Chapter 5

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    I woke up the next morning to my alarm. I set it just in case Matt didn’t wake up. It was five o’clock in the morning. I sighed in slight annoyance, as much as I would love to get the hell out of this damn town, I really love sleep. So I’m not all that happy right now. I sat up realizing Matt actually fell asleep with me and shook my head amused, ‘no wonder he isn’t awake yet.’
    “Matt, wake up.” I told him softly.
    “Mmm. I’m a wake.” Matt responded sleepily, barely opening his eyes. “What time is it?”
    “Five.” I told him simply, getting out of bed and stretching.
    “Alright. I’m gonna take a quick shower then we can leave.” Matt told me getting off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I nodded, once he closed the door I quickly got changed into some ripped skinny jeans, and a white skull tank top. I brushed out my hair and stuck on a little makeup. Thank god there is a mirror in the main room. I dropped my clothes into my bag and closed it just as Matt walked out of the shower.
    “Hey gorgeous.” Matt greeted as he walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss.
    “Mmm, hi.” I greeted with a smile. He smiled as he grabbed the bags and stuck them in the car while I walked over to the room beside ours which is where Alex and Nat were staying and was about to knock on the door when Nat opened the door and looked like she was about to walk out of the room.
    “Hey.” Nat greeted out of breath, holding a hand to her chest.
    “Hi. You good?” I asked confused.
    “Yeah, you just scared me a little is all.” Nat responded with a laugh.
    I laughed a little, “Oh. Sorry. I was just making sure you two were awake.”
    “We’re awake. And have been for awhile.” Nat laughed.
    “Okay. I’m gonna go return the key.” I told her, just after Alex walked out. He heard that and doubled checked to make sure they didn’t forget anything, then tossed the key to me to take back as well. I caught it easily and walked into the office and gave the lady the keys. Then walked out, got to the car and got in.
    “Breakfast?” Matt asked as he started driving.
    “Sounds good.” I replied with a smile.
    “Where?” Matt asked chuckling.
    “Um...Well not the grill, Veronica won’t let me leave without a fight. But not far from the town there is a gas station with an A&W. We can go there.” I replied.
    “Alright. We can get gas and drinks and food for the drive after breakfast.” Matt responded as he drove to the A&W.
    “Perfect.” I replied with a smile as I quickly told Nat and Alex where we were going. We got to the gas station. Nat and I went inside and got all the food and drinks, while the guys got gas. We walked out and got into the cars. We quickly ate then left.
    “I wonder what has been going on at home.” Matt wondered out loud.
    “We were gone a day. I doubt much has happened.” I replied, laughing a bit.
    “With this family, you never know.” Matt pointed out laughing.
    “Touche.” I replied, still giggling a bit.
    “You can go back to sleep if you want.” Matt told me, shooting me a quick smile before looking back at the road.
    “I’m okay. I’m wide awake now.” I replied with a small smile.
    “Alright.” Matt chuckled. I smiled and we sat in comfortable silence, only the radio playing in the background. I decided to leave the radio alone for the trip back, so I didn’t piss him off. I just continued to stare out the window. I watched as signs for different towns went by, until we finally entered the city limits. We got there around four in the afternoon. Yes I realize for that to be possible we must have been speeding, and yes we were.
    “You hungry?” Matt asked, breaking the silence.
    “Yeah a little.” I replied.
    “Where do you want food from?” Matt asked with a smile.
    “Well shit..I have no idea….” I told him laughing a bit.
    “What do you feel like eating?” Matt asked laughing.
    “I don’t know. Are you hungry? Cause if so you can pick.” I told him.
    “Yeah. How about pizza or chinese?” Matt responded as he stopped at a red light.
    “Pizza sounds good.” I told him with a smile.
    “Pizza it is.” Matt smiled. We drove to one of the pizza places, got the pizza to go then drove to the garage. We got out of his car and headed into the garage holding hands, Matt carrying the pizza box.
    “Hey Luke.” Matt greeted Luke Hobbs once Matt saw him. Wait how does he know him?
    “Hello. My have you grown since the last time I saw you Emily.” Luke said looking at Matt then me.
    “Uh..I didn’t even know we had ever met...Um...How do you know them?” I asked him.
    “We met when you were I think eight. They’ve worked for me in the past.” Luke answered smirking at the end.
    “Gotcha…” I replied to the last part then thought about it, “Oh yeah. Now I remember…. You lip synced Taylor Swift with me.” I added after I realized that I did know him.
    “Among other things.” Luke laughed. “C’mere and give me a hug. I don’t know if you know this but your dad named me your godfather.” Luke held his arms out.
     “No I didn’t know that...Mind you things like where or who I would be going to after he and momma passed were things we never talked about…” I told him softly as I hugged him.
