Story 1: The Aftermath

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The soft morning sunshine slowly arose over my eyes, waking me. I yawned as my eyes opened before noticing I had wrapped my arm around something...or someone, I should say. I grinned happily as I looked down to see her blissfully asleep, holding me tightly around my chest and one leg wrapped around mine. Her hair sprawled out on her side of the bed, a little messy like. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her head which accidentally woke her up. At first she snuggled into my chest, giving me a small squeezed hug as she slowly opened her beautiful soft pink eyes while a small smile started to grow, "Goodmorning Yukki!" She said happily.

"Goodmorning Yuno." I said softly, smiling back down at her, "Did you sleep well?"

She grinned and snuggled into my chest again before she slid on top of me, straddling me and giving me another smile, "Of course! If you're here with me I'll always sleep well!" She giggled cutely.

Meanwhile I was a bit shy on how she sat on me. I didn't mind it but I still, just wasn't that used to it but that didn't stop me from admiring her, the love of my life, being here, with me, for the rest of time itself. The thought of it gave me joy. "Good." I smiled shyly back before noticing she only had shorts on and no shirt, which made me start stuttering, "Uh-uhm, Y-Yuno...where's your shirt...?"

She looked down at herself, a bit confused, "Oh, I'm sorry, I took it off to be more comfortable while I slept! Is that...bad?" She tilted her head at me.

"N-n-no! I'm know, I'm not as used to it..." I muttered, looking away, embarrassed.

She giggled softly again, leaning forward to lay on top of me. She wrapped her arms around me again, holding me tightly, "It's okay Yukki... it's just you and me...." she sighed with a small happy smile.

I slowly grew into it, smiling like an idiot when she said that, "Yuno..."


"I love you.." I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks when I spoke.

She immediately grew a blush as she grinned and held me tighter, "I love you too Yukki.."

We laid there for a few more moments enjoying our peaceful time together before the door burst open, "Alright love birds, time to get up, you two have godly things to do!" Murumuru obnoxiously yelled as she marched inside. We both groaned, not wanting to move from our current position. "Hey, you asked me to help you guys out with your godly responsibilities." She then lifted the blinds, letting the sunlight shine on our faces. I covered my eyes with my arm while Yuno just slid her face into the crook of my neck. "So the first thing I'm going to do to help you out, is to get you guys out of your room bubble." She sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to us.

"Fiiiiine." I groaned softly as Yuno held me tighter again.

"Nooo, not just yet." She pouted.

"We won't be long, come on Yuno." I placed another small kiss on her forehead.

Murmuru nodded, "I'll be outside when you're finally ready sir!" She saluted playfully before getting up and flying out of the room.

I sighed, sitting up but Yuno wouldn't let me. She still held me tight, "Yukki..." she started to sound, upset.

"Yes, Yuno?" Did I do something? Is she mad at me? Does she really not want me to get up?

"I'm...I'm so happy..."

'H-Happy?' I thought to myself.

"F-for what?"

"That after all we've been through...what you've been through, what I've been through, that we're together..." she gave me a small squeeze, I could feel the tears forming in her eyes as she still kept her face in the crook of my neck. "I'm so happy, that we're here, loving eachother until the literal end. I love you, so much Yukki... I wish nothing bad never comes between us ever again..."

I was struck by her words, nearly speechless. "Yuno..." I managed to mutter out, "Yuno, you know nothing will ever happen to us here. Anything that happens here will be because of me.... but because of me, I will make sure that you are always going to be happy Yuno, like you deserve to be. I will always make you happy." Her tears of joy fell onto my shoulder, sliding down my back. I slid my arms around her, holding her tightly. "I love you Yuno. Nothing will ever come between us." Her smile could be felt forming against my neck.

"Thank you..."

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