Little white lies

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With Leon showering, I find myself thinking about what he'd said.
Was Leon there when the tragedy of raccoon city happened? And what did he mean by say hello to Rachel? She wasn't here, and I thought I wasn't allowed to see her.

Breaking me from my thoughts, and making me jump, I hear a ringing sound. Looking towards the noise, I spot my large duffel bag just poking from beside the recliner.
I don't remember packing a bag.
By the time I got to the bag and rummaged through it to find the source of the noise, an old unfamiliar phone, the ringing had stopped.
I put the phone on the floor beside me and looked through my bag.

There's at least five days' worth of clothes, my travel bag with my toothbrush and toothpaste, my small foldable hairbrush, along with a few other women's necessities. There is also my grey and tartan nighty and my slippers, along with my makeup bag and baby wipes. A woman must have packed this. I wondered who as I picked up the phone and carefully returned to the sofa.

The missed call was from an unknown number, one I didn't recognize but knowing this phone was obviously meant for me and hoping it was my sister I pray this old thing has credit and I ring the number back.

"Oh, thank god, I got worried when you didn't answer," my sister's voice comes through as soon as she answers.
"Broken leg, remember, I couldn't get to the phone that fast," I tease
"Right, shit sorry!" She apologises, causing me to laugh.
"It's fine,"

"Good. I was so worried this morning when I got that call that I immediately held out from calling you on this number. I knew you'd need your rest, but then Leon texted me, saying you were awake. "

Her thoughtful ways put a smile on my face
"So you got this number from him?"
"Some woman, along with a new phone too! " she answers then releases a sigh
"How are you, Ally? Really!"
"I'm.... all over the place, but I'm alive. "
"Thank god Leon was there,"
"Yeah," I simply agree
"I'm so fucking worried about you Ally"
"You don't need to be Rach, I'm perfectly safe here, I'm with Leon and no one knows where I am"
"Including me" she mutters
"It's safer that way" I admit
"I know, anything to keep you safe" she says putting a small sad smile on my face.

"I know it's none of my business Ally, and after the ordeal you've been through this shouldn't even be on my mind but you're my little sister and..... and I have to look out for you..."
"Just spit it out" I say getting impatient with her
"What was Leon doing at yours so late last night? Was he secretly there while we were on the phone?"
I huff in annoyance at having to lie due to lies already told. We ended that phone call around half 9 and she knew for a fact I was alone.

"He came not long after, his office is nearby my place and he wanted to check in, make sure I was ok" I lie convincingly, hating myself for it.
"So what happened next?" She asks

"What do you mean?"
"Did she climb through your window there and then or did you offer Leon inside?" She asks
I laugh though I wasn't amused at her question or the way she'd said it, I was annoyed.
"What does it matter if I did offer him inside!?" I demand
Rachel sighs, sensing my attitude shift
"I just want you to be careful okay, he's saved your life and he's been there for you when you've needed someone the most, but that doesn't mean he'll always be there"

"I know" I mumble feeling like a child being scolded by their mom
"And don't think you owe him anything, you know..."
"Oh my god Rachel, are you giving me all this crap because you think we're fucking!?" I ask alarmed
"I .., no, not really I just mean, you offered to buy him a beer remember? It's like foreshadowing for flirting. Just don't confuse your admiration and gratitude with love is what I'm trying to get at, I don't want you getting hurt and I don't want him taking advantage of your need to repay him"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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