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Chapter 1

"Hannah it's ok. Just stay with me." My mother said in a hushed tone but I knew she was terrified.

"Mom, where are we going?" My mother took my wrist and dragged my out of the house. People were screaming and yelling with suitcases in their hands. Helicopters shook the ground as they soared above us, heading to the city. I looked up the street to find my friends, wishing and hoping they were alright. Left and right people were chasing each other down the streets and suddenly the sky went black. Everyone's face turned purple and all their eyes seemed to be focused on me.

"Hannah," my mother whispered, "wake up."

I opened my eyes and Rachel was leaning over me.

"Are you ok?" She asked and backed up.

"I'm fine." I sat up and rubbed my forehead.

"Another nightmare?" She asked.

I nodded and threw my legs over the side of the bed.

"I set out your clothes, and the boys and Sylvia will be here soon." She set her gun down on the dresser and walked out.

I found the pile of clothes and got dressed. I got my gun out from under my bed and made sure it was loaded.

"Hurry up!" Rachel yelled from downstairs. I looked in the mirror to fix my hair. What's the point?

I walked downstairs and Rachel was putting on her sweatshirt.

"Forget something?" I held up her pistol and shook it in front of her face.

"Oh yeah thanks." She took it from me and shoved it in her holster.

"So where are we going today?" I asked and put on my matching sweatshirt.

"We have to get out of here. The government is doing raids of the suburbs and we need to hide Sylvia." Rachel explained. She handed me my bag and I put it on.

"Is everything in here?"

"Yes. I packed it all this morning. I have the blankets rolled up and I'm going to be carrying the food that we have left. I brought down a couple pillows and I told everyone else to bring only the essentials."

I nodded and watched as my kid sister packed all her things to leave the house. There were three knocks on the door and I looked to see it was the Pawlicas. Sylvia rushed in, followed by Mikey and Camillus.

"You guys packed?"

"Yep all done. We brought the rest of the food we had in the pantry. It's not much but it will last a few days." Mikey explained.

"We need to get more food." Camillus sighed.

"I know. But we don't really have a lot of options right now. Where's Max and Cam?"

"Coming." Sylvia was looking out the door and each of them were walking down the street.

"Did they bring their guns?" Rachel asked Sylvia, joining her by the window.

"From what I can see, yes."

I looked over at the poorly boarded up window and saw the dust sparkle in the air from the beams of light.

"It's kinda stormy out there." Cam said as he ducked into the house.

"Well it is April." Max laughed.

I haven't heard a laugh in forever.

"Is everyone here?" Rachel grabs a piece of paper and writes something on it. Everyone nods and I pick up my pillow and attach it to my bag. Cam and Mikey do the same.

"Let's write down everything we've got. Just in case." Max suggests and Rachel takes out a separate piece of paper. Everything is written down and we're ready to go.

"Why do we all need to wear these sweatshirts?" Camillus whines.

"Because it means we are all together. After our dad's had to leave this was all they left us." I told him without trying to remind him of his mom and dad.

"Should we leave?" Max asked and wrapped his bag around his arms.

"Let's get out of here." Sylvia said opening up the door.

I looked around the house at the bare walls and the little furniture we had left from building the fires. I walked in front of everyone and walked outside.

The air was cool and misty. A typical April morning. The sky to the west looked dark and cloudy, it's definitely going to rain.

"We had better hurry before the storm gets here." Cam announced and waved his arm in the direction we needed to go.

"Keep it quiet and keep it quick." Mikey warned and we walked slowly in a group to the street.

There were...things everywhere. Remnants of houses, parts of cars, people's lives just thrown around the street. I wish it had never happened. Life would have been so much easier and much less depressing.

Cam led us to the top of the hill and we could see Max's house. Our heads were turning in each direction looking for... them.

We crept to the bottom of the hill and passed Max's house. I looked over to the side and saw my old friend Lexi's house. After the draft, her family moved to Florida and we lost touch after that. I miss her a lot. I hope her family is surviving through this.

"We're almost to the street." Sylvia said breaking my thoughts.

"What are we going to do?" Rachel whispered loudly.

"We'll check to see if there's any trailers out there. And if not we'll head to the school." Camillus instructed.

We all nodded and Cam stepped up onto a few boxes we had set up to see over The Gate.

Once the virus got around, the city of Chicago set up Safe Bounds. These kept the suburbs safe. Children were kept here and the adults were taken away. I don't know what they did with our parents but I miss them everyday. Everyone was really hit hard by the whole thing. Once you turn 18, the government comes and takes you away. We needed to hide Sylvia so she wouldn't be taken away from us. I don't think any of us could handle another devastation.

Cam stepped up onto the boxes and peaked over the iron gate.

"Anything?" Camillus asked.


"Thank god." Rachel sighed.

Cam hopped down and the boys opened the gate. We opened it just enough for us to squeeze through. Once we all did, we stood by the gate and surveyed the land. I could see our old elementary school across the barren field. This was our chance. No trailers in sight.

"Ready?" Cam asked. I looked around and everyone looked anxious. Together everyone said, "ready" and we were off.

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