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After a long weekend Monday finally came Nathalie wasn't sure how she was going to face her Boss, she dress herself in rose pink dress leading down to her ankles a black  push toe slipper and drop flashy earrings to match up with her slippers. It was simple but nice she grab her handbag her floder of sketches Florence was just coming down after helping her on the sofa she told her told her breakfast was on the table, "you'll be fine won't you?" Nathalie questions
"Go honey go on to work you can not be late because of me, remember I told you my son won't spear you even a bit"
"That won't happen, I'm more than  sure he'll be more to spare me being late than to left you and not make sure that you are OK before I leave"
Francine smile, " I appreciate it thank you, you're a sweet young lady I hope the man in your life realize it"
Nathalie smile if he didn't before when we were married and living together he Will never realize it now,she thought but how could she explain to her that the same situation her son been through with his wife she has gone through only she haven't gotten a divorce she no longer wear her wedding band only in her mother's presence and soon she'll have to explain to her that her marriage didn't work out "I will check in on you sometime today is there anything else I can get for you before I go?"
"Francine shook her head "you already done all you can, I can manage from here, now go"
"Don't worry a bout the dishes I will do them once I'm back" Nathalie told the older woman this time she ran out and walk to the first block it didn't take her long to get a cab to take her to work, someone board the elevator as she came in the door.
"Please hold!" She called out and the person did,"hi" Nathalie said once she was on " thank you"
The person didn't speak and she didn't look up
"I see you are late on your first day very impressive"
Nathalie recognize the voice for the sound of it make her body tingle just like it did that very first night they met she meet his face and he smile, make her heart trump even harder.
"I think I can by pass it, for since you're new in town I figured you must have forgotten the way,
" yes sir" Nathalie hang her head she was sure it wasn't the elevator that cause her nervousness this morning.
"I understand that my mother can have you giving so much attention that you probably lost track of time"
"Nathalie look at him but said nothing
" By the way how is she?" ASEAN ask
"She's fine sir"
He nod
They ride the rest of elevator in silent when they came to a stop he allow her to get off before he did he went to his office and Shelly Ann show her to her desk in the corner close to the window from where she could see the street and the vehicles going by the high building and nicely groom trees the street was noisy but some how it gave her a peace of mind and she get to work in order to complete her order for the day.
At the end of the day when she rest her sketches on Mr Lloyd's desk he look them over nod her off, "see you tomorrow miss Bailey"
"OK sir" Nathalie said but she was still standing there she can't believe he didn't remember her just one bit how could you for get someone after such a warm night , she thought about reminding him but it would be shameful to hear him say he don't remember, she didn't know why she was feeling the way she was, could she be falling for him could That be it.
" is there something else?" ASEAN ask
"No sir" Nathalie walk out and instead of the elevator she take the stairs.
From the tenth floor to the first floor was a long way down each floor has thirty steps ten times thirty was indeed three hundred, if she's right there's no dough she must have got it right for the weakness in her feet it couldn't have been less, she was glad when she got a cab so she could sit and rest her feet that are now trembling.

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