Deadly Arrow

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The forest was quiet. My excited breathing was the only thing that could be heard. The trees danced with the silent wind and the leaves cracked beneath my feet. I breathed in deeply savoring the fresh scent of pine and wild grass.

"Could never get tired of this", I whispered quietly. A sudden, almost non existent, crack came from my left and I smiled. My bow ready I tiptoed through the leafy floor expertly avoiding the loud crunches of dead leaves. The forest was unnaturally beautiful today with sunlight seeping through the thick trees casting an unearthly glow to the vegetation surrounding me. As I moved farther into the forest I saw it. A large white tailed deer grazing on green leaves hanging from a young oak tree. Its majestic neck stretched high above it confidently reaching up and snatching the leaves from the hanging branch. Could not get any easier. With its chest in full view, I locked my arrow feeling the strength behind the string. The deer kept eating, the grinding of the leaves providing an echo that resounded like a parting melody. With a skilled eye I looked for my mark and released my breath, my arrow gliding with it.

Everything slowed down like it always did until the satisfying crunch of the arrow piercing skin blasted through the forest. The deer fell down without uttering a sound or seeing its killer. I locked another arrow looking for any other hunters looking for easy prey. When seeing or hearing none I smirked to myself and carefully walked towards my prize. The arrow cut through the neck with the butt of it only left in. Clean cut. This could be sold for quite a lot, I chuckled in my head.

I quickly took the arrow out and placed it in my quiver. The blood stained the carmel and white coat but I didn't mind as threaded rope around the deer and dragged it in the familiar path to the castle. Those training sessions sure were helpful. My ears were open the whole time because I knew that hunters or bandits would not hesitate to strike me down for a massive deer like this one. Not that I couldn't kill them but that will be unnecessary energy to waste. The castle loomed in the distance and I sighed, sad that the hunting was over for today.


The town was teeming with life when I walked in. I managed to collect a small wagon outside the castle walls in order to haul my catch and it trembled as I moved along the cobble stones. The booths were vividly colored and thousands of trinkets were set on display. Bustling people shuffled and pushed in the crowd and the merchants shouted prices at passing potential customers. Accustomed to the usual loudness I strolled to the enormous castle that loomed over the land in Aren. The mass of people parted a path for me as I wheeled my wagon and some nodded their heads in acknowledgment. My reputation was popular and it was common for others to be wary or it. Many people eyed my deer hungrily wishing for it but with one quick glare their way they turned pale and rushed the other way.

The deer was getting increasingly heavier by the minute so I quickly reached the front gate of the black castle, its doors towering above me. The castle of Aren was no small feat to finish. With its 20 floors and 3 spiraling towers in the middle of it, it was easily one of the best ever built. The windows were beautifully carved with runes and lines and the bricks were spotless save for the rebelling strands of vine that climbed its walls. I stood in front of the doors waiting for one of the guards to recognize me. Finally the right guard adjusted his helmet and squinted his eyes. He grunted and reached over to ring the bell, signalling the servants to open the doors. I adjusted my grip on the wagon and pushed through the doors once they were open. "About time you got here. The king was getting worried", the guard on the left cackled. I shot him my best glare and his smirk was replaced by a nervous glance and he paled, turning to face the front.

"You fare better when you don't speak," I chuckled and turned into the castle.

The doors banged shut behind me and I couldn't help but gaze at the amazing garden upon entering the main doors.

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