Chapter 1

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I finally made it to L.A. what should have been a day and a half drive, was a four day drive, all because I was driving with broken ribs(never try that), and I stopped at a few motels to try and sleep, which didn't happen. But I made it. It was night time so I knew exactly where I could find Nat, the races. I did some digging and found out where one was. I hope she is at that one because I don't want to go looking for her all night, plus I don't think I can bare this pain any longer, but I want to find her before I go to a hospital. I pulled up to the race and parked my car near a black 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback, nice car. I got out and well nearly fell but I grabbed a hold of my car and just stood there for a second. Once I recovered from the pain I slowly walked around looking for Natalie.

"Look at that, viper wins again!" I heard someone yell. Viper, that has to be her! Wait but what if it isn't? She's the only one I know of that goes by that nickname. But what if someone else goes by that name here in the street racing world. Dammit Emily, just go see if it is her. I walked over and sure enough it was her, she was standing with two other guys. One with black shaggy hair, though I can't see his face, so I'm not sure what he looks like, and another with dirty blonde short hair and by the looks of it he had brown eyes as well.
"Hey Hollywood!" I called out to her, ow! That hurt. I started calling Natalie that just after she moved here, only occasionally though cause she doesn't particularly like it. But it got her attention. She turned and looked around a bit before her eyes finally landed on me, and she went from happy to instantly worried in less then a second.
"Emily? Oh my god! What happened to you? When did you get here? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly as she got to me and hugged me making flinch in pain and she instantly let me go.
"I just got here. I knew you would be at a race, so I instantly went looking for one and well here I am." I told her fighting off tears. I don't think I could tell her what happened. Or why I was there. I know she is gonna force it out of me anyways, but I just I know I can't. She doesn't even know about the party I went to the week before school or what happened at it. She doesn't even know about the bullying during my entire senior year, or that Momma thinks that this is all my fault. I never told her about the bad, because I didn't want her to worry, I didn't want her to show up in town one day with a freaking pick axe singing 'someones gonna die' over and over again. I just wanted her to think I was okay, so that she could continue on here, being happy.
"What happened to you? Did this happen here?" She asked motioning to all my injuries, now sounding like she was about to kill someone.
"No." I replied, avoiding the first question.
"What happened? Did it happened back home?" She asked again.
"Yeah, look it's a long story. One I don't really feel like telling here." I told her. God hearing her talk makes me realize just how southern I really am.
"Alright. Where are you parked? We can head out. We're all done racing for the night anyways." Nat responded motioning me to lead the way to my car. "I'm assuming you have a car now."
"Yeah sort of. Tyler gave me daddy's car, or Tyler's car, My car? The car." I finally said as I slowly made my way back to the car.
"Perfect, your parked right next to Matt's car. You can follow him out of here, me and Alex are parked back that way." Nat responded pointing behind her. "By the way this is Matt Toretto and Alex O'Connor, boys this is my best friend Emily Blackwood." She introduced us, Matt was the shaggy black hair and I now see he has chocolate brown eyes, Alex was the blonde one.
"Hi." I said quietly worried on being picked on for my southern accent.
"Cute accent." Matt flirted.
"Thanks." I replied shyly, as I feel myself blushing majorly. No Em! The last time a cute guy showed any interest in you, bad things happened and are still happening!
"You'll be following me until Nat catches up. So until then I'll drive slow for you." Matt told me teasingly.
"Normally I would be offended by that comment, but considering the circumstances that would be much appreciated." I replied as I leaned against my car trying to get control of my breathing. Who knew walking with broken ribs would be so hard, oh wait....I did. Ugh!
"We'll be meeting her at a gas station down the road, after that we're taking you to the hospital." Matt informed me, pointing at me, "No if's and's or but's."
"Why bother? I already know what's wrong with me, and they will just do the same thing I already did. The only difference being that I would also be prescribed pain medication. And I barely know you, so you can't tell me what to do." I replied.
"They can make sure, the broken ribs ain't going to be puncturing a lung." Matt responded opening his car door, "Just get in your car. We need to leave real quick."
"At least I would be out of my misery." I muttered as I got into my car started it up and waited for him to start driving. Once Matt started driving I followed him. We got out and far enough away just in time because I turned on my radio and heard the news say that cops were breaking up yet another street race downtown. We pulled up to a gas station and I turned off the car and got out. As much as standing is killing me, so is sitting.
