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Although Columbia doesn't have an undergraduate school of business, I decide to take a few business classes and determined a career in business management might be the best career move I could make.  I chose a major in Economics with a concentration in Business Management.  I may be blonde, talk with a Southern twang, but I'm not stupid. 

My social life is a mix of popcorn and DVD's on a Saturday night while everyone else is out with someone special and the occasional blind date.  If any guy approaches me, I flashback to high school and politely make my adieus.

I walk with a determined stride down the hall to my dorm room for the first time, and as the door to my new home away from home swings open, it reveals a teenaged Venus de Milo.  I'm not a lesbian, but the young woman standing in front of me glows with a beauty that emanates from within.  Talk about auras—this little hottie's are eighteen-carat gold.  Her dark curls cascade around her shoulders and her toffee-colored eyes are fringed with natural dark lashes that look like they're straight off of a Marie Claire advertisement for mascara.  I pay for fake lashes to be glued onto my sickly, pale ones and they don't look half as good as hers.   Great! I'm rooming with a beauty queen, and my social life will be even more non-existent than ever!

"Hi, I'm Claudia.  We are going to have a great time.  I just know it!" 

A broad smile is frozen on my face because I cannot believe how lucky I am.  My roommate rocks. Funny, sweet, and genuine are a few of her positive character traits.  My inner commentator knows I lucked out. I won the college lottery and got a new friend all in one day.

After Claudia helps me unpack--and no lie, this girl could be a professional closet organizer—we head over to Lerner Hall to get something to eat.  Even though Corpus isn't a small town, it isn't New York City, so heading to the student center to eat is a bit intimidating.  I lose track of all of the different cultural choices, fusion-this-and-that, gluten-free, free-range, vegan, kosher, etcetera & etcetera.  Sheesh!

"Don't look now, Claudia, but that cute guy over there is watching you."  I blush pink when he sees me looking at him, and he flashes a bright smile in my direction.  Her head swivels in the direction I had been looking, tilted her head and sighed.

"He is good looking, Nat, but he's not looking at me.  It's you."  She giggles and her bony elbow nudges my ribs.

"Ow."  I rub my hand on the tender spot. "Watch it, roomie.  You must be taking some serious drugs because a guy like that wouldn't be—"

"He's coming over.  Shh."  Another giggle.

I look up, and sure enough, the cute guy is right in front of us. The heat radiating off of my face is starting to broil the burger on my tray.

"Hello, ladies.  I'm Clyde. Could I join you?" He's at a standstill waiting for an invitation to sit.  My ability to formulate words has deserted me.  My mouth keeps opening and shutting without producing any audible syllables.

"Sure, Clyde.  Have a seat.  I'm Claudia, and my mute friend is Natalie.  Wave hello, Nat."  She giggles.  God, maybe I will hate my new roommate.  I offer a defeated smile.

"Well nice to meet you.  Am I wrong to assume the muteness is a temporary condition? Because I could swear, I heard you talking in the food line."

"Yes, I can talk."  Oops, that came out a bit snippy, but Cute Guy laughed so it must be okay.  So, I sit there and push food around on my plate while Claudia carries on a conversation with the cutie.  I made a fool out of myself right off.  Some nice guy notices me, and I detonate like some nerd bomb.  Figures. 

"Natalie. Are you listening?"  I glare at my formerly, lovely roommate. Claudia smirks at me before she continues, "Clyde wanted to know if you like the movies.  Do you?"  Another smirk.

I hazard a look in his direction. "Yes.  I like movies."  My voice sounds mousy. 

"Would you like to go to the movies with me this weekend?"  I see his mouth moving, but he can't be asking the odd, mute girl to the movies, could he?  Claudia stomps on my foot.

"Shit, Claudie!" I grimace and rub the top of my foot. Please, God, let my face reflect a cute happiness and not the disoriented look of panic I'm certain has etched itself on my features.  "Yes, ah, Clyde.  That would be splendid."  Oh, jeez...who says 'splendid'.

I wait all week without a call from Clyde.  I guess I was just too weird after all.

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