Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 7

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Okay. So once again, I skipped dinner due to getting ready (and being with Loren before I did) but thankfully, I wasn't so hungry. Also, I was thankful for this blindfold to be clear for me but black in the outside because it was darker than usual for the night time. I managed to find Zoey and Stevie Rae at the oak tree. From what I could only hear from my distance, they're probably talking about this Erik guy. Damien and the Twins joined them and so did I.

"Did you get the things we needed?" Zoey asked, giving me a nod of greeting.

I nodded back to her.

"I had to mix the sage and lavender together." Damien said, pulling out a smudge stick with the components tied up.

"Perfect." Zoey smiled.

"I used cross-stitch thread." Damien looked like he was going to sigh with relief and became a little shy.

"Hey." Stevie Rae began. "You shouldn't be ashamed that you like to do that. It's a cute hobby. You're good at it also."

"I wish my dad thought so." He said, sounding sad.

I understood now. His parents didn't like his homosexuality. If he was going to say later on that they tried to make him all macho and change him so that he could be straight, I was honestly going to plan to kick some butt in the future. Whether he was or not, he's still a person either way and that's what mattered. At least, that's what I believed. Zoey's next question broke my thoughts again.

"Did you get the candles?" Zoey looked at the Twins.

"Easy..." Shaunee opened her purse to get out green, yellow, and blue candles with glass cups.

"Peasy." Erin finished, pulling out red and purple candles with glass cups.

"Let's move over here." Zoey said.

We all moved a few steps away from the tree. Having a feeling that I shouldn't take part of the circle, I looked over to Zoey.

"I'm going to stay outside of the circle." I said. "That way, it would make things easier."

She nodded at me before looking at the others.

"I'm going to give each of you a candle and you will represent the element." Zoey said. "I'll be spirit." She took the purple candle. "I'll be in the middle of the circle and the four of you take places around me." She gave Shaunee the red candle that Erin held without any hesitance. "You're fire."

"Sounds good to me since everyone knows how hot I am." She takes her place at the southern edge with a smile.

"You're earth." Zoey gave the green candle to Stevie Rae.

"Green's my favorite color, too!" Stevie Rae moved to the position across from Shaunee all happy.

"You're water." Zoey gave the blue candle to Erin.

"Perfect for me since I liked lying out after swimming." Erin walked to the western position of the circle.

"So I'm air then." Damien took the yellow candle in his hands.

"Yep." Zoey said. "Your element opens the circle."

He moved to the eastern position of the circle.

"What's next?" Stevie Rae asked.

"Let's use the smoke from the smudge stick to purify ourselves." Zoey settled down the candle so she could only have the smudge stick in her hands. Then she made an expression that said that told me that she forgot something. "Hell. Did anyone remember to bring something to light the stick?"

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