Earth skills (Part 1)

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   I start to wake up. My vision was blurry for a few seconds but was quickly regained. I jumped up and looked around. I was inside the drop ship on the second floor. "How did I?" I ask myself while looking around. "I carried you up here." I here a voice say. I turn and see Bellamy sitting looking at me. "You little..." I began to say but am quickly stopped when Bellamy stands up. "Look you were out of control and freaking out." He says. Then I remember. "Wells..Where is he!?" I ask. Bellamy opens the latch and goes down the latter and I'm not far behind.
   We get to the bottom and a girl is there putting her cloths back on. I hadn't noticed until now but Bellamy is shirtless. Then I hear Wells's voice. I run out of the drop ship and see him. I run up to him and give him a big hum. "Oh my god your ok!" I say. We stumble back a little then I pull away and look at his wrist. "It's gone.." I say and look up to him. He nods. A man walks up to us and looks at the clothes in Wells's hands. "Hey, where'd you get the clothes?" He ask. We both look at the man. "Buried the two kids who died during he landing." He says in response. I look at him with a smile then back at the guy. "Smart... You know, I'll take it from here." He says and tries to grab the clothes. "Back off!" I yell at him and kick his leg and he falls to the ground. "We share based on need, just like back home." Wells says.
   Bellamy and a girl walk out of the drop ship. Bellamy still didn't have a shirt on. He kissed the girl on the cheek then she left. "You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor?" He says. We all look at him and I scuff. "This is home now. Your fathers rules no longer apply." He adds while walking up to us. He grabs a shirt and steps back. Wells tries to grab it back but the guy from before pushes him back. "You want it back, take it." Bellamy says holding the shirt up.
   Wells looks at Bellamy for a second then turns and throws the stuff. A bunch of people run for the stuff. I turn and look back at Bellamy. He starts to put the shirt on. I walk up to him and push him a little. "Is this what you want? Chaos?" I ask. He smiles. "What's wrong with a little Chaos?" He ask. Then a girl starts to scream. I turn in the direction of the screams and run in that direction. Bellamy was also going. When I arrive I see Murphy holding a girl to the fire. "Murphy!" I yell. He looks up at me then looks at Bellamy. "Bellamy, Check it out. We want the ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figured it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first." He says with a smile on his face. Wells runs up to him and pushes him off the girl. I run over and help the girl up.
   Wells turn and looks at Bellamy. "You can stop this." He says. Bellamy looks at him confused. "Stop this? I'm just getting started." He says. Murphy gets up and punches Wells and continues. "Wells!" I trying to get to him but Bellamy grabs me like before and whispers in my ear. "The more you try to save him the more people will think he is weak and attack him. Let him handle it." He says and holds me still. I struggle to get free. "No. Murphy! Stop it!" I yell but he continues.
   Murphy and wells fall to the floor but now wells is the one punching Murphy. I had never seen him like this. I stopped struggling and Bellamy let's go of me. Wells stud up and look at Bellamy. "Don't you see you can't control this?" He says. Bellamy looks around. I look at Murphy and see he has a knife. He stands up. "You're dead." Murphy says. I step in front of him and pull out my knife. "You first." I say. He looks me up and down. Bellamy steps in front and puts his hand up to stop Murphy. "Wait." Bellamy looks at me then over at Wells. A couple of guys grab my arms and I drop my knife.
   Bellamy kicks it over to Wells. "Fair fight." He says. I'm pulled out of the way. Everyone starts mumbling. Wells picks up the knife and they start to swing. Murphy goes at Wells and cute his stomach. "Watch out!" I yell. Murphy runs at Wells. "This is for my father!" Murphy yells. Wells somehow spins him around and holds the knife the Murphy's throat. "Drop it!" Wells yells at Murphy.
   Then Clarke comes out of nowhere. "Wells! Let him go." She yells. She walks up to them. I look at the guys holding my arms. Hey we're distracted. I slipped my arm out of one of there's grasp and elbow him in the face. Then I grab the other from the back of their neck and slam my knee into his stomach. He falls to the ground. I run up to Clarke and look at Wells. Wells pushes Murphy to the ground. Murphy jumps up and Bellamy grabs him. "Enough, Murphy." He says. Bellamy turns to see his sister hurt and runs to her side. "Octavia. Are you alright?" He ask taking her out of Monty's hands. "Yeah." She replies in pain. Bellamy looks at Clarke. "Where's the food?" He ask. I look at Clark. "We didn't make it to mount weather." Finn says. "What?" I ask. "What the hell happen out there?" Bellamy asked obviously annoyed.
   Clark looks at me. "We were attached." She says. Wells looks at her confused. "Attacked? By what?" He ask. "Not what. Who." Finn adds.
