Chapter six

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It's only been a few weeks, and Tris has already done tremendous things for my company.
She has designed the look for our new product and has added so many new features to it, it could ultimately change the word.

I'm not even exaggerating.
What this woman has accomplished is outstanding, but she has been late a few times.
I fussed at her about it, and she got mad at me, of course.
I didn't think I was being harsh, but I guess I was.

She hasn't talked to me in a while.
I invited her over, and she finally said yes.
I guess I should apologize.
I wait for her in the car, putting the gears in park.
I look around at the apartments.
They aren't the best.
They look sketchy to me.

She finally walks down the flight of stairs that leads to the doors to the different apartments.
I get out, and greet her.
"Hello Ms. Prior. You look beautiful." I say.
She gives me a small smile, and gets in the passenger seat.

I get in the driver seat, and turn to her.
"Tris, I'm very sorry about snapping at you so harshly." I say.
She shakes her head.
"Next time, don't scream at me like I burnt the building down." She says.
I smirk.
"Deal." I say.

"So," she says, "where are we heading?"
"Well,I was thinking we could go get some coffee this morning at Starbucks. But it's up to you." I say, putting the car into forward drive.
"That sounds nice. Thank you." She says.

"Good." I say, and I turn the car back into the road, and drive off to Starbucks.

She turns to radio up, and the sound of Eminem comes on.
"Eminem huh?" She says with a smile.
"Who doesn't like Eminem?" I say in protest, as we come to a stop at a ref light.

I look over at her, and she shrugs.
She starts singing along to the words of Rap God byEminem.
Didn't know she could rap.

And I didn't know she had a fear of intimacy.
The red light turns green, and we drive off, takings sharp left, making her slide in her seat.

"Geez, you're a reckless driver." She says.
I roll my eyes, and stomp on the gas petal, pushing her backwards, hitting her back harshly against the seat.
I laugh.

"You bitch." She says, rubbing her back.
We finally arrive at our destination, and we get out of the car, and walk inside.
There is a short line in front of us.
We patiently wait, making small talk and people step out of the way when they are done.

It's eventually our turn.
"Hello! Welcome to Starbucks! What would you like today?" Asks the lady behind the register.
She looks me up and down, then looks over at Tris, who steps closer to me.
I wrap a arm around her waist.

"I'll have the Pumpkin Spice Latte." Says Tris.
The woman nods and looks at me, batting her eyelashes at me.
"I'll have to same." I say.
She nods.
I pay her and she asks, "name?"
"Eaton." I say, in a low voice.

I notice her face turn pink as we walk away from her.
I roll my eyes as I pull out Tris' chair for her to sit down in.
"Thank you." She says.
I give her a smile, and sit across from her, as we wait for our drinks.

We talk about work for a bit until I hear you last name called. I get up, and grab the two cups and and carry them back to our table.
I hand one to Tris.
She takes a sip of it, and gets a cream mustache.
I laugh at her.

"I'm saving it for later." She says, laughing with me.
I take a sip of mine, but I lick the cream off my upper lip.
I she her shift in her seat, flushed a bit.
Oh she liked that.
"You okay?" I ask her with a smirk.

She shrugs.
"I'm great how are you doing?" She asks me, starring me down with her beautiful gray eyes.
Calm down Tobias.
"I feel the same way you do." I reply, leaning back in my chair, observing her.

She shifts in her seat again, her leg overlapping the other.
Her face gets red and she takes another sip of her latte.
"Don't hide your feelings Tris." I say, in a deep voice.
She looks up at me.
"I don't know how I feel." She whispers. "I've never felt like this before."

"Do you enjoy it?" I ask her quietly, "how it's feels. Does it feel..good?"
She slowly nods.

I smirk. "You might as well get used to it, because you might feel it a lot around me." I say, quirking my eyebrows at her.
She rolls her eyes and laughs at me.
We finish up our drinks, and get back into the car.

I drive back to my place.

We climb up the stairs to the floor with the balcony, and sit outside on the edge of it, our legs dangling off the edge.
We sit in silence for what feels like forever, starring at the setting sun.
I look over at her.

God I think I'm going crazy for her.
"Why are you so pretty?" I ask her.
She laughs at me like I told her a funny joke.

"I'm definitely not pretty." She replies.
I laugh, leaning in, and kissing her temple. My mouth literally bursts into flames when my lips touch her skin.

I want to stay here forever, my lips on her soft skin.
"Stop pretending." She says, breathless.
"You know I'm not. I'm not ugly, but I'm certainly not pretty."

I roll my eyes, and shake my head at her.
Its going to be hard to try and get her to believe she is basically an angel that's fallen from heaven, but I don't want to argue with her about.
"I surrender. You're not pretty."

You're fucking gorgeous.
"So?" I lean in and kiss her cheek.
She isn't resisting, which is a good sign.
"I like how you look." I continue.
"You are deadly smart. So kind hearted. Perfect personality. Great since of humor and such a beautiful woman. You are the whole package, I must say."

"I know I'm an ass to you sometimes, but at least you're not giving me that look. Like I'm a kicked puppy or something." I say.

"Well, you're not."

My insides burn for her, the urge to kiss her boiling in my veins, but I don't force it down.
My heart pounding, I touch her face, and lean in close, letting our lips brush, hesitant.

Our lips touch, and she doesn't pull away.
Her lips are so soft and warm, sparks are flying through my body like a roller coaster.
But she stiffens under my touch.
I pull away.
Her eyes are wide, but she doesn't move away from me, so I try again.

I take her face firmly between my hands and kiss her again, more sure of myself and her this time.

The sparks dance from my chest to my stomach, and my lips and hands have a weird tingle feeling running through them.

She puts her arm around me, tracing her fingers up the sensitive skin at the back of my neck, into my hair.
I hold back a small moan, not wanting to frighten her.
I shiver runs down my spine.
I pull her closer to me.

We do this for what feels like forever, and I would gladly do this forever with her.
We soon finally stop kissing, my heart pounding out of my chest, my hands wanting to roam over every inch of her body, but I control the urge.

I look her in the eyes, and smile.
She blushes.
"That was..nice." She says.
"I'm glad you liked it, because I know I did." I say.
I stand up, and hold my hand out to her, pulling her up to me.

We walk back inside the house, hand in hand, and walk to my bedroom.


Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this update! Have a wonderful day, and I love you all so much! Thank you for your patience❤️


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