Chapter 12

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-- 1 week later --
-- Third pov --
Blaze's head was ringing. "Ugh, what happened?" Blaze said as he rubbed the back of his head. "BLAZE!" A group of people screamed. "OHMYGOD WHAT!" Blaze jumped out of the hospital bed he was in. He started recognizing the people, it was the wolf pack and Aphmau's group. Daniel wasn't there, but Blaze wasn't thinking of that. "Blaze! You're okay!" Aphmau hugged Blaze tightly. "Ack! I cant breathe!" Aphmau pulled back, "oops sorry!" Aaron went up to Blaze and glared at him, "Blaze!? What were you thinking? Overdosing!? Why would you!? I knew I've should've stayed with you after what happened." "What happened." Those words played over and over in his head. He couldn't remember what happened, he was confused. "What happened?" Blaze tilted his head. Everyone was silent and stared at each other. "I-I'll explain," Dottie spoke up, "y-you see, Daniel was with Michi-" Blaze's ears went flat, "Who's Daniel?" Blaze didn't remember who Daniel was, he remembers everything else but Daniel. Everyone's eyes grew wide and everyone was in shock. "Well, uhhh I'm hungry," Blaze got up and started to walk out the door. "Hey man! I'll go with you!" Garroth caught up to Blaze and they left.
-- a week before --
-- Aphmau --
"Blaze!? You okay?" I got no answer. "Blaze! Please answer!" I used my magic to open up the door. I didn't feel as weak because I've been practicing magic. I ran into the room and didn't see Blaze. I ran into the bathroom to find Blaze on the floor, passed out. I saw pills on the ground. "No no no no no no no." I shook Blaze, he didn't wake up. "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I lost count of how many times I said no, I grabbed my phone and called Aaron. "Hey Aph, what's up?" I was choking on my sobs, "y-you need to c-come here r-right now!" I managed to say. Aaron hung up, it seemed like hours until Aaron showed up, it was only 5 minutes though. Aaron was at the bathroom door frame with wide eyes. He didn't say anything, he went up to Blaze, I moved out of the way. I just stood there crying, I felt weak, useless, and helpless. Aaron picked up Blaze and ran as fast as he could. I tried to catch up, but it was no use, he was already gone. I stood there in shock, tears spilling out of my eyes. Rylan and Dottie ran up to me. "Aphmau?! What's wrong?" Dottie held my hands. "B-Blaze.. h-he... he..." I hugged Dottie and cried. What happened? Blaze wouldn't do this, he's strong and tough, and happy. He would have so much courage to do this, only one thing could- Then it hit me, Daniel, something must of happened. I calmed down a bit, "where's Daniel?" I snapped, I was disappointed in Daniel, he's my little "brother" after all. "Let's go look for him," Rylan started running and Dottie and I followed. We found Daniel at a cafe with.. Michi? "DANIEL! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE! I SWEAR TO IRENE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO BLAZE!?" Daniel walked over and furrowed his eyebrows. "What did I do to Blaze? What do you mean what did I do to Blaze? He hurt me! He was cheating on me with her," he pointed to Dottie. "Daniel?! I would never do that!" Daniel for even more angry, "well, you did! I have proof, Michi has screenshots of your guys' conversations." Dottie snapped, "how do you even know they're real!? They could've been fake! Blaze wouldn't do that to you! I wouldn't do that to you!" Dottie was on the verge of crying. Daniel stood there in shock, realizing that he made a mistake. "I did hurt him," Daniel said quietly. I couldn't hold it back anymore, "YOU'RE JUST REALIZING THAT!? HE TRIED KILLING HIMSELF, KILLING HIMSELF!! YOU MESSED UP BIG TIME DANIEL." I turned around and stomped away.
-- Daniel --
He tried killing himself?
I stood there in shock, this is the first time I've gotten yelled like this before.
I snap out of my thoughts, Michi is waving her hand in front of me. "Hellooooooo? Daniel??? Let's go," I snarl, "you did this, don't ever talk to me again!" I run away back to the hotel room. I walk in, it smells like regret and sadness. I look in the bathroom, I find pills on the floor and an empty medicine bottle. I start to sob, how could I do this to him? He doesn't deserve this, I'm so gullible, I've been hurt so many times. I always believe that someone wants to help me, that's why I believed Michi, she called out Blaze and I believed it. All she wanted was a boyfriend. What am I doing here? I go lay on the bed Blaze and I shared. I start to cry even more. I see that Blaze's sweatshirt is on the floor, I pick it up and put it on. It smells like Blaze, I cry for the rest of the night and fall asleep.
-- 1 week later --
-- Blaze --
"So dude, wanna explain to me who Daniel is? Or??" I pick up the taco and start eating. Garroth pauses, "he was your boyfriend, or I don't know, but you guys loved each other very much, he did something very terrible and it causes you to-" "it caused me to overdose," I interrrupt. "Y-yes." I take a bite of my taco, I start to think about who Daniel is. I start to remember a little bit. "A dark green haired werewolf? He has dark blue eyes?" Garroth's eyes go wide, "W-what?" "Is that him," I tilt my head. He nods hesitantly, "well he's really cut, well I remember him being cute I should go talk to him!" I dash to the hotel room, Garroth couldn't keep up to stop me. He brings out his phone and calls someone. I dash into my hotel room and see a wolf laying in the bed with my jacket, he's currently crying, why is he crying? He shouldn't be? "Um, hey?" He looks up, he starts crying even more. "H-how are you a-alive," he chokes out. "I dunno," I shrug. He just sits there and cries. "I'm sorry," he says after awhile.


Then he showed up. - blaniel (aphmau fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now