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Wendy said there's nothing wrong with me. I should feel relieved but why is it I feel more uneasy? I might actually like Park Jimin? It's not possible right? It can't be.

What should I do now? Think, Seulgi. I can just do nothing as Wendy says, but it might get worse. What is? I don't even know..this uneasy, annoying, irritating feeling? Ugh.

Think. Think. Think.

Wait, Wendy said something about my lack of dating experience. I think this is it. It's just that I don't have much romantic experiences with boys that I feel this way towards Jimin. I don't know how to deal with annoying persistent boys that pretends to like me like Jimin that's why I don't know how to feel about them. Then Wendy, being a romantic and all mistakes it for feelings of fondness. This is it. I just thought of an idea to test this theory. I just know the right person to help.

Yura was surprised that I wanted to sit with Clara's group. She knows how I refuse to sit with Clara because they always have guys over at their table and I find it annoying yet here we are over at Clara's.

"Wow. Kang Seulgi is actually sitting with us. This is new.", Clara said with a smile but I feel like there's a hint of irritation in her voice. You see, Clara's the type of girl that loves attention especially coming from boys but me here in their table is irritating her.

" Does it bother you?"

"Of course not. Why would I be bothered?"

She is definitely bothered. Well, as much as I find it fun to annoy her I have an important mission right now. So, it's time put flirty Seulgi in action.

The guy is Clara's new target. He is  Jackson , son of a real estate mogul. I gave him a glance which I hope screams flirtatious.

"Hey, there.", he said.

" Hi! I'm Seulgi. Kang Seulgi" Ugh. I even said it with a smile. I can see Yura's shocked face via my peripheral vision but it then turned into a smirk. She must be thinking I'm into this guy. Well, I try to be. Clara on the other hand is clearly frustrated. She was flirting with the guy this whole time and just a glance from me clearly diverted the guy's attention.

"I know" he said it while caressing my cheek. What the hell?!? Wait, why is that feeling not coming? I don't feel nervous more like disgusted. So, this is not it? I guess it's too soon to tell. We danced afterwards. He is clearly fascinated but still that feeling is still not coming. Clearly, this is not about my lack of "boy experience". I have been spending more time with this guy even danced flirtatiously with him but I'm just feeling more and more disgusted by the second. No nervousness, no fast heartbeats, nothing.

This is not working so I should cut the act. I stopped dancing and went back to the VIP lounge area we were at. The others are so into the music that they didn't even noticed my absence. It's fine, I want to go home anyway. I'll just send Yura a text that I'll go ahead. I was typing on my phone when the guy sat beside me.

" Seulgi baby, let's dance some more" Eeeew.

"I'm going home"
It was obvious he's taken aback by my change of attitude.

"Oooh..so you're playing hard to get now? This is fun"

"What? Leave me alone!"

"Fierce..I love it!" He then placed his hand on my thigh which I slapped away. What the hell? But he didn't stop though. Next thing I know, he was grabbing me by the neck and was trying to kiss me. I was protesting but I'm losing every second as he is much stronger than I am. Great, I'm about to waste my first kiss. He's face is coming closer and closer.

He was then interrupted by a punch on his face.

I bet you know from whom that punch came from.  Park Jimin.
Jimin then grabbed me by the wrist and led me out of the club and just like that I feel nervous, my heart's racing. The annoying, irritating feeling is back.

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