Top of the World (reader x Tony One-shot)

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Characters: reader x Tony Stark

Summary: You take the reins at planning your own special day, to which Tony protests at times. Adding a few surprises and spending it with the man you love, it's exactly what you had hoped for.

Warnings: none. Just straight-up fluff! Tiny mention of sexy times I guess?

Count: 1470

A/N: Birthday fic for my lovely Becca!!


Consciousness slowly seeped into the edges of your mind, taking its sweet time. You loved mornings like this: waking with no jarring alarm or rude phone calls. You had turned your phone off last night just for this purpose. Parting your lashes to test the brightness of day, you stretched lazily and felt a happy flutter when your hand brushed against the warm, solid body beside you. He must have slipped into bed in the early hours, never one to believe that nighttime meant sleep time.

You rolled onto your side to face him, taking in his handsome features in their relaxed state. He looked younger when he slept, more vulnerable. Part of you thought you should let him sleep, but then you decided against it. This was your day. You got to do whatever you wanted.

With a devilish smile, you began to trace the patterns of his unique facial hair. He was meticulous about it and you swore he either shaved once every hour or had invented some way to keep selective areas from growing whiskers. Even in these early hours, it was perfect. As he registered your light but noticeable touch on his skin, his brow furrowed in dislike.

"Mm. Quit it," he mumbled sleepily.

"Nope," you grinned.

In protest, he grabbed you around your middle and pulled you close, brushing his whiskered chin all over your face and neck as you giggled. Your hands pushed against his chest as a means of escape, but then you used your trump card and brushed your lips against his. He melted into you, cradling your head in his hand as he eased your mouth open with his tongue. In earlier days, you might have worried about morning breath but frankly, he had it too and it never stopped you. Morning intimacy was one of your favorite times together.

Lips and tongues still tangled, he eased one hand under your shirt and teased the supple flesh underneath. Taking the upper hand, you pulled away and flipped him on his back so you could straddle him. You lifted your shirt off and rid him of his tank top, running your fingers through his adorable bedhead. He smiled up at you and let out a contented sigh.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N. I love you so much," he confessed, almost breathless.

"Thank you, baby. I love you, too, Tony," you blissfully smiled before recapturing his lips.

You couldn't think of a better way to start another year of life than in the arms of the handsome man you loved.


A few delectable hours later, you and Tony finally ventured out in desperate need of sustenance. You now stood in the kitchen while Tony observed from a seat at the island bar.

"Wait a minute. Shouldn't I be making you breakfast?" he inquired, as if the thought only just occurred to him.

"Well," you kept your back to him while flipping a few pancakes on the griddle. "You could...but I think the desired outcome is to have something edible as a result and to have the compound still standing..." you mocked with a cheeky smile as you turned to face him.

He narrowed his eyes at you, but then shrugged, "I am a man of many talents, but arguably not of the culinary variety. Can't be good at everything. It just wouldn't be fair."

Tony Stark One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now