Chapter 7

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            (Jasmine P.O.V)
After returning home I climb the stairs to Jasper's bedroom hoping to find sleep but all I found were nightmares.
I'm standing alone in a dark forest but yet I feel somewhat calm in this place that I stand in. I hear a voice but its not from one source its all around me but who is it? I try to calm my nerves but it only gets worse as Michael steps into my sight but he is not alone he stands with a knife to Jasper's throat. I feel as if my heart stops beating. Michael tells me to give up to bow down to his word but being the bull headed child I am I fight against him not thinking of the danger I put my mate in. Its to late not to see the light leave those beautiful golden eyes. I hate myself for it I always will, I did this to him...... I chose his death.
             (End of Dream)
I woke up to my love standing over me holding me down. Those golden eyes burn with pain but they burn none the less. "I must leave Jaz." "Why " he says with a broken look on his face. "It is not safe for me to be here."I say as I leap from his bed. "But who safety do you speak for....mine or yours." Jasper says as he pulls me back down trapping me between him and the bed. "I bring danger with me Jaz and it is one that can very well tear my whole world apart." I say as I try to push him away but it only angers him more. "As your mate you will stay by my side and if you make me force you to stay it will be unpleasant for the both of us." Jasper spat as he pulls me to look him in the eye. I know there is no room to fight him on this I would lose and it would only take a toll on our newly made bond we have yet to make stronger. I cuddle to his side and start to feel the tears running down my face. I'm scared I tell him as he pulls me closer. "You have nothing to fear when you are with me." He purred in my ear then laid a soft kiss to my temple. Right then and there I felt safe and for maybe once in my life I didn't feel so alone.

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