Sleepover -pt 4

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Finley's POV- 

We went to Ethan's  room, and snuggled on the couch until he had to go act on set. I followed him, and waited in his director chair(all of them do have one with their last names on them).Once Jake got done with his role he went over to the girls:

"Hey guys!" He said.

"Hey Jake, can Finley come with us to my house for a sleepover?" DeVore asked.

"Sure, but she'll need her things." Jake replied.

"Ok, we'll go by the Team 10 house." DeVore said.

"We're going to ask her." Madison said.

"Ok." Jake said. Then they came over to Finley.

"Hey Finley!" Olivia said.

"Hey Girls! What's up?" Finley asked them.

"We were just wondering if you would like to have a sleepover with us."  Madison said.

"Sure! I would love to!" She said with exitement.

"Great! We already talked to Jake and he said you could." DeVore said putting a huge smile on her face.

"We should get going, we're done with set for the day." Olivia said.

"Ok, let me say bye to Ethan." Finley said, jogging over to Ethan's room.

"Hi I'm going with Olivia, Madison and Devore to my house to get stuff for our sleepover, I got to go, so I love you." Finley said kissing Ethan on the lips, him kissing back making it a short Make-out session. When the pulled away Ethan said:

I'll mss you, maybe we could hang-out tomorrow?"

"Sure! I'll miss you too." Finley said pecking him on the lips one more time before she left. They all got into DeVore's car and went to all they're houses to pick up the things they needed for the night, and the morning. They finally got to the Team 10 house, Finley ran in and got a back-pack packed with: pajamas, clothes for tomorrow, her tooth brush and tooth-paste, money, and phone charger.

Soon they got to DeVore's house set up some sleeping bags,blankets, and pillows. Then they got changed one at a time in the bathroom. And started talking.First about set, gradually getting closer to talking about Finley and Ethan.

"Hey Finley, soo you and Ethan?" Madison asked.

"What about us?" She said back.

"What are you two?" Olivia asked.

"BF and GF." Fin said in a: DUH! Voice.

"Oooooo!" DeVore said.

"What?" Finley asked confused.

"Ohh nothing." Devore said, acting like she knew something.

"No there's something." I said. "What is it?" I asked.

"Well that's your first boyfriend, Right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, soo?" I asked confused.

"Awwwww!" They all said in sync.

"It's Finley's First Boyfriend!" Olivia squeeled.

"Really guys? It's not that big of a deal." I said back.

"Are you kidding? It's a huge deal." DeVore said.

"Well I don't think it's such a big deal." Finley said.

"How was the kiss?" DeVore asked me.

"Good I guess, I've never been kissed before." I said.

"Awwwww" They all said in sync again.

"First kiss, and First boyfriend?"DeVore said "This is crazy!"

"I can tell he cares so much about you." Olivia says.

"Yeah, He really loves you." Madison adds.

"You guys are perfect for eachother!" DeVore says.

"Thanks guys! You guys are so nice." I say.

"Just tellin' the truth" Olivia says.

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