Mess is Mine

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Characters: reader, Tony, Steve, Clint, Sam, JARVIS.

Summary: After a mission goes awry, Tony's response causes a rift between the two of you until an unexpected late night encounter causes you to see a different side of Tony. (Events occur around the beginning of Iron Man 3, some dialogue is borrowed. Obviously no Pepper in this scenario.)

Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of anxiety, home invasion and violence (mild).

Word Count: 2630

Song Inspiration: "Mess is Mine" by Vance Joy


Exiting the Quinjet like a bat outta hell, you were fuming. Steve tried to reason with you, but you didn't even hear the words he spoke before he stepped aside with a look of fear in his eyes. All you needed was to get to Tony so that you could slap that smug grin off his carefully manscaped face. The man was insufferable. And wrong.


The mission was going smoothly so far, when suddenly all hell broke loose with HYDRA agents surrounding you, Steve, and Tony. Every level of the compound had been cleared from the top down until Tony blasted open the thick steel door to the basement, believed to be full of documents, experimental serums, and other sensitive HYDRA information. Which was all true, according to intel, but what had been missed in surveillance was the two other hidden doors to the basement that had spilled out the bad guys behind you and now you had no exit strategy.

There was a moment of a stalemate: Steve with his shield, Tony in his suit with blasters up at the ready, and you with a pistol in each hand, just behind them. The HYDRA agents—at least twenty— each had a gun trained on the three of you. Even as Avengers, you were outmatched and were backed up against a wall. Sam and Clint were on their way from the jet, but at least 5 minutes out. A lot can happen in 5 minutes. Attempting to keep panic at bay, you thought it through. There was really only one solution.

You holstered your weapons and stepped around your fellow Avengers with hands raised.

"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?!?" Steve loudly whispered.

You took a few steps forward toward the armed enemy.

"Get back here, Y/N!" barked Tony, probably meant as an order but you just turned your head and sent him a wink.

"Hey, fellas," you grinned, addressing the twenty men all clad in heavy black battle gear. "Look, I don't want to start anything here, so if you could just let us pass, that'd be great."

The agent closest to you smiled underneath his helmet, "Is that right, sweetheart?"

He took a step forward to tell you how wrong you were, you would guess, but as he did, he also lowered his gun slightly and was now within reach. In that split moment, you grabbed the barrel of his rifle and pulled, putting him off-balance. You took advantage of that and kicked his legs out from under him and fired his own weapon at his colleagues, taking down 5 of the men in seconds. Steve and Tony jumped into action, taking on the rest of the men as you continued to attacked the still-surprised agents. Within two minutes the floor was littered with unconscious men and the three Avengers stood tall, chests heaving with effort.

Tony attached an explosive to the wall next to the basement door and set it for two minutes. It would've been nice to get the intel, but considering this twist of events, best case scenario was that HYDRA couldn't have it either. The two of you ran through the compound, Tony flying ahead, as you counted down in your head.


Breaking through the door to outside, Sam and Clint reached your location headed toward you.

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