"C'mon." Nat told me leading me to the passenger side of my car, "I'll drive you to the hospital."
"Can we not. Then I'm gonna have to explain my story to the doctor, I already don't want to tell you, mostly because of the fact you will want to kill someone, but I mean if I can't tell you how am I supposed to tell the doctor?" I asked as I got into the passenger seat.
"I know you don't want to, but we can just use the excuse of you falling and landing on a bench or something." Nat answered once she got into the driver's seat, "If we are lucky we will get a doctor I know, who won't ask questions."
"Fine. Take me to hell, I mean the hospital." I replied tiredly as she drove off. We got to the hospital an hour later. We walked in and went to the front desk I told them who I was and why I was there then went and took a seat in the waiting room and pulled out my phone. I quickly told Tyler that I was in L.A. with Natalie. I told him that I wasn't sure if i was staying with her, or if I was staying in a hotel, but that I was more then likely staying with her and I would tell him the address once I knew it. Once that was all taken care of I quickly messaged Seth and apologised for leaving so suddenly, to which he understood, then I just sat there quietly. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell Nat anything yet, I wanted to wait till I knew where I was staying. The doctor called my name I told Nat that if she wanted to she could either come in, or stay out here. She decided to come in only because she knew I can't lie what so ever. And sadly the doctor wasn't who Nat was hoping for, she did ask questions and of course the number one question was "How did this happen?" To which both Nat and I explained how I fell down two flights of stairs, and landing the wrong way. I had four broken ribs, upside is nothing I didn't need surgery, I just wasn't allowed to drive for a while and well I had to be extra careful. She bandaged me up and prescribed me some pain medication, which I would have to get later and we left.
"So uh...I can stay in a hotel tonight, and well for the time I'm here until I can get on my feet again." I told Nat as we got into the car, her in the driver's seat again.
"You're staying with me. The guys won't care. You can even have my room, I don't really use it." Nat told me, not giving me a choice.
"Um okay...Why don't you sleep in your room?" I asked her curiously.
"I have troubles sleeping, so I usually stay in Alex's room with him. I guess sharing a bed makes it easier to sleep." Nat mumbled as she pulled out of the hospital parking lot.
"Oh okay." I replied. With that we said nothing more for the whole car ride. Actually I don't even know much as to what happened cause I fell asleep. One minute I'm having a bit of a nightmare, and the next Nat is waking me up saying that we were at her house. I got out of the car and opened the trunk then pulled my suitcase out, which hurt a lot.
"I got your suitcase, just go on in, the door should be unlocked." Nat told me grabbing my suitcase from me.
"Uh...Okay." I replied quietly then slowly made my way up to the front of the house. Once I got onto the front porch I reached for the handle of the door and turned it, opening the door and slowly walking in. I could hear a few voices coming from one of the rooms. Nat came in behind me and well made our presence known.
"Hey assholes, I'm back." Nat yelled laughing. I laughed a bit, which I immediately regretted.
"Ow, don't make me laugh." I whined, but was still slightly smiling.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to, that's usually how I let them know I'm here." Nat responded. I smiled as we walked into what I assume is the living room, considering that is where the tv is and the couch, as well as Lazy Boy chairs were. Sure enough there were a bunch of people there. And I only knew two of them, which were Alex, and Matt.
"Em, you have already met Matt and Alex. This is Dom, his wife Letty, their Matt's parents. That is Brian and his wife Mia, their Alex's parents. And those two over there are Rome and Tej and no they aren't together. Guys this is my very best friend Emily Blackwood." Nat introduced pointing out everyone.
"Hi... Nice to meet you all." I said shyly. I have never been all that good with meeting new people, especially after everything that happened just this past year. I'm always afraid now that as soon as someone looks at me they're gonna know all the lies told about me.
"How's it going, chica?" Letty asked from her spot on Dom's lap.
"Um...Okay I guess." I replied. I didn't really want to be like, absolutely terrible and go into extreme detail about why I was here and what happened to me and blah blah blah, cause my guess would be, they wouldn't really care.
"What happened to your face?" Rome asked without thinking.
"Rome shut your fat mouth, before I shut it for you." Nat threaten, "I will sew it together."