    “I didn’t think your dad would talk about those things with you.” Luke responded wrapping his arms around me, giving me a squeeze. Honestly I could have broken down right there. It felt like I was getting a hug from my dad, and that just killed me more inside. But instead of letting myself start crying I let go of Luke and smiled at him.
    “Thanks for coming…..As I told you on the phone I’m in a little trouble….And though these guys are great at keeping me safe, there’s only so much hiding I can do.” I told him.
    “What kind of trouble? And what do you need me to do?” Luke asked crossing his arms.
    “Well as you already knew, Daddy came to me so that I could hide something… From the same people that killed him...So since you work for the DSS I figured you could help catch these assholes and lock them up.” I told him. Before he could say something I added slowly, “I’ve already figured out their names…”
    “What are their names?” Dom asked as he too crossed his arms.
    “Carter Verone, and Braga… They were convicted..” Before I could continue, I was interrupted.
    “We know what they are convicted for.” Dom interrupted gruffly.
    “How? Have you guy’s dealt with them as well?” I asked him.
    “Rome and I put Verone in jail to get our records cleared and Dom and I took Braga down when we thought Letty was dead.” Brian answered being serious, not one ounce of his usually carefreeness.
    “Oh…” I said in shock...I can’t believe Braga tried to kill Letty… I feel really bad now for them… And now I know that Braga will stop at nothing to get what he want’s….Not sure about Verone, but let’s not have more to worry about. “Um….So I figured out who they were after I got that call. My phone instantly records my conversations if it is an unknown caller who calls. I ran it through a voice recognition and it picked up both of their voices, then showed me who they were. What they are after is this.” I told him while pulling the usb stick out of my boot.
    “What’s on it?” Luke asked pointing at the usb.
    “Nothing of value to them...anymore that is. I transfered the data onto a chip. The chip stays hidden until these assholes are for sure not going to be able to hurt anyone. I also don’t exactly know what the data is that they want. I figured that if they ended kidnapping me or something and asked about why there was nothing on the usb I could say I don’t know. I don’t even know what’s on it. Though thank god it won’t get to that.” I replied.
    “I’d like to take a look at this data.” Luke told me.
    I shook my head, “No offense, but that’s not happening.”
    “We got to know everything, Emily. I get that you want to protect us, but we can’t go in this metaphorically blind.” Alex snapped a little trying to get the point across, “Whatever is on that chip of yours, we need to know. For all you know their whereabouts in on there.”
    “I get that! I do….but daddy didn’t even tell me what that data is. Which means I’m not about to go showing it off to everyone. The less we know about that damn chip the better.” I told him.
    “You don’t fucking get it! Your dad didn’t know, okay fine. You don’t have to show everyone! But one of us needs to know.” Alex snapped.
    I took a deep breath, “Alex I already played this entire thing through my head over one hundred times. On one hand someone looks at the data, they know what’s on it, Verone and Braga know instantly and bam not just one person dead, but two. And the data ends up back in there hands . On the other, nobody knows, we lure them out with the usb stick because they both think the data is still on it, we arrest them, problem solved.” I told him, though I know it isn’t that simple….Someone is going to end up being collateral damage...I just hope its me over them.
    “It’s not that simple. We need to know why they want it back so bad. They won’t know. And don’t think for one second that any of us is going to let you lure them out. I’m not going to watch my cousin fall apart again.” Alex argued, his voice had a hard edge to it.
    “I didn’t say I was luring them out. I said we as in I wouldn’t be alone. I do value my life, I just value it a lot less then all of your’s.” I argued back.
    “HEY! Enough! Emily your life is worth just as much if not more than ours. If you two start arguing again I will slap the both of you. God you sound like siblings or an old married couple for fucksakes.” Nat interrupted snapping at the both of us. “I’m not joking, no more arguing.”
    I sighed, “Look you want someone to see the data, fine. I’ll give the chip to Luke, Dom, and Brian. They can look at it. But that is it. Nobody else.” I told him then walked outside so I could breathe. I don’t know why I don’t want them to look at it….To keep them safe? That’s what I keep telling myself… Why don’t I want to know? I mean I should want to know what’s so important that somebody would kill me just to get to it.
    I took a shaky breath, “Why me, daddy? Why not Luke Hobbs? I’m in over my head with this….” I whispered as tears started to fall. I went into Matt’s car and pulled my bag out. I grabbed my computer, stuck my bag back into the car and walked back into the garage. Sticking the computer down on a table I grabbed a screwdriver and took it apart. By this time I had a few people asking what I was doing. I didn’t answer, I took out the chip and left the computer ‘broken’ on the table walked over to Luke gave him the chip then left. Keep in mind, I’m not suppose to be alone….But right now that’s all I want is to be alone. I can’t bare someone telling me the flaws in my idea because I already knew them...I can’t bare seeing how hurt Matt is to what I said..I just can’t. I walked to a park, it was fairly busy so I sat down on a bench and sighed, sticking my earbuds in and listening to music.
