Is this really happening?- pt 3

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Finley's POV-

Olivia checks to see if the coast is clear, it is then we run to the hallway that's on the side of the building, luckily no-one see's us. Finally, we can talk.

"Okay now you can tell me." Olivia says to me.

"Ok....I might have a slight" I hear a door open behind me. The hallway is super long, I look down is to see DeVore's mom walking down the long hallway. 

"Hi Mrs. Ledridge." Olivia says.

"Hi Olivia"  She says back. Then she exit's though anouther door. 

"Where we're we?" Olivia asks.

"Right......Um might have a slight crush on...." another door opens behind me..... It's DeVore, At least it's not one of the boys!  I think, suddenly a door behind DeVore opens... it's not a girl, and it's not Jake either. Of course It's Ethan, at this point I given up on telling Olivia that I like Ethan, I'm pretty sure she can tell. I see Ethan coming  my way "There's no way I'm talking to him right now" I say in my head. 

I look over and run through the door we came through. And once again hide. "No ones finding me this time." I say to myself. I hide one of the typical 'Bizaardvark' settings, Bernie's Office, under the desk. Somehow someone comes into the room looking for me. "Dang it" I say to myself, "I'm screwed." Then the person rounds the corner looking under the desk for me.

Guess who? Yep,that's right, Ethan Wacker. 

"Finley, what are you doing?" He asks me.

"Well it's kinda a long story" I say "When you opened the door, and I saw you and I-I saw how hot y-" I got cut off by Ethan kissing me. He kisses me and I kiss back,  before you know it we're making out underneath the desk. Smooth (IK).He soon gets some tounge action, You know how there's glass windos around the room looking into the Hallway? Well turns out we had an the I mean Olivia, Madison, DeVore and Jake were standing there looking at us making out.

 The girls were "Awww" -ing and Jake looked furious. He clearly didn't like that Ethan was on top of me, slipping tounge in my mouth. But I didn't care, It was my first kiss, clearly not his. When we pulled away, we looked into each others eyes. 

"I love you." Ethan stated.

"I love you more." I said.

"I doubt that." He said back. "Finley will you be my gilfriend?" He then asks.

"Yes!" I yelled. I'm pretty sure everyone on set heard me. I put my arms around his neck, and he put his around my waist. I kissed him again, on the lips. We said "I love you" again, and then held hands, while walking out of the 'Office'.

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