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A few weeks passed and Johnny and I's relationship is going really well. We've been really careful about being caught by the paparazzi and Johnny and I always say that we're not together. Another thing is that Johnny has been really sweet to me every time we make love which is quite often, and we are always using safe sex. Although, lately I've been having symptoms of pregnancy and I'm really scared. Right now, I'm looking up my symptoms and all of the results are pregnancy. I started to get nervous. REAL nervous. Johnny doesn't want to be a dad yet and I don't want to be a mom right now either. I picked up my phone and dialed a clinic in Mailbu. "Hello?" Someone answered. "Hi, I need to make an appointment." I looked at my laptop as she asked for my name and information. I gave it to her and Johnny walked in through the front door. "Hey babe." He gave me a kiss and she said, "Ok, come in on Wednesday, and we'll get you in." "Thank you bye." I hung up and Johnny took my laptop. "Baby, no!" He set it on his lap and looked at the screen. "What's this, Emmy?" I bit my lip and said, "Um..." My mind went blank. What should I say? "You're pregnant?" He asked. I gulped. "Johnny, listen to me. I don't know if I am." His eyes were staring into mine. Then he stood up and said, "But what if you are? It can't be mine, Emmy! What if it's..." Johnny looked at me seriously. "What if it's...his." My breath caught in my throat. I choked and Johnny grabbed my hand. "I used a condom every time. It can't be mine. And I know that that fucker didn't use one!" I started to cry and I covered my ears. "Johnny! Be quiet!" Tears streamed down my face and I started hyperventilating. Johnny took my in his arms and pulled me onto his lap. "Baby, baby breathe. Breathe." I can't breathe. My insides tightened up bad. Then I passed out.

DJ: Well Good night guys finds go to sleep now. Night Night and please comment and vote if you enjoyed and add Just Friends to your library of you haven't already. :) Thanks for reading

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