O N E // you dont remember, do you?

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You wake up in a blank white room. Your eyes begin to adjust to the blinding LED lights. After a couple of seconds of looking at items around a bed you're in, you conclude that you're in a hospital. The beeping soon got on your nerves so you looked like a total fool to a white haired man when he walked in seeing you flail your arms around trying to turn the machine next to you off. You heard the door shut and your eyes widened.

You turned around, still sitting in your bed, and put a trying-too-hard-to-smile smile on, aka you were nervous and faking it. The masked man walked closer to you and you shook a little when he touched your shoulder. You looked up to him and he closed his only showing eye, you could tell he was smiling so you relaxed a little.

He used his other hand to lower both of yours from the annoying machine. "Do not be worried, you are in good hands." He must've mistaken your reason for acting so weird. You just wanted the stupid beeping sound to go away so you could go back to sleep.

Even so, you nodded and smiled faking that you were anxious before and he had settled you down. There was silence for a few seconds. You had nothing to say, but even so you wanted to break the silence.

"I've seen you before." You speak quietly, knowing he could still hear you since the room was extremely quiet other than the annoying beepy machine.

He continued to stare at you silently but soon turned his head to the bright blue sky outside of the clear window. He sighed trying not to let you hear it, even though you did. "You are thinking of last night, y/n."

'Y/n? Who the fūck is y/n?' you thought, wondering who the person was. You waited for him to continue but he said nothing else. He got up and slowly made his way to the door. He looked at you one more time before opening the creaky sounding door and shutting it lightly behind him.

Not even two minutes later you heard a knock on the door and softly spoke an 'enter'. A yellow haired boy ran up to you and hugged you. You shivered awkwardly and your face must've been priceless seeing that a pink haired girl was laughing at you. You could feel your (s/c) face heating up and becoming so red it was as if you were tipsy.

One more person walked in and had his eyes shut. He had his arms crossed and a simple thinking face on as he slowly opened his eyes and directed his vision toward your face. "Sakura, shut up." He said forcefully and she immediately stopped, frowning from his harsh verbal attack. You were nervous to tell him that what he did wasn't very nice.

You were a nice person, period. You hated seeing others sad since you were usually a cheery delightful bundle of love. Though, if you felt like you needed to, you could really be a bītch. Your attitude towards others didn't usually depended on how they acted towards you, but this guy didn't seem too good so you were fine with returning the favor. If only you had the courage...

Your thoughts were interrupted by the yellow haired weirdo who had pulled you into a tight hug. He had let go and smiled giving you a thumbs up and a cheesy grin. You smiled back still shaking a little bit from the awkwardness. "H-hey, uh we're glad you're alright!" He took his hand he used to give you a thumbs up and scratched the back of his head with it. You tilted your head in confusion. 'I mean yeah i'm in a hospital but... what is this kid talking about...?'

"Oh! Right. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and these here are my friends, Sakura and Sasuke. He didn't point to who was named who but you could tell what name was meant for a female and what name was meant for a male. You slowly but surely nodded your head switching your gaze from Naruto to the two other faces.

Both faces stared at you with an unhappy expression. Sasuke's was an 'ugh' face while Sakura's was an 'ew' face. You continued to nod and switched your vision once again to Naruto. He was still smiling. You could tell your blush had faded away and you focused your eyes on Naruto's, studying his blue optimistic orbs.

Why was he so buddy-buddy with you? You hadn't even known him. And why were these two people behind him looking at you with stares like daggers? You continued to study his eyes until an extremely beautiful blonde lady came into the room with a clipboard.

"Welcome, traveler, to the Village Hidden in the Leaves." She chuckled at your confused face. "Right, I better explain." The lady walked close towards you and sat on the bed, next to your blanket covered legs.

You already knew that this was going to be a story you would dislike seeing that the lady's gorgeous genuine smile had faded into a fake one.

"Y/n, you don't remember, do you?" she sighed.


A/n: Woo! The first chapter 💕 I hope you guys enjoyed it! Hopefully chapters will be longer but I wrote this one when I was about to go to sleep.
Finally I can be called Author Chan! Yippie! Hehehe. Remember to vote if you like the story, but of course you don't have to! I love you very much but imma go on with my life now 😉 see you later gator, mouah! 😘

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