1. Welcome to Hell im Satan

27 0 3

Satan has added cheeze whiz

Satan has added Dadllon Longlegs

Satan has added i bang good

Satan has added flip flop

Satan has added andy throwey

Satan has added joe with the fro

Satan has added pepe wentz

Satan has added fedorable

Satan has added gee

Satan has added fronk

Satan has added moikey

Satan has added ray with the fro

Satan has added alex ga(y)skarth

Satan has added jack barakitten

Satan has added rianbow🌈

Satan has added zack merry go round

Satan has added jishwa

Satan has added 🌸Tyjo🌸

Satan: sup gays

ray with the fro: wheres the lie

joe with the fro: you stole my name

ray with the fro: ima fite

joe with the fro: um idk how to fight so ill just change my name

j(fr)oe: there

moikey: wtf is this

Satan: we're all the gays i know so i made this so

Satan: welcome to hell im satan

gee: wheres the lie

fronk: bby

gee: bby

moikey: ew affection

moikey: idc that its my bro and his bf but #aceproblems

rianbow🌈: #acesquad

zack merry go round: #acesquad

j(fr)oe: #acesquad

Dadllon Longlegs: brendon why did you do this

cheeze whiz: yeah why you whore ass rat

Satan: shut it milk slut

cheeze whiz: love you to

Satan: ily but ima fite dallon

🌸Tyjo🌸: me n josh are just lurking like tf

jishwa: ^

i bang good: ^

flip flop: ^

andy throwey: ^

pepe wentz: ^

fedorable: ^

alex ga(y)skarth: ^

jack barakitten: ^


What the actual fuck have i created

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