    “Hey, you okay?” A random guy asked, as they sat down on the bench.
    I took my earbuds out and looked over at the guy. He was blonde with skater cut hair and blue eyes, “Sure. We can go with that.”
    “What’s wrong? Maybe I can help.” The guy asked. “Sorry, you don’t have to tell me. I’m Damien by the way.” He held out his hand for me to shake.
    I took his hand and shook it, “Emily, and I doubt you’ll be able to help. But thanks for offering.” I thanked as I let go of his hand.
    “Nice to meet cha.” Damien responded, “You never know. I could be helpful.”
    I shook my head, “It’s extremely complicated.” 
    “Lot’s of things are.” Damien sighed.
    “Sounds like you have some problems of your own that need fixing.” I replied glancing at him.
    “You try being gay and your parents not accepting you.” Damien responded, “It’s a problem I can’t fix. Plus the guy I like, doesn’t like me.”
    “Aww. That is shitty. I doubt my issues can even come close.” I replied sincerely. He doesn’t need to know about what’s going on in my life.
    Damien shook his head, “Yours are probably worse.”
    “Not really. My mother disowned me, though I saw it coming. My father died two days ago. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is mad at me now, and my birthday is in a week...Yeah my problems don’t beat yours.” I told him, leaving out the part about me having people who want to kill me looking for me and literally could strike any minute.
    “Definitely beats mine.” Damien told me. “Happy early birthday.”
    “Thanks….” I replied sadly.
    “Do you need a hug?” Damien asked me. “Hugs help me… Sometimes.”
    I smiled sadly, “Yeah..I think I do…” He turned towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, and that’s when I saw him. Carter Verone. I let go of him and gave him a smile, “Hey do you wanna go for a walk?” I asked, my eyes begging for him to say yes as I saw Carter coming closer.
    “Of course.” Damien answered getting up, he pulled me up with him. Once we got away from the park, Damien paused. He sheepishly told me, “I got a small confession to make. I came over to you because I saw that guy following you.”
    My eyes went a little wide then I sighed, “Thanks...You probably just saved my life.” I told him then looked over my shoulder and saw Carter looking for me, “We should go before he notices us..” I stated as I started walking again, Damien walking beside me.
    “Welcome. Where am I walking you to?” Damien asked.
    “Um do you know where Toretto’s garage is? You don’t have to walk with me the whole way if it’s too out of the way from where you need to be.” I asked.
    “Alright, I know where that is. I have to go there anyways.” Damien answered with a smile, as he made us walk faster.
    “Thanks..” I replied. He nodded and we continued to walk. We got to the garage half an hour later. Thank god everyone was still there. I can’t believe Carter Verone was following me….Actually I can..I just don’t want to.
    “Hey Aunty.” Damien greeted the lady standing by Luke. The lady greeted him back and gave him a hug. I had a confused look on my face, not knowing who she was since she wasn’t here when I left. 
    “This is my partner Elena, Elena this is Emily my goddaughter.” Luke introduced us. I waved at her with a small smile then looked at the ground as I still felt very uncomfortable.
    “It’s so good to finally meet you. Luke talks about you a lot.” Elena told me with a kind smile.
    I gave a small smile, “I wish I could say the same….But I didn’t even remember who he was till yesterday.”
    “That’s understandable, he hasn’t been in your life in years.” Elena responded with a warm smile. I nodded as I looked away from her. Its weird how all I wanted was to get back to the people who are going to protect me, but now I just want to leave again...Especially since I’m sure everyone is kind of mad at me..
    “Hey, I was thinking of going home and sleeping for a bit. Want to come?” Matt asked as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I nodded my head, not looking at him. Which just breaks my heart...But what if he is hurt? I can’t stand looking up at him and seeing that.
    “Hey.” Matt said lifting up my chin gently, “I love you.” 
    I gave a small smile, “I love you too.” No pain in his eyes, no disappointment, or anger...Just love.
    “We’ll see you guys later.” Matt called out to everyone as he lead me to his car. 
    I smiled and called over my shoulder, “Hey thanks again Damien.” He nodded and I got into Matt’s car.
    “Sorry I was going to come find you but I flipped on Alex and by the time I was done, you were back.” Matt apologised.
    “You flipped on Alex?” I asked in shock.
    “Kinda.” Matt responded sheepishly.
    “...Why?” I asked, though I’m pretty sure I already knew the answer.
    “He snapped at you.” Matt mumbled, as he sped off.
