Chapter 59

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- Blue -


We were walking up the driveway, and still, there was this smile on my face.

I had Harry's jacket on my shoulders, his arm also around them.

"So..'' Harry shrugged.


"The kids. We should--"

"I promise, we'll tell them. Okay?" I nodded, cutting him off. "I want to, so badly.. I just have no idea how to. They actually seem to love your company. With other people, they're usually really shy."

"Well, after all I am their father." He smiled, looking down at me.

We were on the porch now, as he sets a finger under my chin, lifting my face slightly in a kiss.

I peck him on the lips instead, as I grin.

"Once a tease, always a tease.'' Harry remarked, shaking his head.

Giggling, I rang the doorbell twice, just waiting.

In a few moments, Gemma comes to open the door, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"You said an hour, you were gone for the whole day, and night.." She chuckled, looking at Harry, and then at me.

"I'm so sorry." I sighed. "We kinda.. Just had a little alone time to ourselves. We talked it out and everything."

Part of that was clearly a lie, we had once again, more make up sex.

It was quick, but still.. It was something I greatly missed.

"Well that's good for you guys. The kids are asleep now. Soo, if you need anything else, I--"

"Gemma, you've done so much today, thank you. It means a lot. I owe you one day alright?" I chuckled, my hand squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.

"Okay, then. Well I'm going to get going. Mum's probably worried I'm missing in action. We usually watch CSI on nights like this, and yeah." She rambles on, waving us off as she walks past us and down the porch steps. "Bye!" She called, walking down the street.

We both wave at her before she was gone, and we headed inside.

"Yeah, we talked it over." Harry spoke sarcastically, me smirking.

"Well what did you expect me to say?" I mumble, smiling as I look through the mail.

They seemed new, maybe Gem picked it up when the mailman came.

Flipping through the envelopes, I purse my lips.

"Bills. Bills. Shit. And bills.'' I furrowed my eyebrows as I look through them.

Harry snickered, his arms making their way around my waist, his chin set firmly on my shoulder.

He watches intently as I flip through them, the last one being.. Different then what I'd usually see.

"Harry." I muttered, showing him the letter.

He tilts his head as he reads the front. "It's from school. As in.. High school."

"Yeah.." I pointed at the last sentence."

"High school reunion!" He exclaimed, smiling. "We definitely have to go."

"And.. What are people going to think of us?" I sighed, biting my lip anxiously.

"Hey, it doesn't matter." He shook his head.

P.S. I Hate You (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now