the hunters secret part 3 and 3.5

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ok this is the whole of chapter 3 so it is 3 and 3.5 enjoy

chapter 3

Days passed and I slowly healed.

Weeks passed and I was fully healed but I did not want to leave, I felt safe and loved here something I have not felt since I was 6 but that is something I would not talk about to anyone and preferred not to think about it. Other than the confusing fact that I felt safe in a house full of creatures' that could kill me in a minute life here was nice more than nice I never wanted to leave, make sense of that. I was sat on the sofa next to Felix and archer and standing behind us was Damien watching the TV.


"What the hell?" screamed Felix at the same time as archer and Damien muttered curses under their breath. "What phase is the moon in?"

"Full, why?" said Damien looking at me in confusion

Damm it had to be didn't it.

It made sense now werewolf can change when ever they want and into full wolfs but during the full moon they had to change but they only change half way and have know control over what they are doing until they change back or fully and that is what happened to Luke. BANG the door went flying across the room and smashed into the wall. There in its place was a very angry werewolf "Rachael get behind us now!" Damien yelled over the snarls and growls coming from the half transformed Luke. He came charging towards the guys and before they could eve blink they where smashed into the wall. Grate now it was me verses a super strong annoyed werewolf. This might hurt.


A/N ok this is where the rest that you have not read is :)


Chapter 3.5

Luke charge at me eyes filed with pain ad hurt.

When he got close enough I leapt into the air at the same time as tucking my self in to a ball so I landed onto Luke's back. The change in wait sent him crashing in to the ground as i had hoped. I was trying to pin him down when the other three recovered and came running up to help hold like down trying to pin Luke down, the others after recovering from there little flying trip came running up and grabbed him to help hold him down.

After a few minutes Luke stared to change bake to his normal self and stayed still on the floor, god that change only lasted what ten minutes he is one hell of a strong werewolf.

"Ok I think we should talk" Damien said

"What about?" they aren't going to tell me what they are, are they?

"You just defeated a full grown... "

"Werewolf" ill tell them they deserve to know

"Yes you just defeated a..." confusion covered his face "how do you know about werewolf's"

"There is something I need to tell you but non of you are going to like it" no turning back now the first rule of hunting never tell and I just broke that

"Lets wait until Luke has woken up and then I will tell you and wont stop you from doing anything about it. Knowing your kind you will probably want to kill me."


ok so that is it.

chapter 4 will come soon i hope :S

by the way if you want me to try and make a front cover i need 2 coments and 3 votes ok






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