February passed. The twins played for hours in the snow. Like their father, whom they called Azhéé, they were oblivious to the cold. March gradually turned the ice to water and water returned to the land. Hills became green and life sprung up around them.
Happiness and fragrance filled the air. Mid March, Lone Wolf had built a new barn and an extra bedroom for the boys.
Kat was scrubbing and taking out the rugs to dust and clean the floors when a movement caught her eye.
High on the horizon. Warriors stood in a straight line from one side of the hills to the other. Right in the middle was a large man with a stunning feathered headdress. The man she looked at was huge and looked fierce. She knew that only the most brave and powerful of a tribe wore a headdress.
No one moved. They watched. Kathryn could clearly recognise Chief Manuelito, the Navajo Chief amongst the men. Kathryn tried to remember what Lone Wolf had told her about the Chief.
As she recollected, they moved in unison down the Hill. Chief Manuelito was born near the Bear Ears in southeastern Utah. As many Navajos he was known by many different names. Non-Navajos nicknamed him Bullet Hole. He had a fearless attitude. At the age of seventeen he was called Hashken Naabaah- Angry Warrior.
Kat realised she had to call Lone Wolf, she was too mesmerised by the beautiful men on equally beautiful horses that she almost forgot to call for help.
Lone Wolf ran from the barn, the twins right behind him. He stood transfixed. He told the twins and Kat not to move a muscle. He whispered to her,"Do you know who that huge man is? In the middle?"
She shook her head slowly. Lone Wolf said with Pride, "That is Sitting Bull."
Oh my God. She prayed.
Lone Wolf took her hand, "Don't show any sign of fear. The Navajo and the Sioux will put to death any man that molests a woman.
"Oh." She said and he gave her a hooded look.
"Tell me about Chief Sitting Bull."
Lone Wolf thought for a while.
"Chief Sitting Bull or Tatanaka Iotanka, in Lakota means buffalo bull sitting on its' haunches. At the age of ten he killed his first buffalo. At fourteen, he fought his first battle. He is one of the most powerful chiefs in history. I believe his name will live on until the Great Spirits return the Earth to the dust it is made of."
The warriors and Chiefs made a half moon around the cabin. Greetings were exchanged. Lone Wolf was extremely submissive and respectful towards his Chief and Chief Sitting Bull. The men did not dismount, until Lone Wolf invited them into his home.
The two Chiefs entered the cabin. Kat thought Oh, why on my cleaning day and felt terribly embarrassed. She only spoke directly to Lone Wolf, she asked if she could get them refreshments, he nodded.
The twins sat quietly at Azhèè's feet. Chief Manuelito told Lone Wolf that he had handsome sons and hoped they would grow up to be as brave as their father. Pride flooded his veins and Lone Wolf thanked his chief. Kathryn brought a chunk of meat, biscuits and gravy for the men, she made a pot of strong coffee and allowed the men to eat in peace. They thanked her. She could not stop herself from looking at Chief Sitting Bull, it was an honour for her just to look at him. She whispered this into Lone Wolf's ear. He translated , she blushed, the men laughed without malice and she sook refuge outside only to be faced with at least twenty hardened warriors.
Some glanced at her, none made any movement towards her. They knew this woman belonged to Lone Wolf and if any man even looked at her, Lone Wolf would have their scalp, friends or not.

RomanceFrom the point of birth to the moment of death, Hozho' (beauty) will prevail.