Chapter 2

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Henry's POV

"Sweetheart you must wake up". my mom said shaking me awake

"I don't want to", I mumbled

"Don't want to what", she asked

"Start a new life. Go to a new school"

"Hun, you'll be fine"

"No. No I won't. I'm not popular anymore"

"You'll get there, now come on", she said and opened my blinds

"You're toast is on your dresser", she smiled and shut the door behind her

I crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom

I jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth while I was at it. I got out and wrapped the towel around my waist. I went over to my room and put some boxers on.

I towel dried my hair and got some kaki shorts on and a black V-neck with some white converse. I adjusted my glasses and spiked the front of my hair up. I debated if I should put my earrings in, but decided on the right ear instead.  I did a once over of my look and when I liked what I see, I sat on my bed and ate my toast.  

I threw the paper plate away and looked at my baseball just sitting next to me on my nightstand. God I miss that.  But this year I am no longer popular. I am a nerd, I won't do baseball or football.  I will do my homework and get straight A's and be on the High Honor's list.  After I muttered some encouraging words to my self in the mirror, I headed downstairs.

"Bye Hun", my mom smiles

"Yeah yeah", I mumbled and left

I got in my white impala and went to school

I went to English early and started doodling in the notebook.  The bell rang and the teacher has not made a entrance yet.  But exactly 6 minutes after the bell, a blonde haired girl with a red beanie came in. She was pretty I'll admit and by everyone's expression, she was the top dog if you will.

The teacher finally came in and he made me introduce myself.  I acted shy to fit my new profile.  I sat down and the whole time I could feel someone staring at me, but I was to nervous to look.  

Class got over and I was walking to my locker when the blonde haired girl from English came up to me

"Hi I'm Ella", she smiled

"I'm Henry", I smiled

"Welcome to this Hellhole High", she smirked

I couldn't help but laugh

"When do you have lunch", she asked

"Um at 12", I said looking at my schedule

"Cool, I'll show you around then"

"The bell is about to ring so I gotta jet. One more tardy and I'm suspended", she shrugged

As she was leaving I looked at my schedule

"Hey Ella", I asked

She turned around

"Yes", she asked

"Where's chemistry", I asked

 "Across from you", she smiled

"Oh", I said kicking myself

"Bye Nerd", she smiles and walks away linking hands with another girl

I think I just made a friend

Loving the Nerd (Reversed Roles) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now