Chapter eight

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I look over at Tris, who is dancing against Christina, back to back.
She laughs, and holds her glass in the air, and so does Christina, yelling at the top of her lunges.
They guys and off getting their ladies a drink, and they are asking to many questions all at once.

"Where did you meet?" asks Shauna
"Have you went on a date yet? Where?" Asks Marlene
"Have you kissed yet?"
"How long have you been together?"
"Have you done the dirty yet?" They ask together.

I roll my eyes.
"Can I answer all these questions after I give my date her drink?" I ask them.
They giggle.
I walk away from them, and Zeke and Uriah hand them their drink.

"Here babe." I say, handing Tris another glass.
She smiles at me, and pulls me towards her.
She sets the empty glass on the table close to her, and slowly starts swaying back and forth in front of me.
I put my hands on her hips, and sway along with her.

I lean in close to her, and whisper, "Who said you couldn't dance?"
She giggles.
I shake my head, and smile tugging against my lips.
She stares me down with her god damn beautiful eyes.

When I look into them, it's like looking into the future.
The music changes to some upbeat song I've never heard of before, but apparently Tris knows it.
Her eyes grow wide, and she starts singing along with it.

She takes a step back away from me, and everyone starts crowding up the dance floor, sweaty people rubbing up against each other, the smell of alcohol filling the air.

Tris starts dancing with Christina and the girls, and Zeke and Uriah dance over to them.
I follow suit, looking like a idiot.
The girls laugh at us, and we join them as more drunk people stumble onto the dance floor.
Tris keeps her eyes on me, looking me up and down, as I finally bring out the dance moves I've been saving all night.

Her mouth drops open, and I walk behind her, and dip her over to my left.
I twirl her around, holding both of her hands, my arms crossed against her chest, her back pressing into me.

I twirl her around again, letting go of one hand, then pull her close back to me.
The laughs, and we shimmy back and forth, dancing any move we can think of.
She takes another drink of her margarita, then sets it down somewhere, the comes back dancing with me some more.

We finally call it quit, after Uriah vomits all over the floor.
We walk outside, to get some fresh air.
I've never felt so relieved.
I get so claustrophobic, being outside with only a few people around, if definitely a great feeling.

I rub my face with my hands, as Uriah throws up again in the flower bed.
I throw him a small rag.
Tris comes running out of the club, her eyes red and puffy.
"C-can we go?" She asks me, rubbing her finger under her eyes.

"Of course. What happened?" I say, full of concern.

My stomach twists in a knot, and I clench my fists.
"Where the hell is he?!" I say, trying to keep myself together.
"He is still in there, but please, don't hurt him! He's-" she starts, but I'm already heading my way to that bastard.

No one, and I mean on one, touches my girl.
I walk up to Al, and without a thought, I punch him, square in the nose.
He stumbles backwards, tripping over someone's foot, and falls on his ass.

"If you ever, come near Tris again, I swear to God I will kill you."
I storm off, shaking my hand out as I go.
I come back, and see Tris helping Uriah stand up.

"Are you ready Tris?" I ask her.
She nods, and walks Uriah over to the entrance, then walks back to me.
"What did you do?" She asks me.

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