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(An: bold is announcer)

       Yanpai skated the practice pool with a lollipop in his mouth, his brother making a swipe for it as he passed. Yanpai ducked out of Jonpai's reach and pushed for speed, doing a 180 of the rim of the pool. Jonpai smirked and swerved, pulling a grind on the edge and racing down towards Yanpai.

With a playful shout he tried to push Yanpai off his board, only to be shoved himself. He pouted as he got up and say on the rim of the empty pool, his brother following. Taking out the pop Yanpai shoved it into Jonpai's, this being a regular occurrence.

"Mm, why are you eating orange? You hate orange." Jonpai commented, pulling the stick from the pop and throwing it away, only the candy still in his mouth.

"The rest were gone." Yanpai shrugged, and cocked his head to think. "Can you still pull a 360?"

"Yeah, we changing the game plan?" Jonpai brother fixed his headband, changing the song on his phone and moving the candy in his mouth.

"Mm, I'm thinking if I change the 180's to 360's I can try and pull a 720 corner for more points." Jonpai could see the gears turning in his brothers head, and he smiled.

"Hmm," Jonpai thought hard, he knew his brother could pull off such a risky trick, he just didn't want him to be too risky. "Just don't fall. If you fall chances are when I go to pull the last trick flip I'll screw up."

"I'm not gunna fall, idiot." Yanpai scoffed, glaring at his twin.

"All skaters stand by: Red Bull signature, Vans Pool Party duet will start in thirty minutes."

"Damnit, where's Haruhi wth my headband?" Yanpai growled, angrily blowing his bangs from his face.

"Chill man, she's prolly on her way." Jonpai eased at him. "Or lost. Either way if she doesn't show you get to beat down some, what did you call him? 'Wannabe twin?' It's a win win for you."

"..." Yanpai was silent.

"Wait," Jonpai looked at his brother. "Don't tell me you don't what to beat his face in."

"No I do," Yanpai clarified. "He's a punk ass fuckboy who could use a good beat down."

"So, why the hesitance?" Jonpai was utterly confused. "All these years and I've only ever seen you hesitate to fight Haruhi. Everyone else you practically jumped the gun."

"We should stop for ice cream or something one he way back."

"Your lactose intolerant."

"What about the new Pablo's place?"

"You don't like Mexican food."

"You like Mexican food."

"I prefer sushi."

"Just drop it okay?"

"No, I won't!" Jonpai was persistent, causing his brother to roll his eyes and look away. "You are my brother and I am going to pester you untill you tell me what is holding you back!"

"Fine! Alright!" Yanpai threw his hands up, frustration starting to give him a headache. "Hikaru and Karu are twins. Just like us. That's why I can't."

"Bullshit." Jonpai deadpanned, Yanpai 'tch' ing and glaring. "The Grey's were twins and you had no trouble beating them."

"Yeah, Beating both of them! Not just one!" Yanpai snapped. "I couldn't imagine what I'd do if someone beat you to a pulp! So imagine if I beat Hikaru! And, if he makes me snap, I might not get a chance to get control of myself and stop before I damn near kill him!"

Jonpai gaped at his brother, almost not believing what he had said. To Jonpai, Yanpai never thought things through very much, let alone how they would effect other people. Hearing his brother voice his thoughts in such a way helped him remember just how wise he was.

"Whatever, I can see Haruhi." Yanpai stood and left, walking towards the other side of the pool while waving her over.

Jonpai stood up, and rested the board under his foot as he looked at Haruhi and Yanpai. He could see the tick mark on Yanpai's head from where he was and he already knew what happened. Haruhi had brought her host club friends with.


With a final shake of his head Jonpai tiled offer the edge of the skate pool and practiced until it was time for them to compete.


Unedited and short by hey? Why tf not right?

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