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jimins pov


I walk back home happily.

once I get home.i throw my bag on the floor and jump on my bed.

"AHHH!!!! today was such a tiring day"

suddenly my phone vibrated. I opened the message

Yoongi hyung❤️ : jimin just reminding you. be ready at 5 we're going to the cinema as planned ;) xoxo

shit I need to get ready. I want to look extremely attractive today.

at 5

I was all ready for going out. just waiting for yoongi to come.

I was checking my Instagram for memes when suddenly a call came.

it was from yoongi of course

" jimin I'm outside your house, come quickly. "

" okay hyung wait " I say

I quickly dash downstairs

" jimin where are you going? " my mom asked

" friend to watch a movie. " I manage to say

" you made a friend?! you never told me jimin. can i meet him? " she asks

" NO! I mean yes..but not now we're getting late! bye " I say and run outside

I quickly get in the passenger seat while yoongi is driving.

" yoongi are you sure you can drive? " I ask

" of course not jimin! i am gonna crash this car in 3minutes " he says casually

" WHAT "

" just kidding calm down! " he laughs

we finally arrive at the cinema.

but we meet someone there

" hoseok hyung?! what are you doing here" I ask

" oh hi jimin.......and ...yoongi hyung " he says as his gaze shifted to yoongi " i am just here to watch whatever film you're watching " he smiles

" hoseok if you're here to ruin jimin and my first date then please leave " yoongi says

" no hyung I won't ....I came with taehyung and jungkook. " he says and walks away

" yoongi hyung what's going on between you and hoseok hyung? " I ask curious of why they behave like this

" he just likes me and wants me to be his " he says simply " I don't have any feelings for him "

" oh " is all I can say

" anyways lets not talk about hoseok on our first date and watch the film " he drags me in the cinema hall.

The Shy Boy - YOONMIN Where stories live. Discover now