chapter TWO (now)

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Dear Miss. Smith,
I regrettably inform you that Mr. Drakes will not attend your hospital and visit your children. He is far more busy with more pressing matters . Please stop messaging and calling this office.
~Janette Austin, William Drakes P.A.

I growl and throw the letter away.

"Again? That's the fifth time. Arrogant Asshole." My coworker Amelia Adams says next to me quietly. Like me, she has blue dyed hair and she has blue eyes.

"If i ever see that jerk in real life, who knows what i might do." I clench my fists.

"Calm down, don't have another asthma attack, also check your sugars." Amy says rubbing my shoulder.

"Fuck off Amy my sugars are fine, but my with asthma attacks one hell of a place to have one though."  I say, gesturing around me the hospital walls.

"Haha, don't make me hurt you child." She hits my arm,

"Don't forget Amy, I'm two years older, and I'm a mom." Moments like these really make me miss Kate

"I wont Angel, go home, your shift ended a hour ago." She shoos me out from behind the desk and i walk to the elevators. My phone dings with a text.

Hey, are you still coming to my birthday tomorrow?~Bells

Yeah, i have the day off see you @ 8 ~Angel

I hang up with Abi's babysitter, Tiffany, and I walk to Bell's huge house and i knock on the door.

"Don't make me hurt you Angel, come in." I hear Bells shout. I walk in and i walk into the kitchen where Bells, her mom (Kathryn), and Jamie are cooking.

"Hello wonderful family. Room for one more?" I joke. Bells is the first one to hug me. Her blonde hair bounces when she walks and her bright green eyes, always makes me feel all warm inside. Her mom looks just like her, but Jamie has bright orange hair with blue eyes.

"We always have room for you Angel." Kathryn smiles.

"Thanks Momma." I hug all three of them and i grab a can of coke. "Need help with anything?"

"Go outside and give Dan a hug." I nod, throw my jacket on a chair, and step out of the kitchen, past the sliding doors and onto the back porch. Dan, Kathryn's husband, is talking with Bell's oldest brother Xander. They have brown hair with warm brown eyes. I step up to them.

"Your wife said something was burning, she sent me out here to tell ya'll to stop thinking." They turn around and see me.

"Angel!" Dan exclaims, wrapping me in a hug.

"Hey kiddo." Xander says hugging me, after his father.

"MMA fighter or not, i'll kick your ass." He chuckles.

"Oh yeah squirt? How ya gonna pull that one off?"

"Well one, did ya forget i lived on the street for a while, and two." I turn to Dan, "Daddy the big, bad man is hurting my feelings." I say in a baby voice.

"Oh C'mon Angel, leave Grandpa out of this." Xander laughs.

"Grandpa? I'll show you grandpa son." Dan wraps Xander in a headlock.

"No, Dad. I can take him. Lets go Xander. You, me, right now, over there." I point to the field of grass. We walk together, shoving each other. We stop and he stands in front of me.
You sure Babygirl?" He asks, no taunting in his voice.

"Don't hold back on me monkey boy." I reply holding up my fists.

"Wouldn't dream of it Princess." He copies my movements, and we walk in a small circle. I stealthfully watch his feet, remembering he always takes a step before striking. Proving me right he takes a step forward and thrusts his hand out, i dodge it and land a hit on his stomach. He grunts.

"Cmon monkey boy, lets dance." And that's how we ending up sparing for a long time. Ill probably have bruises scattered across my body tomorrow, but it was fun.

"Are you okay Monkey boy?" I ask wheezing.

"Yeah, are you okay?" I wave him off.

"Im*wheeze* just *wheeze* a little *wheeze* out of *wheeze* breath." I will my lungs to work and we get to the backdoor.

"Nice dancing Princess." Dan says.

"She did good Dad." Xander slaps my back.

"I meant you son." I double over laughing, but that made the wheezing worse. I sit down and put my head between my legs.

"Are you okay Angel?" It sounds like Xander's voice is underwater.

"I *wheeze* jacket *wheeze* soda *wheeze* sugar." I press out.

"Dad get her jacket and a can of coke. Sage, whats going on?" Xander asks. I start seeing black spots in my vision.

"Angelica, are you allergic to anything?" A woman asks. I lift my head and everything is slightly blurry.

"No*wheeze* asthma*wheeze* inhaler *wheeze* jacket *wheeze*" Someone hands me my inhaler and as fast as i can i use it. Ten seconds later i look up i see the whole family staring at me. "I'm fine." I play it off. Xande and Dan growl. I look down, embarrassed. "Just drop it." I say quietly. Bells changes the subject quickly and everyone leaves me alone. Except the women who was talking to me during my asthma attack.

"Hi i'm Sage. That must've been one hell of a attack hu?" She has pretty long brown hair and sparkling orangish eyes.

"Hey, nah I've had worse, and i'm Angelica. I go by Angel." We shake hands.

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me." She says, humorously

"Can't say i do ma'am." I tip my head.

"Damn girl you must live under a rock." She laughs.

"Hey sis." A deep voice behind me says. I recognize that voice from anywhere. "Who's this sexy goddess?"

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