"It's fine Nat. Beside's I still gotta tell you what happened, and well I like to be an open book." I told her before she pounced at him and beat the living hell out of him for asking a question, the thought though did make me smile in amusement. When she nodded I continued, "About four days ago I got the shit kicked out of me by some girls from my old high school all because of some rumors that went around about me at the beginning of the year. No I didn't fight back, because as momma likes to remind me 'my family has a reputation to protect' because she is the mayor of that shitty town. Anyways that's what happened to my face and that's why I'm here. Momma kicked me out. Told me she can't take me getting into fights anymore, so I came here since Daddy isn't home yet and I really had nowhere safe for me to go anymore." I explained sadly. I did leave a few things out, but that can wait for a later date.
"Want me to go kill them and kick your momma's ass?" Nat asked angrily. "Your dad is going to be so furious with momma, he's also going to be worried about you. Tell Tyler to tell your dad when he gets home that he can visit anytime."
"No I don't want you to go kick momma's ass or kill Maria and her minions. As for Daddy I know. I'm gonna text Ty in a bit so that when Daddy gets home....If he comes home, he will know where I am." I replied.
"I'll just call Maria's older brother then. He owes me a favour anyways." Nat responded, "And don't think like that, your dad is going to come home, one way or another. I've told you that before, have I been wrong?"
"I know Nat. It just we stopped getting letters from him two months ago. I know he's probably just unable to send them because he's stuck in the field...But it's just nerve racking. Anyways moving back to the Maria thing, don't bother. I'm here now, far away where she can't lay a finger on me." I replied with a small smile.
"I can ask an ex, if you dad is in a base hospital. Only if you want." Nat offered quietly.
"That's okay. But thanks anyway." I replied with a small smile. I hope I don't look sad or anything, otherwise she will do it.
"And what ex would you be asking?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Is someone jealous? Wait are they dating or something? Am I just reading too much into this? Should I just go lay down? Ahh too many questions!
"Shut up Alex, you know there's nothing to worry about." Nat told Alex giving him a quick kiss. "I'm going to show Em, where my room is, so she can sleep." Alex nodded and gave her another quick kiss and Nat started walking to the stairs motioning for me to follow her. I followed her slowly up the stairs. She did check to make sure I was following her, and wasn't struggling. It's a good thing I am used to this. It isn't the first time they broke my ribs. We got to the top of the stairs and she opened the first door on the right. She opened the door to reveal a room. It was fairly big and had a lot of journals and papers everywhere,
"So this is your room, that you don't really sleep in cause you would rather sleep with your boyfriend?" I asked as we walked in.
"That and I sleep better in his arms." Nat shrugged, "I actually sleep most of the night."
"That's great. Are you sure y'all are okay with me staying here?" I asked softly. I really don't want to be a bother for anyone else.
"Yes, we are more than okay with it. I wouldn't have you staying anywhere else." Nat responded gently. "And I'm sure if you wanted you could hang out in the garage when I am working, Dom won't have a problem with it."
"Thanks. I promise once I find a job and start working I will either help by paying rent or just find an apartment of my own." I replied.
"Hun, I'm not letting you live on your own. And if you want you could help Mia out at their cafe/grocery store. She's usually has Jack with her and she has another on the way." Nat told me.
"Wow. Well I mean if they want some help I will....But I should probably wait a little bit." I responded while trying not to grab a hold of where the pain was, "You think you would be able to get that prescription for me tomorrow?" I asked her.
"Waiting would be a good idea. And totally, it shouldn't be a problem." Nat replied with a small sad smile.
"Thanks. I'm just gonna lay down. I don't think I will leave the room for the rest of the night." I told her as I opened my suitcase and pulled out some pajamas.
"Alright, have a good rest. Want me to bring you water or food or both?" Nat responded.
"No thank you. I will try." I replied. Nat nodded and walked out of my room. I slowly got changed and laid down in the bed. I grabbed my phone and told Tyler the address of Nat's place then plugged my earbuds in and closed my eyes.
I woke up super uncomfortable. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, it read 5:00am. It was five in the morning and I am wide awake! Ugh! I got up slowly, grabbed my sketchbook, walked out of the room and down the stairs. I turned the light on in the living room and sat down on the couch, plugged my earbuds in and just listened to music and started drawing.
