What's My Anxiety Like?

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My anxiety is kinda different from everyone else's. Some people's anxiety is like someone whispering in their ear that they're ugly or that they can't do what they're trying to accomplish.

Well, mine is like someone screaming. They aren't screaming anything specific... Just, screaming.

I swear, I'm not insane.

When I have an anxiety attack, my hands, chest, stomach, and head feel like they're on fire. But, it doesn't exactly feel like I'm burning to death. I just feel the flames licking at my skin. I always feel tingly and it isn't painful, but its uncomfortable.

And I hate it... A lot...

I can't explain my anxiety very well.

But, you know how in some scary movies, they have those characters that twitch rapidly?

That's what I feel like when I have a panic attack. It feels like I'm shaking when I'm actually not. I feel like the walls of the room are closing in on me and I'm very claustrophobic. So when this happens, it feels like I'm going to die.

Sometimes, I just lock myself in my room and crawl under the covers, just ignoring the rest of the world.

And that's one of the worst parts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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