    I looked out my window, “Are you telling me that he didn’t have a point? Cause he did…. I just won’t be admitting that to him.”
    “I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is that he could have gone about it in a different way.” Matt responded his grip on the steering wheel tightening a little.
    I looked at him and sighed, “Though I’m glad you defended me, and you are right...I don’t really blame him...I’m not really making things easy…” Then looked out the window. We pulled up to the house and I got out of the car.
    “No, you aren’t.” Matt said, as we walked up and into the house.
    “I knew it. You are mad at me….” I said, walking past him up the stairs.
    “I’m not mad, upset yes.” Matt responded, “You can’t expect me not to be a little upset Em. You were talking about giving yourself to them on a silver platter.
    “Not me Matt, the usb. I don’t want them to get to me. Like I said, I do value my life, just a little less than everyone else’s.” I replied with a sigh as we got to the top of the stairs.
    Once we got into his room, Matt turned me to face him, “You do realise that offering up the usb, is offering yourself up.”
    I rolled my eyes, “ I give up! Okay. I can’t take all of this! You guy’s won’t believe that I can do this without getting killed then fine. I don’t know what to do anymore! It’s not like I was given instructions, or took a class on how to not get killed and please everyone as well!” As I pushed passed him about to leave his room.
    “We do believe. I don’t want to lose you, none of us do.” Matt told me as he grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving.
    “I understand that. But I don’t want to deal with this anymore. I just want to either buy us some more time, or have faith they’ll take the bait and nobody will get hurt.” I replied, not looking at him and trying not to cry.
    “Plans never survive first contact with the enemy. Which is why you can’t hide anything from us.” Matt told me, “I want things to work out in our favour quickly, but no one knows how things are going to turn out.”  By this point I physically couldn’t speak. I was as still as a statue, but tears were falling from my face...I’m just so done. I don’t understand why daddy wanted me to deal with this….It’s not like I am smart about things like this...I can defend myself, but barely...And I’m a walking time bomb. Matt pulled me into his arms. I turned in his arms and buried my head into his chest, clutching onto him as though he was my life support system.
    “I’m sorry.” I apologised just above a whisper.
    “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have gotten so upset.” Matt apologised quietly. I started to calm down, I pulled back from him, though I stayed in his arms. I wiped my eyes, getting rid of my tears.
    “No, you have a right to be upset. I make everything more difficult than it has to be.”  I told him.
    “It’s one of the things I love and hate.” Matt told me.
I giggled a bit, “I’m going to go wash my face… Do you still want me to come back in here?” I asked unsurely.
    “Yes, I want you back in here.” Matt responded with a small chuckle.
    “Okay..” I replied with a small smile. I walked out of his room and into the bathroom. God I can’t wait for all this to be over with. I hate all this crying. I washed my face with cold water then walked back into Matt’s room where I saw him sitting on the bed. I walked over and climbed onto the bed, laying down.
    “Want to watch a movie?” Matt asked though he didn’t really seem like he wanted to watch a movie.
    “No. Cause you obviously don’t want to.” I teased.
    “If you wanted to watch a movie, we can. I don’t mind.” Matt responded with a small smile.
    I shook my head, “No movie. Wasn’t really feeling it anyways.”
    “Alright. What do you want to do?” Matt questioned. I just laid there staring at, well nothing in particular.
     “Didn’t you say you were wanting to get some sleep?” I asked, while looking up at the ceiling.
    “I said that so I could leave. If I sleep now, I will have trouble sleeping later.” Matt answered chuckling. “But if you want sleep, sleep.”
    I sat up, “Just tell me what you want to do..Please, I can tell you have something in mind, I just can’t read you right now.”
    Matt laughed as he leaned over and kissed me, pulling away slightly Matt said, “That is what I had in mind, which is why I was letting you decide what we do.”
    I giggled, “I mean I’m okay with that.” Matt kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss and moved so I was straddling his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my body closer against his. I felt his hands slide under my shirt, then he grabbed the hem of my shirt and started pulling it up. I smiled against his lips and pulled away so I could pull my shirt off then tossed it. Thank god I decided on my black and red lace bra. I pulled at his shirt while he was kissing my neck, he moved from my neck and pulled his shirt off. Matt moved us so that I was laying on the bed, with him laying in between my legs, over me.
    “Are you sure? Do you want to stop? Are we going to quick?” Matt asked breathlessly, looking me in the eyes.
    I looked him dead in the eyes and smiled, “Yes...I’m sure.” I told him breathlessly.
    “Okay… Just let me know if you want to stop and we will.” Matt told me. I nodded and thus we continued. More clothes were removed, each time Matt made sure it was okay.
    And well the rest of that night is history.

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