"Found it over in the corner, wadded up on the bedroom floor. You shoulda hid it in the closet, you shoulda burned it, you shoulda lost it. Now I'ma have to hang you out to dry, dry, dry. Clothespin all your secrets to the line, line, line. Leave 'em blowing in the wind, just say goodbye to you.All those midnights sneaking in,"I'm late again, oh, I'm so sorry".All the Ajax in the world ain't gonna clean your dirty laundry" I sang quietly a few hours later when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I jumped out of my skin.
"Sweet Baby Jesus! You scared the living hell out of me!" I exclaimed once I saw who it was, it was Matt. What the hell is he doing up so god damn early.
"Sorry." Matt apologised.
I placed my hand on my ribs slightly, "It's fine. I'm just not used to anyone being up this early."
"Oh." Matt responded, "I'm most of the time up early."
"Oh.. Okay then.." I replied and went back to doodling. Damn I really need to pee. And I'm thirsty, "I guess that makes me feel better, I thought I might have woken you."
"Nah. You hungry?" Matt asked heading towards where I assume is the kitchen. "Has Nat shown you around?"
I got up and shook my head, "No I was just too drained yesterday to care. Now I kind of regret it."
"I'll show you around." Matt told me with a smile.
"Perfect, could you first tell me where the bathroom is. I've been up for the past two hours and have been suffering." I replied, biting my lip.
"Yeah, it's this way." Matt responded leading me to the bathroom.
"Thanks." I replied as we got to the bathroom. Once I was done he showed me where everything else was in the house, then we both walked into the kitchen and he started pulling stuff out for food. I stood back awkwardly. What do I do? Or what should I say? It's been awhile since someone new was nice to me....What if I just fuck it up? Maybe I should just say nothing at all.
"You can go sit down, if you want." Matt told me with a smile.
"Okay." I replied shyly, and walked out of the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my sketchbook again. What if I just get hurt here too? Was it a bad idea to come out here? God I feel like I'm going to cry. Okay Em, you're okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you here. They all seem like good people.
"Morning." Nat greeted tiredly as she walked into the living room.
"Morning." I greeted. God I hope she can't tell I am completely freaking out.
"How are you doing this morning?" Nat asked, as she flopped onto the couch.
"Well I have been up since five o'clock this morning because of pain. So not good." I replied sadly.
"Awe." Nat sighed, "Not much sleep here either. We should make a club."
I laughed a bit, "That would be a very small and short lived club."
"Yeah." Nat laughed. "Want coffee? I'm getting some coffee."
"Um sure please." I replied.
"Alright, I'll be back." Nat replied, getting up and heading into the kitchen, coming back out five minutes later with coffee. Handing me a mug, she sat back down.
"Thanks." I replied and took a sipt of the coffee before putting it down on the table and went back to drawing.
"Whatcha drawing?" Nat asked yawning.
"I'm just doodling." I replied as I showed her. I had drawn the rose from Beauty and the Beast. In my mind it was absolutely nothing, but to other people it might be more than nothing. When I was younger my drawing's were never good, and before Nat left I had just started getting better, but she hasn't seen my drawing's since.
"That's amazing Em. You're amazing." Nat told me in awe.
"Thanks. Glad you at least think so." I replied.
"I really do." Nat told me with a smile.
I smiled then we heard Matt say, "Foods ready!" And we both got up and walked over to the kitchen. There was eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and waffles.
"Wow." I said staring at all the food.
"It's usually me or Matt that cook in the mornings, then Alex or the person who didn't make breakfast, for dinner." Nat told me as she handed me a plate. "Thanks Matt."
"Oh. Okay... Thank you." I thanked Matt, but stood back not making a move for the food yet. Matt grabbed the plate from me and filled it then handed it back. I said a silent thank you before following Natalie to the dining room. I sat down across from her and started eating, and my god was it ever delicious! Okay so I may not have eaten in about two days, so pretty much anything is delicious.
"Good?" Alex asked chuckling as he walked into the dining room and sat next to Nat.
I felt my cheeks go red, "Y-yeah... It is..." I replied.
"Chill. We ain't going to bite..... Much." Alex joked, trying to get me to relax a little. "Relaxing will help the ribs."
