The Blake Boys

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Annelieses POV
It's currently 10:00PM. Paige is asleep. She cried herself to sleep. I'm getting tired so I go to sleep. When I wake up Mom is in the doorway.

Mom- Girls. It's time to go.

Me- Ok mom. We're on our way.

Paige is still sleeping. I wake her up. Her eyes are still puffy and red from crying. I'm guessing she woke up a few times in the middle of the night and cried.

Me- It's time to go.

Paige- Ok.

I get in Paige's convertible and we start following moms Mini van. It's gonna take 18 hours + some to get there.
We stop at the gas station within 7 hours. Mom and Paige needed gas and I was hungry. I grabbed my saved $100 from my bag and go to the candy isle. I grab a lot of snacks. I realize we'll stop at another gas station later on so I grab a Snickers bar and a bag of chips. I also get a 2 liter of Mountain Dew to share with Paige. When I checkout the price comes to $7.49. So I pay and put my money back. I go back out to the car and Paige still looks really sad. I showed her the Mountain Dew and she takes a drink.

Paige- Thanks I was thirsty.

Me- Anytime Sissy.

She smiles when I call her that. I love to see a smile on her face. I love seeing her happy.
(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

Paige's POV
Nothing really happened over the last day. Just driving and eating. After a few hours we finally get to the new house. It's huge. When I get out I run in and claim my room. There's 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I take the second biggest bedroom considering my mom wants the biggest one. The one I got has a walk in closet. I run out to the car and grab the box with my clothes in it. I walk in the closet and start hanging stuff up. There's already a bed in there so I go down and get my bed set and the stuff to decorate my room. After I finish hanging pictures on my wall I feel someone looking at me. I look out my window and a guy who looks kinda like Justin Blake is staring at me. He's too far to see him to know if it's him or not. I doubt it's him. I close my blinds and curtains cause it's starting to creep me out.

(M- Mom A- Anneliese P- Paige)

M- You like the new house?

P- Yea. I wish it wasn't so far from my friends though.

M- I know baby. It'll get better though. You'll find new friends and get a new start.

P- Yea, I guess

A- Pagie. It's ok. I love you so much. We'll get a new start here and have some fun.


M- I love you girls.

After that we all start laughing. I guess it'll be okay in Minnesota. I'm tired from all the driving so I get in the shower and go to sleep. I wake up and at around 4:00am last night Justin Blake shared a picture on Instagram. It was captioned "I hope I can get to know my new neighbor!" Oh my gosh. Is it me? No. It can't be. It's 10:00 am when I wake up so I tell my mom I'm going for a run. I put on a neon green sports bra and black shorts. I grab my phone and play some music. When I walk out of the house I start running. My phone vibrates and Justin Blake posted a It looked like he was outside in a park or something. I was looking at it while running. I wasn't paying attention and the next thing I know I run into someone. I fall and so do they.
(S- Stranger P- Paige)

P- Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention.

S- It's totally fine. Here I'll help you up.

The voice tells me it's a guy. I'm not gonna assume though. (Obviously you know who it is) He gives me his hand and I recognize the voice. My eyes are blurry from the sweat so I can't see who it is.

S- Hey? You okay? You kinda dazed for a second.

P- Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

S- My name's Justin, by the way.

P- I'm Paige.

J- You new around here? I've never seen you before.

P- Yea. I just moved here.

J- Want me to walk you home?

P- Sure. Could we run though?

J- Sure.

We start running together and I trip on a rock. He catches me.
J- Oh my gosh are you okay?

P- Yea I'm fine. Thanks for catching me.

Justin Blake just caught me when I fell!We stop running and he gets on his phone. We start walking because when I fell I twisted my ankle. He gets on Instagram and takes a picture of himself. Then posts it. My phone is still strapped to my arm and it vibrated. Justin notices and points it out.

J- Are you a fan?
P- *embarrassed* Yea. A big fan actually.

J- That's awesome. I hope we can get to know each other.

I start blushing and look away quickly so he doesn't see it. We get to my house.
P- This is me.

J- Awe no way!! I'm the next one over! Give me your phone.

So I give him my phone and he puts his number in. He saves it as Justin🍑😂
P- I'll text you later. Bye Justin.

J- Bye Paige.

I run inside straight to Annelieses room.


P- Not this time. But he gave me his number and I'll see if him and Damon can come over tomorrow.

A- AWESOME!! I can't wait!

Annelieses POV
Holy frick!! I might get to meet Damon Blake!! I'm so excited!! It's noon so I get a shower and get dressed for the day. I put on a yellow sundress on because of how hot it is. I then put on some makeup. The usual. Paige squeals and I know that's a good thing. I run to her room.

A- What happened?

P- Justin and Damon are coming over in two hours!!

A- Did you ask mom?

P- Yea. She doesn't care.

*2 hours later*
There's a knock at the door so I yell for Paige to go answer it. A few minutes later she yells for me. I walk downstairs and see Justin and Damon at the door.

Paige- Come on in.

Anneliese- Yea. Make yourself at home.
Justin- Ok.

Damon- Ok.

They walk in and we all go sit on the couch. Paige turns on Netflix.
P- Justin, Damon, since you're the guests what do you wanna watch?

D- Umm how about Supernatural?

P&A- Oh my god I love that show!

Damon and Justin just laugh at us.

J- Supernatural it is😂

We watch about three episodes and Justin and Damon have to leave.

J- We've gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow Paige.

A/N Sorry if this is a cliff hanger. And I'm also sorry it's so long. I think all of my chapters will be this long. Damon and Justin will be in it more I promise. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy it!

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