Chapter 9

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A/N: there was a question about Lori's seniority in the last chapter. They are working together however at this time Scott is still new, so in order to get used to San Antonio she acted as supervisor. Hope that cleared things up for ya. It's how it works in every situation.

Also. This story does in fact follow some storylines and if you don't like Lori or how she is written please refrain from reading.

This is the a 2 part chapter. I DO NOT OWN 'THE NIGHT SHIFT' OR THEIR CHARACTERS.

She's not always perfect.


How could one day go so wrong?


"Hey, Lo? Fancy running up to labs to drop this off?" Drew joked, watching as his sister ran into the ER, earphones in and water bottle clutched in her hand.

She had left early so she could run to work whilst Drew decided that he was happy to drive with the air conditioning, he hadn't really understood why his sister had been so eager to keep moving, especially in this heat but nevertheless she wanted to.

Stopping to catch her breath, she scowled, flicking the earphone from her ear and taking a sip from her bottle. "Dick." She uttered. Lori may have worked her butt off to be in the army but she was seriously slacking.

Drew chuckled at her immaturity and he moved back around to behind the nurses station. "Shift starts in two minutes." He reminded, his tone serious yet his face held a bright smile.

Teasing his sister was always fun, it had been part of the nature as big brother especially in their family. The Alister's were a family of 6, their mother and father; David and Karen, then the four children; Liam, Drew, Lauren and Danielle.

This time, Lori turned to face him, her middle finger raising as she easily flipped him off without a care in the world.


In the break room, Lori had showered and had began changing when she was hit with a wave of nausea. She had managed to conceal the symptoms of her latest treatment for so long but it was getting impossible to hide.

Falling to the bench with a huff, Lori sat with her head in her arms, rubbing her eyes. She just needed a minute to compose herself, but that was soon interrupted when the door swung open and closed making Lori shoot up from her seat.

"Oh sorry, didn't think anyone was here." Jordan Alexander apologised, lightly.

"Jordan, hey." Lori recovered, standing up to finish pulling her dark scrub top over her pale blue vest.

The pair stood in an awkward silence, neither sure what to say.



"Sorry." The apologised with a brief chuckle as they both fell over their words.

Jordan decided not to speak and just surveyed the young Alister for a few moments, if she didn't know her she would've never questioned anything but having known her for nearly 9 years, it was hard not to notice the change. She actually wondered how many times Lori had dismissed Drew of these changes.

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