"I'm sorry....It's just been a while since people have been nice to me. I mean the girls I worked with were always nice to me, but I mostly mean people I don't know. Cause even the people I don't know somehow always knew me...." I trailed off and looked down at the ground sadly.
"You don't have to apologise, you didn't do anything wrong. And whoever those people are, are fucking dumbasses for being dicks to you." Alex responded pointing his fork at me.
"That would have been the entire high school I was in, plus the rest of the town, all because they believed in a stupid rumor." I replied.
"Unfortunately that sounds like every small town out there." Alex replied frowning.
"It is, and it is worse when you're the mayor's daughter and can't do anything about it." I replied, putting my fork down.
"I can still go kick everyone's asses." Nat offered, "It's not too late."
"There would be absolutely no point to it." I replied.
"It would be fun." Nat responded dragging out the word fun, "I could even walk around swinging a baseball singing 'someone's gonna die, someone's gonna die'."
"Cool it Harley Quinn, the answer is still no." I told her amused. Nat frowned causing Alex to laugh at her.
"How about after we're done eating, we all head to the garage." Alex suggested with a smile. "There's a few cars that need to be sprayed. You ever spray a car Emily?"
I shook my head, "Car's were always Nat's thing. And back home Daddy mostly worked on cars with Tyler so they could bond."
"I'm sure Matt can teach you." Nat told me as Matt walked in, "He's the artist of the fam. Well he was, I think he lost that spot when you came."
"I'm not that good Nat. Honestly, I kind of suck." I replied while avoiding all eye contact then added, "Plus before I can do much of anything, I need the medication and my bones need to not be broken."
"You are absolutely amazing, don't think differently. And I guess we'll wait until you're healed to introduce you to cars." Nat told me looking me in the eyes.
"I'll still come with you guys.....Uh, only if that's alright. I wouldn't want to be a bother or be in the way...." I trailed off. Great now they're really going to think I'm annoying, "Um actually maybe I should just stay here and rest...."
"You can rest on the couch in the garage." Matt told me, "If you think Nat is going to leave you here by yourself, you're crazy."
"Um..But....really I'll be okay. If there's cable I'll be even better." I replied. Honestly I didn't want to be alone, my thoughts get real dark when I am alone...But I really am not much of a social butterfly...What am I gonna do?
"You're coming with us no if's, ands or buts about it." Nat told me sternly.
"O-okay...." I replied softly. I had eaten half of my plate and got up, "Sorry I couldn't eat it all, but it was really good." I told Matt as I walked into the kitchen, got rid of whatever was left and started washing the dishes I saw were there.
"Don't worry eating everything, and leave the dishes they can be done later. We have to leave or Dad is gonna kick our asses for being late to work." Matt called out to me.
"Do I have time to at least but on some decent clothes? Or do I have to go in my pajamas?" I asked half seriously half sarcastically.
"You can go get changed, or you can go in your pajamas." Nat responded heading to the stairs, "I'm heading up to get changed real quick. He just told to that so you could get changed before we really did have to go."
"Ahh, Okay." I replied as I made my way up the stairs with her. Once upstairs I walked into her room with her and quickly pulled out some ripped skinny jeans, and a loose tank top. I found my sports, thank god it is padded, and stuck it on carefully. Once we were both dressed we walked back down stairs and walked out of the house where the guys were waiting.
"So who am I going with?" I asked awkwardly.
"You can ride with me if you want." Nat offered pulling her keys out of her bag.
"Okay." I replied and followed her to her car, which was a blue 2015 Dodge Challenger. We got in and drove off.
"So I guess that medication is gonna have to wait a little longer?" I asked slightly amused though I really did need it.
"Nah, we can stop and get it. Dom will understand if not I will get Letty on his ass." Nat answered as she sped of down the street. We quickly went to the pharmacy and got my prescription and a bottle of water so I could take it. Then we went to the garage. We got out of the car and walked inside.
"Nat you're late." Dom called from a car he was working on.
"I had to take Emily to get her prescription." Nat told him as she walked over to a car and got to work. "Em the couch is over there." She told me pointing towards the back.
"Thanks." I told her and went to the couch and sat down. I left my sketchbook at home so I ended up just playing on my phone. After a while I got bored of that and just sat there and watched everyone.
A few hours later Nat came over, "It's lunch, get up we're going to the cafe."
