Chapter 11: Class Parties ; Under the Bleachers

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"I don't trust him."

"Why not? He's changed."

"Yah can NOT believe that YOU of all people would trust him after what he's done to you. People don't change. That's a known fact."

"Seth, I know what he's done to me in the past, but what he's said to me and told me online is just...I know that he's changed."

"People lie on the internet all the time, Ree. You just can't trust what they say. He could be lying about everything!"

"He's NOT lying!" I retorted.

"How do you know?"

"I can just feel it. He's changed, and I love him...And you can't stop me."

" careful," he replied after a long pause.

"I will. I promise."

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. I smiled and said goodnight, then got out of his car and went inside. I waved before closing the door and once inside, I went straight to bed, exhausted from the after party.

When I woke, it was the last day of school. We had parties in every class today and senior graduation to attend if we wished. Meg and I were going to skip out and hopefully go bowling, probably bringing Jeremy and Hayden.

"Hey, Ree," she said, sitting next to me on the table at the back of the class. We had been playing twister as a class and fallen, so we were waiting until the next game started.

"Hey, Meg."

"So...Hayden is you Prince Charming, huh?"

"Don't you start too...Seth lectured me the whole way home last night."

"I swear I won't lecture you, but I wanted to warn you."

"About what?"

"People don't change. You may think he's changed, and he may play the part, but people don't change."

"You sound like Seth. Would you just let me be? I trust that he's changed. You read what he said to me, and you didn't even read all of it either! You don't know what he's like now, or what he's going through, so just leave him be!"

Meg stood up and backed up, her hands raised in retreat, "Fine. But if he breaks your heart (or any other part I your body) don't come crying to me."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I said, getting up and pushing roughly past her to leave the room.

I walked down the packed hallways, shoving through the crowds of people laughing, talking and having a good time and all it did was make me feel alone. Sure, I had a boyfriend now, but considering my two best friends don't approve I him, it puts a damper on my spirits. Maybe they're right. Maybe he hasn't changed.

I was upset, so I decided to walk to my special place at the very top of the bleachers. When I got close, I saw that Seth was already sitting up there.

"Marie, what are you doing out here? I was just, uh...thinking..."

I smirked and sat next to him on the bleachers, "It's okay. I come here whenever I'm feeling upset...What's wrong?"


I smirked, "You sound like me. What's wrong, Seth?"

He looked upset, as if he was fighting against himself in his head. He just shook his head and looked away.

"Hey, no seriously, what's wrong?"

"It's just...Hayden..."

"Oh," I said, "He's changed, Seth--"

"No, Marie, it's not that. He looks like he's changed. He's nicer and he looks at you with that...that LOOK...But that's not why I'm upset."

"You know you can tell me anything, Seth."

He shook his head, "Not this..."

He started to get up and walk away, but I grabbed his hand, "Don't leave on my account."

He smirked, but gently pulled his hand away and kept walking, leaving me alone on the bleachers. I watched him walk away, then relaxed against the fencing at the top and pulled out my phone. I ended up texting Hayden to meet me.

"Hey, Hayden. I'm bored, sitting on the bleachers. Meet me?"

"Sure. Come down. I'm underneath you," he replied quickly.

I smirked and looked between the seats and saw him sitting down below, his head in his hands. I quickly ran down them and reached him, "What are you doing here?"

He moved over and let me sit, "Just reminiscing. I've got a lot of memories under here. First kiss, first time being turned down after the kiss, second kiss, second time being turned down after the kiss..."

"How many times did that happen?"


I giggled, "I'm sorry...What other memories."

"All bad ones."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm the one who should be sorry, Marie. I beat you up countless times under here. On purpose. All because of my own conceited pride. I was selfish and thought I was better than everyone. I hurt those who I knew were better than me, and that's why I had no friends."

"You thought I was better than you?"

"Well...I was afraid that you'd be more popular than me, and I was conceited enough to hate you for that."

I paused, then asked, "What made you fall in love with me, Hayden?"

"I dunno...I think it was how kind you were. How much you cared."

"I do care. I'm sorry about your mom and all...I'd let you move in with me, but I don't think mom would like it--"

"Would you consider it?"

"Well, yeah...If you wanted to."

"I'd love to. But only if your mom approves and allows you. I'll stay even if it's in a different room from yours. I'll bunk on the couch if you want."

I paused. By inviting him to live with me, he automatically assumed we'd be sharing a bed. I don't know if I'm ready for that, but I also don't want Hayden to be stuck alone or on the streets because his mom won't let him stay at his own house.

"I'll talk to her tonight. I'm sure she'll let you stay with us--"

"Thank you," he said, slipping his hand into mine. I smiled and lay my head on his shoulder.

After a while of silence, he asked suddenly, "Do you still have any bruises?"

I paused, startled that he'd ask, but shook my head, "No...But I do have one picture that I ended up texting to my mom because Collin made me."

"Can I see it?"

I was hesitant, but pulled out my phone. It was a picture of my ribs that had the bruising and internal bleeding. I handed him my phone and stood up and walked a few feet away, not wanting to see his reaction.

Soon enough, I felt his arms wrap around my waist and a kiss being placed on my neck. He whispered that he was sorry and I turned around and threw my arms around his neck. This felt so right. I've always dreamed of having someone love me like this, and now that I do, I don't ever want to let him go.

As I stood hugging Hayden, I saw out of the corner of my eye, someone run away. I didn't get a good look at them because they entered the building, but it looked like Seth. I ignored it and focused on the feeling of being held so closely like this. I'm going to do my best to persuade mom to let Hayden stay with me.

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