1: A Spring Day in Paris

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There was nothing quite like the city of Paris.

Rikkard stepped onto the crowded street, squinting up at the sign above him. He spoke French well enough, as he had learned it in school, so it was easy to read the signs and navigate to his destination.

He turned to the shorter figure by his side, who was busy trying to secure her top hat from blowing away in the playful breeze.

"Four blocks more," he said.

"Are you sure? It feels like we've been walking in circles," she replied, skepticism in her tone. He sent her a look. She shrugged.

He tapped his walking cane on the pavement. "Come, Mr Linton," he ordered, and she followed his lead, slipping past the people in their way and once again setting out to complete their mission.

They had been on the streets for an hour now. They had arrived in the city only yesterday, sailing in late in the evening and spending the night in the cheapest inn he could find. Now, Rikkard was on the move, with his secretary behind him, tracking down a man by the name of Cartwright.

It was a bold move, trying to purchase land in Paris, especially from a man with an already well-established business. But Rikkard was certain that given the right form of negotiation, he could persuade this Cartwright to give up his space and allow the richest man in England to build a factory instead.

Paris was known for its tourists, from the world over, who came and explored the famed City of Light. His plans to build a new factory would undoubtedly prove satisfactory thanks to the booming tourist industry, and the products he planned to sell would be well worth the hassle of traveling all the way here just to prove to this idiot Cartwright who he was dealing with.

The girl, for her part, was doing her best not to stop and stare at every new store and building she encountered. She had never been to France, apart from their excursion only a year ago to stop Dalgliesh, and that hadn't even been the best immersion into French culture. It was natural to be curious, he supposed, but she was currently taking on the role of a tourist, and not a secretary like she was supposed to.

Still, he held off from reprimanding her for the time being. It was only a matter of time before they found Cartwright, and then they would both be all business.

Rikkard glanced at the street signs once more, noting the names in his mind. He knew the location of Cartwright's business management from his files and in confirmation from Cartwright's letters. He had initially sought the more polite route of acquiring the space in Paris by informing Cartwright that he had better plan on selling his land immediately, since Rikkard was going to buy it. The problem was Cartwright was a stubborn idiot and had refused to sell, explaining that the property was not for sale.

All of which led Rikkard into demanding Cartwright sell, which the man had again refused, so Rikkard had decided he would take the matter into his own hands. He had summoned his secretary, informing her of an immediate departure to Paris, and they had left accordingly to order Cartwright into selling.

No one said no to Rikkard Ambrose.

He smirked inwardly at the thought of Cartwright's face when he discovered them at his doorstep. He hadn't told the man they were coming, since that was a waste of time and ink. It was much more efficient to just show up and order him about.

The search for Cartwright's property led them down into the heart of the city, where art and food and culture mixed into a seamless garment of elegance and class. He watched the girl out of the corner of his eye, her wide eyes soaking in all the sights.

Perhaps he'd show her around one day.

But for now, he could not afford to waste time. So he walked on, Lilly on his heels, making a mental note to tell her more about the city later.

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