Chapter One; New Roommate

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Yawning, I carefully rearrange the blankets into a more comfortable bed, ready to curl up and go to sleep. It was more comfortable to sleep in wolf form, seeing as I have nothing but a pile of old blankets to lay on.

I'm about to lay down, when the door flies open, a boy stumbling through. As he spins around to face the door, it slams shut, lock clicking into place. "God dammit," he grumbles. "They could have at least let me keep my chocolate."

I watch, frozen in place as he inspects the door, looking for something. No one had ever entered my room before, not when I was awake, at least, and I definitely hadn't seen anyone my age. In fact, the only person I had ever been allowed to interact with was my father, and on the rare occasion I was taken out of my room, my mom or Marie.

The boy shouted something else about chocolate, practically breaking my eardrums, and I whined, trying to get him to quiet down.

He froze at the noise, turning to stare straight at me, looking shocked, if not fearful. I took the moment to study him, committing his looks to memory.

He had blond hair so long it almost touched his shoulders. Most of it was pulled back into a loose ponytail behind his head, though several locks hung around his ears and face. He was wearing dark blue jeans, black flip flops, and a white button up shirt. His shirt was rumpled, the top button missing. His skin was only a smidgen darker than my own. His eyes were brown, striking against his light hair and features. He had high cheekbones and a strong chin.

He took a step backward, then was met with the concrete wall. I could hear his heartbeat speeding up, his breath hitching. "Nice wolf," he cooed. "Let's not eat Luke for dinner!"

I blinked. What's a Luke? Why would I eat a Luke? And why is he scared?

I sniff, savoring his strong vanilla scent, before shifting back. I ignore the boy as he makes a noise in the back of his throat, grabbing a blanket and using it to shield my naked body from his sight. Socially inept or not, I knew people didn't just walk around naked. Something about modesty.

The boy's mouth was open, his eyes wider than I thought was possible.

"What?" I asked, wondering if I had done something strange.

He closed and opened his mouth a few times before he actually spoke. "You... a wolf? How...?"

What was with him? It isn't like I did anything special, everyone can do that. Well... was that me assuming everyone, or did someone tell me that? Now that I think about it, I don't think anyone ever told me if that was true. I might as well ask him. "Can't everyone shift?"

"Shift? Turn into a wolf? No, not in real life!"

Now I was confused. "So we aren't in real life?"

The boy stared at me with an indecipherable expression. "You don't get out much, do you?"

I shook my head. "Well, I get out of my room sometimes. Maybe every two months, physically?"

The boy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened them again, he glanced at his shirt, then to the blanket I was holding up. "Ok. It looks like we're both stuck together, for the time being. Don't worry though, my brothers know where I'm at, they'll be coming to rescue us. Until then, you aren't going to be able to hide behind a blanket full-time, so I'll give you my  shirt." He paused. "That or you can... uh... turn back into a wolf."

I didn't waste time on a response. I mean, I was going to sleep in wolf form anyways, so shifting seemed like a better option.

The blanket fell to the floor, landing on my paws, and I ignored the boy's sharp intake of breath as it did.

"Jeez! Give me some warning!" the boy exclaimed, his voice higher pitched than it was before.

Ignoring him still, I grabbed three of the four blankets in my jaws, dragging them over to the boy. He'd need them if he wanted to be even semi-comfortable as he slept. Not to mention it could get rather cold in my room.

I dropped them next to his feet, then padded back over to where the other blanket laid waiting. I spread it out a bit with my paws, then stretch out on it, laying my head on my paws, closing my eyes. 

*Luke's POV*

I sit with my back against the wall, just watching the wolf as she closes her eyes, likely trying to sleep. When security caught me sneaking into the labs, I was completely expecting them to shoot me or kidnap me. Something along those lines. I knew too much about what they were doing, about the human experimentation. When they threw me into this room, one whose door has no lock to pick on this side, not even a doorknob, I assumed I was being kept here. I wasn't expecting to be kept with a wolf, human thing. Werewolf, I guess.

At first, I thought they had locked me in with a half-starved wolf on purpose, trying to get me killed. It was obvious it hadn't eaten for a while, and I was expecting to become its next meal. Then it literally turned into a girl, a human girl right in front of me. Was this what the experiments were about? Making shape-shifting a thing? If she was some sort of experiment, wouldn't she have been kept with the others?

That had been my original mission. I was supposed to break in, find where they were keeping the people they kidnapped, and get out. But of course, I got caught before I got back out. How long would it take for my brothers to find me? To get us out? What would happen in that time?

I'd have to find out how much the wolf-girl knew in the morning, introduce myself and figure out her name, if she has one that is. Then I'd have to figure out how to relay this information to my brothers, if it's possible.

I sigh softly, glancing around the room again. I hope they'd get us out of here soon, because one, I don't think I'm getting much sugar in this place, and two, I'm not sure how long I can last in this room. Everything is plain concrete, besides the steel door, and the room is tiny. Even with the wolf-girl on the opposite side of the room from me, I could almost reach out and touch her. And other than the blankets, there was nothing else in here, besides a clock hanging above the door. Just me, the wolf-girl, and a few old, dirty blankets that I assume were meant for bedding and the clock. There wasn't exactly much to do.

I wonder how the wolf-girl hadn't gone crazy in here. How did she spend her days? It didn't seem like there was anyone to talk to, nothing interesting to focus on, and if it was true that she only got to leave every two months... how long did she get to go out for? Had she ever tried to escape?

Did she even want to escape? She hadn't really mentioned it. In fact, she didn't even acknowledge the fact that I said someone was coming to rescue us. Would she want to escape? Why wouldn't she? Would she try to stop me from escaping?

I spent the rest of the night staring at the girl, questions buzzing through my mind.

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