"Turns out when the last man from the ground died on the ark, He wasn't the last grounder." He continues. "It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong.  There are people here. Survivors." Clarke says. Everyone starts to mumble. "The good news is, that means we can survive.  Radiation won't kill us." She finishes. "Yeah, the bad news is the grounders will." Finn says.
   I was so confused. Survivors? Then I noticed something. "Where's the kid with the goggles?" I ask. Clarke looks at me. "Jasper was hit. They took him." Clarke says. I sigh and looks at the ground. "Where is your wristband?" Clarke ask while grabbing Wells's arm. I look up at Bellamy. "Ask him." I say. Bellamy looks at us. Clarke takes a step towards him. "How many?" She asked. "24 and counting." Murphy mumbles. "You idiots." Clarke says. She looks around at everyone. "Life support on the ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us." She says and looks at me. What, life support is dying..why didn't she tell me. 'What about Damon?' I think. I guess she new who I was thinking about.
She looked over at Bellamy. "We're stronger then you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same?" Bellamy states. People start to mumble. "We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore!" He says. I look at him annoyed. "They can say they'll forget your crimes. I say your not criminals! You're fighters, your survivors! The grounders should worry about us!" He adds. Everyone cheers. Clarke walks away and Monty follows. "What do we do now?" Monty ask. "Now we go after Jasper." She says and they walk away.
After a few minutes I walk up to Bellamy and Octavia. "I need to talk to you." I say. Bellamy turns and looks at me then continues to help his sisters leg. "I'm busy." He says. I sigh and bend down. "Move over." I say. He moves his hands. I grab the cloth and grab a stick. "This is gonna hurt." I say. I grab Bellamy's hand and place the stick on her leg vertically. "Hold that." I say. He nods. I tie the cloth over the stick then turn the stick, tightening the cloth. "Owe!" Octavia says. I take her hand and make her hold the stick in its position. "There that will stop the bleeding." I say. I stand up and look at Bellamy. "Now can we talk?" I ask. He looks at me then at Octavia. She nods and he stands up.
We walk a little away from prying ears. "What?" He says sassy. I take a step towards him. "What they hell is your problem. What, do you get off on watching people get the shit beat out of them?" I say. He scuffs and turn to walk away. I grab the back of his arm and he turn and looks back at me. "Look you wanna play king, fine do it. I don't care." I say and take a step closer to we're out faces we're only inches apart. "But don't you dear start to think your god, you don't decide who lives and dies!" I finish. He turns fully towards me. "I never said I was." He says. Our faces were so close it reminded me of Damon. "We both know if Clarke wouldn't of stepped in you would have let Murphy kill him." I say. He looks at me. But not for long he's eyes examined my face. Just like Damon would do. I took a step away from him then walked off.
Clarke walks out of the ship with Wells and Finn behind her. "Are you guys leaving? I'm coming too." Octavia says. Bellamy walks back over to them. "No, no your not." He says. "He's right. Your leg's just gonna slow us down." She says. She turns her body towards Bellamy. "I'm here for you. I here you have a gun." She says. Bellamy lifts up the bottom of his shirt and shows he gun. "Good. Follow me." She says and starts to walk away. I run up to her and walk beside her. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You are going nowhere." She says. I stop and grab her arm. "What? Yes I'm coming with you." I say. She looks at me. "No you're not, you're staying here." She says. "Clarke, I'm coming with..." I say but before I could finish she cuts me off. "I said no Petra and I mean no!" She yells. Everyone looks at us. Bellamy even looked surprised. I scuff and walks backwards slowly. "Of course..Whatever you say, princess?" I say and turn walking into the woods. I had heard Bellamy and Finn calm he that and I know she hated it. "Petra?" Clarke yells then sighs and continues walking.
   I ignored her and took off. After about 5 minutes I was a good distance away and laid against a tree. I looked up at the sky for a while then I fell asleep. After awhile I woke up and it was dark. I laid up and looked around. I stud up and brushed myself off and started to head back to camp.
   I arrive and see everyone eating some kind of meat. I walk past the campfire and feel someone grabs my hand. I quickly turn to see Murphy. "If you take off the bracelet you can eat.. How long has it been?" He says. I pull my arm away and turn. He touches my shoulder and I turn around and punch him in the face. He falls to the ground, holding his nose. Everyone turned and looked at us. "Don't you dare touch me! Not after what you did!" I say. He looks up at me pissed. "Whoa what's going on?" Bellamy says pushing through the crowd. "Nothing Bellamy." Murphy says. Bellamy turns and looks at me. I look up at him. He had that same look in his eyes as last time. That look that tells you he only wants to know from you. I scuff. "Go float yourself Bellamy!" I say with sass and turn away and walk to the drop ship. I walk inside and there was Wells with two sticks with food on them. He smiles at me and holds one out to me. I smile and take it. We eat then fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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