Your love's like the feeling I get

When my favorite songs spinnin' in my head

Keep it play playin' on repeat

It's like flowers in the spring time

Every day is Valentine's

So good it's hard to describe

It's like Paris after midnight,

Dancing in the moonlight

That what your love,

That's what your love's like

That's what your love,

That's what your love's like

That's what your love,

That's what your love's like

"So, are you planning on... you know doing it?" Zay inquired curiously.

"Say!" chastised Riley, blushing at his shameless question "You can't ask that! They are still too young!"

"We are in high-school already and have been dating for almost a year, statistically speaking it's 55% possible that they had already had sex and 40% of a chance they will pretty soon. The other 5% is that they are not ready for that yet" replied Smakle as a matter of fact "From their blushing and how they suddenly stand much closer to each other, a form to seek comfort and reassurance, I suspect they've already had sex"

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