Longtime No See

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As we enter the doors shut behind us. "Cliche", I say shaking my head. Meredith just smirks as we begin running. We stop and see a minion in our way. "This looks easy", Meredith says while getting ready for a fight. "Don't underestimate him. With minions come multitudes of them", I say as I get on all fours and transform into a large dire-wolf. All of a sudden lot's more come to this minions aid. I growl and begin running to them. Meredith roars and starts flying to them. We clash and I rip one of the minions heads come flying off and hits another into the ground. I grab one with my jaws and spin whipping them with my tail and I throw it into a group of five making them fly back and hit more. I hear Meredith say out loud, "Strike!" I chuckle internally and begin morphing into a Hybrid leopard. I'm use to changing pain. It is an old friend. Once I  was done changing I begin jumping on them throwing them all over the place and putting gashes in their chests. As we begin to reach the end of the hallway Meredith turns and let's out one large flame incinerating them all. "Why couldn't you have done that earlier?", I say catching my breath. She chuckles and says, "I enjoy a good fight. You also never asked." I growl being slightly mad. We begin to walk through the school as it looks like a literal hell. As we begin to reach the main office four hellhounds are guarding the entry into the main office. I whisper to Meredith, "You take two I take two?" I say with a finger pointed to myself. She nods in agreement. I turn into a hellhound to disguise myself seeing that they leave fur all over the place. I walk up to one and tell two of them telepathically that they are needed in the science hall. They leave and I stand guard and look at the other two and smirk. They question me and I turn into a hybrid hellhound. Oh! I like this better then my hybrid wolf. I grab one and rip him in half. The other latches onto my arm and I try to shake him. He falls to the ground and runs up to me and tackles me to the ground and begins to snap at me. I put my hands in his jaw and try my best to throw him off. I think I should just be a regular hellhound and so I turn into one. We begin to fight and he tries to go for my throat and I try to go for his. Wait his legs. I go under him making him fly and jump on top of him and go straight for his throat. "Wait!", he said this. I looked at him confused and then watch as he begins turning into a human form. He is tall with slick black hair and blue eyes. I know those eyes! I turn into my human form. "Adam?", I say walking to him. "Yes!", He hugs me. "Longtime no see old friend", He says going back. "So this is what happened to you after those demons got your soul from heaven?", I say looking confused. "Yeah they made me into this", He says opening his arms and showing off what he his. "So why are you guarding this demon warlock?", I say while we walk into the main office. He made it look even bigger. He actually intends to fight. "He is the one that made me into this.", he says, "So I have to guard him but maybe if you kill him maybe you can change me back into myself and I can go back and see my beautiful Eve again." I look at him thinking and say, "Maybe. Maybe we can save you." He looks at me confused. "We?" just as he says that Meredith swoops in and lands and turns into her human form. "We", I say motioning to her. He looks and tries not to laugh. "What is so funny huh?" Meredith says looking at him with her dragon eyes. "Oh. Nothing." he cowers and continues leading us. "Here he is. Be careful." He says changing back into a hellhound and running the way we came. "Well, you ready?" I say to Meredith. She nods. "Ok, let's go." I say changing into a hybrid hellhound. This should be an interesting fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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