I got up, "Okay.." I replied as I followed her out. We got into her car and took off. We pulled up to a small place called Toretto's a little while later. I'm assuming this is the Cafe/grocery store she was telling me about last night. It looks pretty nice. We got out and walked inside, I was behind everyone else standing awkwardly in the back.
"What do you want Em? I do not suggest the tuna, it taste like crap." Nat asked as she pulled me to the counter.
"Um.. I'm not all that hungry right now. But thanks anyways." I told her quietly. I really hope they don't start thinking I have an eating disorder.
"Please just eat like half. Please." Nat begged, then turned to Mia, "I'll have my usual please." Mia smiled and nodded to Nat and started making her food.
"Really Nat, I'm fine. And you know the more you try to force me to eat the less hungry I get." I told her.
"I know but you should eat something small anyways, your meds will make you sick otherwise. Besides you don't have to eat small anymore, you can eat as much as you fucking want, just slowly build up how much you eat." Nat responded as Mia handed her, her sandwich. "Thanks Mia."
"Your welcome." Mia replied.
"Nat, the meds would only make me sick if I had absolutely nothing in my stomach. I ate a lot of food this morning, I will be fine." I replied.
"If you're sure." Nat mumbled then started eating.
"There's a cooler by the office, you can go grab something to drink." Matt told me with a smile.
"Um thanks. I'm just gonna look around." I replied. Damn that boy's smile.
"Do whatever you want." Matt responded as he too sat down and started eating. I looked around while everyone was eating and talking. I realized then just how much of a family they all really were. I mean they aren't all related by blood, but they are all family. I wish I had that...Even with my real family I don't have that. I blinked and felt a few tears come down my cheeks and instantly walked out of the store and stood outside, hopefully nobody noticed that I walked out or could hear me cry.
"Hey chica, you alright?" Letty asked as she came over to me. I started to nod my head not saying anything but then started to shake my head and cry harder.
"N-no....I-I'm really not....." I told her while sobbing into my hands.
Letty pulled me to her gently being mindful of my ribs, "Shh, it's okay. What's wrong?"
" mess! It's so bad my own Momma don't even want me....." I replied sobbing into her shoulder.
"Well your momma's loss, is our gain. You have us now." Letty told me.
I pulled out of her arms and asked, "Are you sure you wanna be saying that? You don't even know fully why I'm here."
"I'm sure." Letty responded, "I've known about you and heard so much about you, that it doesn't matter. Your family and family is important. But family doesn't always have to be blood."
I wiped my tears away now grateful that I didn't wear makeup cause I would look like a racoon. Should I just let myself trust that she is telling the truth? I mean she looks like the type to tell it like it is. But I just can't shake the feeling that they aren't going to want me around when I tell them everything else. I just know they will say the same thing as Momma....And I can't go through that again....Maybe I should just leave...
"You don't have to trust us right away, but believe this, you are Natalie's family." Letty told me, looking me dead in the eyes.
I nodded my head, "Thanks Letty..." I thanked her softly, looking down.
"Your welcome." She responded as she guided me back towards the store, "Now let's go inside and you can clean yourself up a bit." I nodded she brought me inside and showed me where the bathroom was. I walked in and started washing my face with cold water. God I hate that I cried so much. You can literally see the blood vessels that I popped from crying. I sighed and walked out but kept my distance from everyone.
"Hey Em." Alex greeted me with a smile, when he saw I was back.
"Hi..." I replied very quietly, but didn't look at anyone. I don't know why I just felt like there was a giant sign that said "Hey, please judge me harshly for no goddamn reason" above my head.
"Were going to be heading back to the garage, you can come with or you can stay here and help Mia." Nat told me.
"Is it possible just to go back to your place....I don't want to be in the way." I replied.
"You won't be in the way at either place. But yeah, I should probably go back to the house and start getting stuff ready for the barbeque." Nat responded getting up from her seat.
"Barbeque?" I questioned as I looked at her confused.
"We have a barbeque every Sunday. It's a Toretto tradition." Alex informed me with a chuckle.
"" I replied shyly.
"Yeah." Nat replied with a smile, "You coming home then?" I thought about it, then nodded my head and we left. Once we got home Nat told me she would be in the kitchen if I needed her and I went upstairs. I sat in bed and listened to music and just started drawing. A family Barbeque....That should be interesting

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