18 (1)

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3rd person//

"What the fuck, Yoongi?" Jimin raised his arms in defence against Yoongi's hits, but he ended up having to grab Yoongi's wrists to actually stop him. Apparently, Jimin's pleas for mercy weren't enough. "What happened?"

"You know damn well what's happened, cunt." Jimin gasped in faux offence and lowered Yoongi's arms with little to no difficulty even though Yoongi was trying to put up a fight against him. "Y-you, fucking- you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin tilted his head to the right and he had to hold in a laugh as Yoongi pointed a warning finger at him like an old lady.

Yoongi was all but fuming at this point, both out of embarrassment and general annoyance - maybe even anger, and all Jimin did was look fucking adorable. Sitting there with his beautiful fucking eyes, looking. How dared he?

"You do know what I'm talking about!" Yoongi pouted as Jimin yanked him forward by his arms, making him topple over and he had to steady himself against Jimin's chest. "Take. It. Down," Yoongi gritted out between his clenched teeth, and his eyebrows knitted together as his lips turned into a deeper frown.

He could feel Jimin's thighs shift under him, as the fall had resulted in Yoongi straddling Jimin's lap, but he was too salty to pay that any mind. At least not a lot of mind.

"Aw, but Yoongs," Yoongi felt a little tinge of affection course through his body at the nickname, but he was still mad. He was about to protest but Jimin beat him to it. "You look so good in that picture, I couldn't help myself~" A warm smile spread across Jimin's face, but all it did was aggravate Yoongi further.

"No, I don't," Yoongi mumbled and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away to hide his blush. He hated when Jimin made him blush. Unfortunately, that seemed to be what he did the most when he was with Jimin.

"What?" Jimin had to laugh, he was joking, right? He must've heard him wrong or something. Surely he didn't mean it, Jimin was just reading too much into it. "What do you mean you don't?"

"Never mind. Forget I said anything," Yoongi huffed and tucked a bit of his way-too-long-for-comfort fringe behind his ear. "But, you know... you can see basically everything."

Jimin tilted his head to the side and he shook his head. "And?" He didn't want to sound pissed off, but what kind of nonsense was Yoongi on about? "You don't have anything to be embarrassed about, you're gorgeous."

There was another protest resting at the tip of Yoongi's tongue, but it turned into a snort when he saw Jimin's goofy smile. "Thank you." Jimin didn't think much about it before he kissed Yoongi, but he figured that it'd be alright since they're dating and all that now. Which it was, at first. "J-jimin-" Yoongi tried to stutter out when he could feel the tip of Jimin's tongue gently press against his lips. "Jimin I'm not that- I'm not very good at-"

"Oh shut up, you did it just fine the other day," Jimin smirked as it effectively shut Yoongi up and Yoongi rolled his eyes but complied as he was the one to initiate the next kiss. He felt his back curl as the kiss grew deeper and he had to move away for air.

"Don't think you can-hnnm-distract me, you're still taking down that picture." Yoongi had to calm himself before he got too excited, but having Jimin pull at his hair as the kisses got sloppier and sloppier didn't make that as easy as it could be.

Suddenly, a loud ding erupted from Yoongi's back-pocket. He tried to break the kiss to retrieve his phone, but that didn't work, so he had to try and fish it out of there anyway.

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