Story 7 - Free

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I'm not truly happy. Or am I? Everything I do I do it for him. But even after all I've done. It all goes the same way.

He's afraid of me. He's intimidated by me. He hates me. It's been.. about 8 months now. 8 months since.. since I broke the loop. There's no survival game anymore. There's no diaries and there's no... Yuki and me. It was difficult to break the loop. It almost killed me to do so. Mainly because all I did was secretly extend Deus' lifespan so he wouldn't have to pick another god. And I did it because I thought Yuki and I would and could be together until we died of old age but so far.. that isn't the case... because there was no game, he had no reason to pay attention to me. And because he didn't pay attention to me, I... I started to try and get him to do so. By ripping apart every other girl who tried to get into his spotlight. But all it did was scare him. He's terrified of me.

It took six months until he decided to move away again. Away from this city and away from me. Six months of me making sure no other girl would touch him. After everything I've done for him, making sure he wouldn't get his heart broken or making sure some whore would stay away from him. He still didn't accept me. He ran away from me.

Anyways... yeah... Six months. A week after Yuki left I.. I kind of went all out. I went to the very top of my father's skyscraper and tried to jump but I was detained instead. They put me inside of a mental hospital for about two months now. The first month was pure hell. It was nothing but me desperately trying to kill myself. Of course, I nearly succeeded but they always came just in time. After that month, I began to calm down. At least, to their standards. Thats how I got here. Inside of this police car on my way to court. Heheh... 22 is what they found. I'm going to court to deal with the murder of 22 female students. And the murder of my parents. I suppose this is what I deserve right? After all that I've done. The hundreds I've killed in the other dimensions. I guess the rest of my life in jail isn't that bad.. could be worse. I could be stuck in the space of time forever. Losing my mind faster than when I was 'obsessed' with my- uhm.. with Yuki.

I was peacefully staring out the window the entire car ride until I noticed something was wrong. The vehicle instead of taking the main road to the courthouse, it took a left and entered my neighborhood. I looked around and noticed some of the buildings and looked over at the rearview mirror of the car. "Excuse me? Officers? I don't believe this is the right way..."

Not a word came out of their mouths. I sat back down on the seat, still confused as to where they were taking me. Suddenly they stopped in front of my house which didn't have yellow tape covering the entire perimeter anymore. I raised an eyebrow as one of the officers got out of the vehicle and opened my door. "Come on." He said.

I hesitated.

Was this some kind of sick joke? Are they teasing me with freedom? Or did I accidentally kill one of their daughters and now they're about to get their revenge... shit.

"Come on Ms. Gasai."

I carefully got out of the vehicle while eyeing the officer the whole time. He seemed a little robotic. His movements I mean, seemed a little robotic. He looked down at me and held out his hand, "I know what you did Yuno and I am forever grateful for your generosity." He said in a humble God-like voice.

"Deus? Is that you?" I asked in slight amazement but withheld from accepting his hand shake.

"Of course."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Consider this a second chance."

"I really won't. If you've been spying on me the whole time, you'd know that I just want to d-"

"You will find happiness soon enough Yuno. You didn't just increase my lifespan, you also made me stronger which I will always be grateful for. But since you made me stronger, I regained some of my old powers from before and can now see into the future but only briefly. I normally used to use this power just to check and see if I was making the right decisions with my realm. It's not something I try to use everyday because it does take a large amount of my power to use it. This is the first time I've used this ability in an extremely long time and all I can say about it Ms. Gasai, is that you are destined for greatness and you will find another person. One you will spend the rest of your life with. You should not give up so easily."

"I.. don't really know what to say..." I really don't. I don't think I would've ever expect this from Deus himself.

"You don't need to say a word. Just consider this, a second chance at a regular human life."

"I.." before I could even respond, the officer obnoxiously coughed, turning away and covering his face.

"Oh, I'm very sorry Ms. I have no idea what just went threw my throat." He chuckled. He looked down and looked at the door. "What the? Why was I.."

"Good day officer.." I muttered and walked away from the confused policeman. I walked into my house and closed the door behind me, slipping off my shoes. I looked down the hallway and noticed something strange... it was.. clean. Upon further inspection, I found out the electricity was also working even though the bill has never been paid ever since I killed my parents. "Is this Deus' doing too?" I questioned. I walked down the hallway until I got to the livingroom doorway. I held onto the handles for a few seconds. Taking a deep breath and opened it. Nothing. It was all, gone. The house seems like it had been reverted back to it's past setting but.. my parents.. where the fuck. Are my fucking parents? I started stomping around the house, searching everywhere for them. Who the fuck does he think he is to remove them from my fucking house too? What the fuck is his-


I had walked outside in anger to calm myself by breathing in some fresh air and saw... three fresh tombstones with all kinds of different flowers surrounding them in the middle of my yard. One for my mother, one for my father and one for.. for this dimension's Yuno... but I'm only assuming because he left it blank. Probably because it could mess with casualty in this dimension or whatever he calls it. A fresh start? I don't even think I'm over him yet.. I.. I don't know how to process this. How... can I continue to live knowing that he's still out there, running as far as he can from me. Tears started to stream down my cheeks as I thought to myself. I can make him the happiest man alive...

Why can't he love me.

Why can't.... anyone...

love me..... . . . . .

End of Part 1..

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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