Chapter 13

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Paige's POV
I woke up around 3:15am. When I woke up thoughts of everything that happened yesterday came into my mind. I think about it for a bit and then go back to sleep. When I wake up again Justin is laying beside me, looking at me with tired eyes.

"What time is it?" I said.

He checks his phone. "7:30am" He replies.

"We're up early today"

"Yeaaa. I wanna go back to sleep."

He shuts his eyes and I wait until he's half asleep and jump on him.

"WAKE UPP!!!!"

"Babeeeee. It's too earlyyy" he whines.

"We'll have a long day and I want to throw a party tonight."

"For what?"

"Jaycee's Birthday. It's today and it has to be a surprise. We need to plan."

"Okay fine. You're lucky I love you so much. I don't wake up early for anyone."

Before we start planning I need to take a shower. I grab clothes out of his closet and get in the shower. And yes I have clothes at his house because I stay so much. So I get in the shower and take an hour long shower. When I go back to Justin's room he's starting to get dressed. While he's getting dressed I call Anneliese.
*ring... ring... ring...*

A- Hello?

P- Anneliese. I need your help.

A- It's 8am. What do you want?

P- I'm throwing a party and I need your's and Damon's help.

A- Why?

P- You guys have style. Me and Justin just go with the flow. So can you guys help or not?

Anneliese's POV

"Damon! Wake up!" I yell.

"It's too earlyy" he whines.

"Too bad. Paige wants our help planning a party."

"For what?"

"I don't know. She didn't say. Let's go over and help her. I'll drive."

"You're not driving. You don't have a license. I'll drive."

"Ugh. Finee"

I toss him the keys and we head to Justin's house. Before we go there I call Paige.

*ring... ring... ring..*
P- What?

A- Do you and Justin want food from anywhere? We're stopping at McDonalds.

P- Okay you're on speaker. I want a Sausage McMuffin and a sweet tea.

J- I want the same! But add a hash brown.

P- Ooh. Same.

A- So two Sausage McMuffins, two Sweet Teas, and two Hash Browns?

P- Yep. Thanks girlie. I'll pay you back.

A- Don't worry about it.

I hang up and we stop at McDonalds. We order and head to Paige's house.

"So we're here. Am I supposed to help?" Damon asks

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