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Nathalie try to make it off the elevator before the men did she roll her skirt down and try to brush out the wrinkles she barely step out when Morrison called out to her,
"Miss Bailey "
"Yes sir " she turn around
"I think you drop something"
"Shit!" ASEAN curse when he look to see Nathalie black panty hose laying on the floor they were moving so fast they both for got she was wearing any
"Thanks sir" Nathalie said bending to pick it up,stuffing it in her bag  she didn't look back at them as they came out behind her.
Nathalie was on her way to the rest room she met up with ASEAN in the passage and he pulled her in the men's room they were only kissing when Morrison walk through the door
"Is it my lucky day or what?" He ask
"Your lucky day they both said to his face smiling " i should get to my desk excuse me sir she said to ASEAN "sir" she said to Morrison turn and walk away smile all over her face,
"I'm going to ask her to marry me " he said taking out the ring out his pocket putting it in Morrison hand,
"Say what? Marry are you serious man" he said  looking over  the expensive diamond ring  "marriage is a big step are you sure you're up to it, is she up to it?"
"We are having so much fun " ASEAN said
"Is she married ?"
"I never ask ,"
In a relationship with anyone?"
"We haven't talk about it "
"Does she know, know about your marriage?" ASEAN pause for he didn't say that to her he wasn't sure how to tell her any way but he was determine to make that proposal,
Dinner was at ASEAN place Nathalie was again driving there by his driver everything was looking marvelous ASEAN prepare everything himself dinner was enjoying but cuddling was always the better part and Nathalie couldn't wait for dinner to be over ASEAN pour her more wine took out his ring but buy he got down on one knee Nathalie knew where it was going
"Marry me Nathalie "
"It excites her that he want to marry her but she couldn't accept it for she was still married and she didn't want to tell him of her ordeal with tears in her eyes she shook her head and by she was out the house she started crying,
ASEAN can't believe the night ended so wrong she was supposed to say yes he called Morrison to tell him of his disappointment Morrison could hear it in his voice,
" sorry man"
She mope over it for weeks ignoring him as he try to make fiscal contact she didn't feel like talking about it they ride the elevator together he try to get her to explain " make me understand Nathalie we were going on fine"
"I don't want to discuss it if its going to be a bother i can  quite"
He didn't want her to quite she was his best worker so far and he want to see her.
Three weeks came so quickly since ASEAN and Nathalie haven't exchange a word  apart from work related, Monday morning she was called to his office to discuss some sketches he wanted to make for a up coming fashion fair in less than two weeks he want twenty four pieces to display and it was Nathalie's job to get them done he gave her until Wednesday, Tuesday she has twenty eight sketches in which she added two wedding dress and two brides made  dress, one out of the twenty four was a tuxedo they have never put anything like those out before and he made his request evening wear, dinner wear and causal,
Wednesday morning she woke up feeling ill where she couldn't make it to work and had to call in sick and let her cab driver drop the envelope at the office for her
ASEAN knowtist Nathalie wasn't at her desk the thought of her quitting plague him
"Sir" Shelly Ann called to ASEAN as he came "miss Bailey called in sick but she send this she handed him an envelope
" thank you Shelly Ann " he took them close his office door before looking through them the   tuxedo  caught his eyes but it was the wedding dresses that captured him they were dazzling, picking up the phone he called over Morrison office he came as he wasn't engaged in any work
"He hand the sketches to him to look through
" I love these man they're catching I swear to you man"
"She gave me four extra pieces"
" let's get them out all twenty eight pieces staring with the wedding set"
"You think it will work "
"I'm telling you its going to work"
They bent on making it work they make a deal with each other
" I say if these hit marketing you give miss Bailey a promotion",
"Say they don't "
"Let her know she disobeyed your order and fire her " Morrison said patting ASEAN shoulder and walk out leaving him to pander.


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