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Anneliese's POV
I wake up from my nap with a text from Damon.

Damon💕- Me and Justin are coming over in a few. Will you be there?

Me- Yea. I'm usually at home.

Damon💕- Ok. See you soon

Yes! He's coming over again! I can't wait! It's gonna be awesome. Today I'm planning on telling him I like him. I can't wait to see his reaction. I'm kinda scared how he'll react. I've never been outgoing like Paige. I've always kept to myself and I've never liked anyone like I like Damon. I've liked him for a while but not like I do now. It's, different. Weird. I get snapped out of my thoughts by the doorbell ringing. I run downstairs and Paige has already answered it. As I figured it was Damon and Justin. I start freaking out in my mind. I don't know how I'm going to tell him. Or how he's going to react. Oh my gosh I'm terrified. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Damon waving his hand in front of my face.

D- Hey? You okay? You kinda got lost in thought.

A- Oh, yea I'm fine. Just thinking.

D- About what?

This is it. Time to tell him.

A- You. I like you a lot. I have since I've seen your videos. But now that I've met you I like you a lot more.

D- Anneliese, I like you too. Like a lot. I was going to tell you the same thing but you beat me to it.

A- That's, amazing. I never thought you would like someone like me.

D- What do you mean someone like you?

A- Ugly, shy, annoying, clingy. More

D- Anneliese. You are gorgeous. The shyness is adorable and you're not annoying. Some people like girls that care. Let's go upstairs and talk some more.

A- Ok.

Damons POV

Anneliese putting herself down has really made me upset. I don't know why someone as beautiful as her wouldn't say stuff like that. She is amazing. I've loved her since I first laid eyes on her. I didn't know before but I know now.

D- Anneliese, w-will you b-b-be my girlfriend?

A- Damon, Of course.

After she says that she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist. We stay hugging for about 10 minutes. It was silent. But not an awkward silence. It's was a good silence. After we let go Anneliese grabs her laptop off her desk and sits on her bed. She pats down on the bed signaling me to sit next to her. I sit next to her and she puts Netflix on.

A- What do you wanna watch?

D- Umm, how about Bob's Burgers?

A- Sure. Why not?

So she turns on Bob's Burgers and cuddles into my neck. We sit there for about an hour watching the show until I hear soft snores. She fell asleep so I closed her laptop and just wandered around her room. I find a wall of pictures and a few of them are of her and a little boy. I'm guessing it's her brother. Her and Paige never really told us why they moved here. I'll ask when she wakes up. I go lay back down beside her and slowly fall asleep. Me and Anneliese wake up to a loud "thump" downstairs. We run downstairs and Paige and Justin are on the floor laughing. Justin is on top of Paige. They both look over and see us.

A- What happened?

J- Paige called herself ugly so I tickled her and we fell off the couch.

D- *starts laughing*

P- It's not funny. I hit my head.

Justin walks over and kisses the top of Paige's head.

J- You and Anneliese a thing yet?

D&A- Yea!

J- Cool! So are me and Paige!

A- We can double date!

P- (Mockingly) Yea, Justin. Let's do that.

J- I'll tickle you again.

P- Please don't.

After that it's time to leave. I hug Anneliese and tell her I'll text her later. Around 9:00 I get a text from Anneliese.

Anneliese💜- Hi!

Me- Hey gorgeous

Anneliese💜- Stop. You're making me blush

Me- You're adorable

Anneliese💜- No I'm not

Me- Stop. I'll tickle you

Anneliese💜- You're not here

Me- I'm next door. I'll come over

Anneliese💜- Fight me😂

Me- Okay. I'm coming over.

I turn my phone off and jump out of my window. Anneliese is on the second story so I have to use a ladder to get up there. Luckily her windows open. So I find a ladder and climb into her window. She's not in her room so I'm guessing she's in the bathroom. I hide in her closet and wait for her to come out. When she gets out I burst out of the closet and start tickling her.

A- *in between laughs* Shh! My sisters asleep.

D- *stops tickling Anneliese* No she's not. Justin is over here too

A- Oh. Well my moms asleep

D- Yea. I'm done. For now. You have been warned.

I hug her and go home.

Justin's POV

While cuddling with Paige I hear her groan. She's on her phone. "What's wrong?" She's on Instagram. She shows me a picture of an Instagram model.

P- I wish I was as pretty as her.

J- Paige, you are gorgeous and amazing in your own way. This bitch is fake. Look. Total photoshop right there.

P- Still though. I'm not pretty. I'm not gorgeous. I'm not cute. I'm not-

J- Stop. Right now. Stop putting yourself down. You are-

P- Justin I'm not.

J- Say it one more time and I'll tickle you until you say you're pretty.

P- I'm. Not. Pretty.

J- Okay. I didn't think it would come to this.

I start tickling her and she keeps moving around. She still won't admit it. About a half-an-hour later we fall off the couch. We roll and I end up on top of her. I stop tickling her.

P- Fine. You win.

J- I'm not getting up until you say you're pretty.

P- Then you're gonna be here a while.

I lean in to kiss her but Anneliese and Damon come running down the stairs. I guess they heard us fall. We tell them what happened and I look at the clock.

J- 4:00pm. We've got to go. See you later beautiful.

P- See you later handsome!

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