Chapter 12.

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December 20th, 2016 09.00 pm

Jessica's POV.

Even though I was in love with Miyoung half of my life I still tried moving on when she left. I couldn't keep wondering, worrying if Miyoung would ever show up infront of me again and that is how I met Jiyeon. Jiyeon was one of the sweetest persons I have ever met. The first time we met I treated her just like any other woman. I thought she was going to be just another fish in the sea and that after her I'll fish another one. 

When I tried catching another fish in the sea.. I know I shouldn't be talking about women like that I'm a woman myself but I'm trying to explain something here. When I tried catching another fish in the sea she wouldn't let me. She was determined to make me hers and I was impressed by that so I gave her a chance. She made me feel special, she made me feel I was worth something and ever since Miyoung left me I felt I wasn't worth anything. 

And don't forget Jiyeon is one of the most beautiful woman in the world, I didn't needed to second glance to notice that. The way she talks, the ways she stares into my eyes was killing me inside. I was attracted to her more than I was attracted to anyone.. I never was attracted to anyone else but Miyoung. But don't worry she can't compare with Miyoung. Miyoung is the definition of beauty.. She is the reason the word beautiful even exist in my opinion.

Attraction is like a magnet. You keep feeling like there is something about this.. You either stay attached or lose interest. I guess I lost interest. After being with Jiyeon for a few months I was dissapointed.. she wasn't the same woman I felt attracted to. Her and me together felt like I was babysitting. In our arguments she acted childish, she felt like everytime I went to work she  thought I was cheating. According to her I wasn't making any time for her. Can you blame me? I'm the ceo of a multi-billion dollar company. 

She kept saying that I didn't love her. But I did love her I just wasn't in love with her.. that's why I decided to stop whatever relationship we had. I did truly care for her and I did try to fall in love with her but it just wasn't working not when I was still fully in love with Miyoung, my childhood friend. And now she's coming back to ruin everything and I know she won't stop if she doesn't get whatever she wants. 

I know I said to Miyoung I wanted to stay friends and it is for the best. I don't want to fully commit into a relationship with her and find out the next day she left without telling me. I need to talk to Jiyeon before people get hurt. That's why I'm now sitting in Soshi restaurant waiting for Jiyeon to arrive. I'm going to tell her that I don't see us ever getting back together and I hope she'll understand. I'm not going to tell her about Miyoung because she's the jealous type another thing that broke our relationship. 

My thoughts were broken when Jiyeon walked into the room that I reserved for our meeting. A huge smile plastered on her face and a glance of hope in her eyes. '' Hey.. '' I stood up from my seat and greeted her. '' You still look beautiful as ever, Sica. '' Jiyeon said and went in for a hug. I returned the hug.. her arms around me brought me back to the times we spend together. The time where she comforted me in her arms whenever I felt like shit. '' I missed you. '' Jiyeon smiled and tried to kiss me. I turned my head avoiding the kiss.

She frowned and looked at me. '' Why..? '' Jiyeon said. I remove her arms around me '' Sit down, lets talk.. '' Jessica said and sat back down on her chair. Jiyeon was confused.. I myself too I never avoided her kiss but I felt that was the right thing to do for now. We aren't together and I don't plan to get together. I'm in love with Miyoung even though we are friends I definitely see a future with her. 

''Did you see the interview. '' Jiyeon asked. After Jiyeon's comment at the airport korean netizens have been wondering who the person is she talked about. She did another interview explaining and basically told the whole world we use to date and that's she still in love with me. I nodded I was a little upset she knows I like privacy and now the whole world knows. '' I just want to make clear.. '' I said and placed my drink back on the table. '' That I don't want to get back together not this time.. ''.

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