the hunters secret part 5

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Chapter 5

The first thing I thought when I woke up was 'something is very different. That was when I noticed the pair of arms around my waist; last night came back to me Felix kissing me, kissing him back and me asking him to stay. It is a good thing the other hunter's don't know where I am. Slowly, carefully I nestled my way further into Felix's chest, some how being close to this enthusiastic shape-changer. I feel safe in his arms. I feel warm and loved something that I have not felt in a very long time.

Drifting in and out if sleep I was only partly aware that the arms around me got slightly titre and that a set of lips where gently placed on my hair.

"Good morning Rachel. How are you on this fine day?" he asked.

"I am good for now but as soon as we have to move it won't be so good again for a wile." I sighed is never having to move too much to ask for?

"well it is still early so we could sleep for a little longer, my love" as he said the last bit I felt my body freeze over in fear but also because that is when I longed to here in a away.

Three words.

"Rachel are you alright?"

That is all I wanted and feared the most... Love

"Rachel, look I am sorry I am going to fast." he continued to say things like this over and over again. He probably would have moved to if it was not for me stopping him. I grabbed on to his shoulders and pined him to the bed so he could not move.

"w-what did you just say?" I said still not managing to understand what he had said. He didn't say 'my love' did he?

* Felix's p.o.v *

What is wrong with her? One minute we are fine and carm and the next it looks like she is scared. Does she think that I was suggesting doing anything other than sleep when I said we could stay here? Not that I would mind if that is what she wanted but by the looks of it not.

"I said that we could stay here for a little wile longer. Rachel what is wrong I don't understand please let me help with what ever it is."

"No after that what did you say?" she said still not being able to control the shack in her voice.

"Umm... I'm not sure did it hurt you? I swear I will never hurt you on propose."

"Yes look I am sorry if that upset you I wasn't really thinking. But Rachel there is something you need to know. Shape shifters have mates there is only one mate for each shifter. Do you understand so far?" I asked hoping that she would be ok with it

"Yes but Felix I already know this. One soul mate to be together for the rest of their lives and they get a mark on their necks to prove that they belong together" she sighed after looking at my neck, at my mate mark. "I understand Felix. So who is the lucky person that has won your heart?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"You have the mate mark s that means that you have found you soul mate and kissed her. I am surprised that I did not notice the mark before what happened last night."

"No real what are you talking about? Yes I have a mate but she is right in front of me what I was trying to tell you was that you are my mate." she froze not a single movement

"I don't understand all my family where hunters I am meant to kill you and now you are telling me I am your mate the one thing that is suppose to love you more than anything else what would have happened if I did want to kill you I am more than able I is just that I don't what to kill the only family I have ever had."

"Rachel everything is going to be fine I promise. We will work this out. The only questions are what do you want for breakfast? And do you what to go down now or do you what to stay here for a while longer?" I asked at the same time as sitting up and holding her in my lap so she was the one that could not escape, I think.

"I think it is time we should go down now the others will start to wonder where we are and start to wonder what we are up to." She said giving me a wink.

"Your right, as normal, but we don't need to worry about them thinking we are together they don't even know we are mates so should we tell them or should they be made to find out on their own?"

*Rachel p.o.v*

As it turned out we were going to see if they could find it out on their own. Felix had gone down stairs to tell the guys that he had found his mate last night but not that I was that mate. So I was on my own, and for the first time since it happened I thought of my family and what had happened to them the very reason I became a hunter I was hoping to stop what happened to them from happening to others, but I just made It happen to others and got myself the reputation of the best (or the worst) hunter since the organisation started.

Shutting that thought away for later I walked into the bathroom to get ready to find out about the people I live with, only three weeks late.

Ten minutes later I walked out dressed in skinny jeans and a black polo neck to hide the mate mark from the other guys. After putting on some grey eye shadow and mascara I walked down the marble stair case and into the modern stile kitchen where my boys where waiting. They were all sitting around the table not paying attention to me walking into the room. Carefully I creped up behind Damien, archer saw what I going to do and gave me a small smile and nod, well that am one person that liked my idea. carefully I stood right behind Damien, blocking of his demon senses so he could not tell where a was and grabbed on to his arm at the same time as shouting "BOO" he jumped into the air spinning round and glaring at me.

"How the hell did you do that no one has ever been able to sneak up behind me before!" he shrieked

"Well if you have been trained to hide from demons since the age of 6 you tend to be quite good at it" the others were laughing at Damien. Archer hadn't even managed to catch his breath from the first time it started

"well do I get to find out about the 4 fabulous men I live with or do you need to know more about me first?" I asked winking at them.

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