Friday night

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Nathalie told Francine of her date she had talk to the neighbor to sit in with her for a while they both agree,Francine didn't find it fascinating to have someone hovering over her at all times for that she and her son is always having problems, but having Nathalie around has changed a few things for Francine she was caring for her not putting a demand on her like her son had, always asking before doing anything and she like that about her, Francine guess her son trust Nathalie to be there for he didn't stop by as often and call now once per day, Francine hope he will change his mind about women for not all women is bad Nathalie was a sweet girl,
"Its almost time to go should I help you up to your room?"
"No honey I am going to sit here for a while"
Nathalie went back to the room to finish dress herself, wash her face clean oil it and apply her red lip balm she heard Francine talking and believe the neighbor had come she didn't came out at the same time she heard Francine talking as she was trying to be ready before her date got there,
ASEAN was a little too early but to him he was there at the right time to see Nathalie get ready for their date, he took the opportunity to watch her through the mirror in her bedroom as she fix herself wondering if she was putting out all the efforts to be nice for him or did she do it for others she gone on a date with.
ASEAN was the one standing there in the living room  when  Nathalie  came out the bedroom her feet Trimble the sight of him and the way he was looking at her, he possess more power over her than she wants but indeed she was falling for him and curse herself for doing so he was a man like any other man like her husband who broke her heart it was just a date nothing is going to happen she tell herself, for she didn't want anything to this Friday night is far as it goes,
They both stand looking at each other Francine look at them both a smile spread across her face it give her a warm feeling to see her son going on a date with a nice girl such as Nathalie
" you didn't tell me you were going out with my son!" Francie question surprisingly,
"Its business mother" ASEAN told his mother forbidding her not to get her hopes up,
"That's OK you need not explain tell you what, do have fun you two, and no need to hurry back miss Nathalie, we'll be fine here, won't we?" She ask the neighbor
Nathalie try to hide her smile when ASEAN look her way.
"Thanks again" Nathalie told the neighbor when they left Francine clap her hands and laugh aloud she was happy to know her son finally going on a date "its going to work!  It got to work I want to see my son smiling once again" she scream malva smile, reminding Francine that ASEAN said its just business but apart of Francine was joyful for business or no business her son was with that girl.
They have dinner at the  pair where they were serve sea food and vegetables with rose wine, the music came on playing a familiar song.
"You want to dance?" They ask each other smiling when they realized they both ask at the same time,
"I would love to" Nathalie told him
ASEAN take her hand leading her to the dance floor they dance slowly rubbing against each other staring in each others eyes they were rocking now to their own tune for the music had stop and neither of them came to realize for the sweet sound of boyz ii men fill their soul.
" let's go from here"ASEAN whisper to her ear the heat from his breath as if it left a scar on her for it burns deep within her she wish to open her mouth and beg the guy to take her home with him and make love to her like he did the first time she met him that night stuck in her head making it hard to get over, they were back in his car,  silence in the air both reaching for the car radio his hand rest upon hers as they turn to look at each other, Nathalie pull her hand away allowing ASEAN to turn the radio on. the song they dance to a few minutes ago was on it played twice every now and then they look each other way they both felt act ward to the feeling they were feeling the thoughts of having sex pelage their mind he wants to stop the car and ravish her but he wasn't sure if that was on her mind he didn't know if she would want the same thing,
"Stop the car!" Nathalie said make ASEAN wonder if he's been driving too long,too fast or was it for the fact  she didn't know where she was he came to a sudden stop on a dark street pull over on the sidewalk turning to look at her " What happened was I going too fast  for I can slow down I can even turn around and take you home if there's a problem"
Nathalie place a finger on his lips to silent him she shook her head " there's no problem you were doing just fine anyone going too fast here is me and if I'm going at a speed too fast for you stop me she move her finger and her lips cover his in a deep kiss as she climb a cross him, both their bodies join in connection as they both were longing for the feel of love and affection,  they woke up hours later in a hotel room not recalling how they got there but the fun they had lingers on both mind and body.
" that was fun"Nathalie said with a giggle "we should get together like this more often I like the man you are" she told him laying on his chest looking at his face I won't be caught with along face being with you"
"I feel the same way about you"
" yeah! You know there's nothing wrong with two people enjoying time together"
"Like we are now "
He kiss her the time spent in each other  arm was marvelous they went home feeling brand new, Nathalie barely made it out of bed when her cellar phone rang she answer before the first rang ended
"Is it OK if I see you again tonight?"
"Only if you promise we'll go the same place we did last night,"
"I was hoping my place "
Nathalie realize he miss her meaning smiling to herself "your place will be find,see you then, she hang up smiling.

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